Almost everyone enjoys a good glass of wine after a long day, but did you ever stop to wonder how the exact bottle you're looking for makes its way to the grocery store shelf? Analytics has a lot to do with it, as SAS demonstrated to attendees at the National
Recently someone on social media asked, "how can I compute the required sample size for a binomial test?" I assume from the question that the researcher was designing an experiment to test the proportions between two groups, such as a control group and a treatment/intervention group. They wanted to know
Data science can be a bit of a lonely job. It’s a shortage specialty, so many data scientists may be the only ones employed by their company. But they still need to learn about what’s new and exciting in the data science world. I caught up with Josefin Rosén about
I've read several articles that mentioned the north magnetic pole has been moving more in the past few decades, than in the previous few hundred years. And as a Map Guy, I knew I just had to plot this data on a map, and see it for myself! I provide
Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it affects our lives -- there are even AI toothbrushes! But how do businesses use AI to help them compete in the market? According to Gartner research, only half of all AI projects are deployed and 90% take more than three
올해 1월 IDC에서 발표한 ‘IDC 마켓스케이프: 2019-2020년 전 세계 범용 인공지능 소프트웨어 플랫폼 벤더 평가(IDC MarketScape: Worldwide General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence Software Platforms 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment)’ 보고서에서 SAS가 리더로 선정되었습니다🙌🙌 IDC에서 인공지능(AI) 플랫폼 공급업체들을 평가한 것은 이번이 처음이었는데요. IDC 마켓스케이프 보고서는 수익 및 시장성을 비롯해 기업별 AI 전략 및 기능에 대한
Today’s business banking models are changing. Internal rating models enjoyed the spotlight for a long time, but new topics are already catching on. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are key new elements in addition to traditional techniques for model development. EU and international regulators have also taken an active interest
How do you convince busy IT integration partners to take a deep dive into new technology without asking them to also first sell a solution to a client? After all, time is money for implementation partners. At SAS, we are keen to introduce our partners and, through them, more clients
In a previous article, I showed how to perform collinearity diagnostics in SAS by using the COLLIN option in the MODEL statement in PROC REG. For models that contain an intercept term, I noted that there has been considerable debate about whether the data vectors should be mean-centered prior to
Meet Stefan Stoyanov. He’s an MSc Business Analytics student with a passion for emerging technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence to augmented and virtual reality.
Oggi i modelli di business nel settore bancario stanno cambiando: i modelli di internal rating sono stati a lungo sotto i riflettori, ma nuove tecniche di modellazione stanno già prendendo piede. Machine Learning e Intelligenza Artificiale sono nuovi elementi chiave che si aggiungono alle tecniche tradizionali per lo sviluppo dei
O ano 2019 foi especial para o SAS Portugal, porque comemorámos o nosso 25º aniversário. Foram vários os momentos de celebração, não só no SAS Fórum Portugal, como em alguns momentos especiais com clientes de vários anos. Para fechar este ano, e depois de uma série de artigos aqui publicados
Natural Language Processing can offer invaluable benefits to councils and increase resident satisfaction.
The Johnson system (Johnson, 1949) contains a family of four distributions: the normal distribution, the lognormal distribution, the SB distribution (which models bounded distributions), and the SU distribution (which models unbounded distributions). Note that 'B' stands for 'bounded' and 'U' stands for 'unbounded.' A previous article explains the purpose of
The coronavirus has been a big item in the news lately - it's a pneumonia-like illness that has killed several people. It's thought to have started in China, and has spread to several other countries (including at least one case in the U.S.). The World Health Organization says the coronavirus
Mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI) are natural partners. I can only apologise to anyone who hated maths at school for this statement, but to my mind, it’s impossible to engage with AI without understanding some maths. One commentator summed it up: “A person working in the field of AI who
In my previous post, I shared how I’ve been working on a fascinating project with one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. The company is applying SAS Viya computer vision capabilities to an advanced medical device to help identify potential quality issues on the production line. By providing 100% visual
The flu season has started here in the U.S., and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data it has caused 214 deaths in the first week of 2020. Is this number higher, or lower, than usual? When does the flu season start, and how long does
I was recently asked about how to interpret the output from the COLLIN (or COLLINOINT) option on the MODEL statement in PROC REG in SAS. The example in the documentation for PROC REG is correct but is somewhat terse regarding how to use the output to diagnose collinearity and how
This blog continues the conversation and about why innovations succeed or fail, and the importance of both timing and chance.
Learn how to get started with self-service data prep in these go-to articles.
This guest post was written by Candice Creasman, PhD, owner of Creasman Counseling. The Work/Life Center is so grateful to Candice for sharing her expertise with SAS employees and their families. You can learn more about Candice and Creasman Counseling at the bottom of this page. Should I Stay or
A relação do SAS com a Lusitania Seguros – a 1ª Companhia de Seguros a surgir no mercado segurador com capitais 100% nacionais – data de 2014, aquando da implementação da solução de Firmwide Risk Management, com o projeto de Solvência II. Dois anos mais tarde, foi implementada a Solução
Subscription fraud ‘disappearing acts’ have economic, human and reputational consequences. What were initially isolated cases have now become a systemic industry issue for telecommunication companies worldwide. In fact, the CFCA reports an approximate $2.03 Bn. lost to fraud every year due to subscription fraud through impersonation. Other variants of subscription fraud through applications and ‘credit muling’ contribute an additional $1.93 Bn. and $1.75 Bn. respectively.
AI innovations range from unique modelling techniques and computer vision efforts to medical diagnostic tools and self-driving cars. Within that wide range of technology, what should you consider patenting? Which of your discoveries are true intellectual property that necessitate protection? A little thought upfront could help you to know what
From the early days of probability and statistics, researchers have tried to organize and categorize parametric probability distributions. For example, Pearson (1895, 1901, and 1916) developed a system of seven distributions, which was later called the Pearson system. The main idea behind a "system" of distributions is that for each
Where in your business process can analytics and AI play a contributing role in enhancing your decision making capability? At the information interpretation stage. As a framework for understanding where analytic and AI opportunities may arise, the simple diagram below illustrates the relationships between data, information and knowledge, and how
I asked Jaimy van Dijk if it's true or false if analytics has huge potential in sport.
Why HR is key to driving change in the public sector – powered by data and analytics.
We've made it to the halfway point of January, which means most of the industry's annual predictions have been published. Who's guessing what? And how should you prepare for the year ahead? From dark data to hyperpersonalization, analytics is at the core of all these predictions. SAS experts have been