Search Results: sgplot (969)

SAS Taiwan 0

一般使用者常常希望能以不同之統計圖,展示資料之特性。運用SAS/GRAPH 新版之SG系列程序,可以讓使用者非常容易的將資料,以更有效率之統計圖,展示資料內容。本文再進一步,提供以下SAS /GRAPH之SG系列程序使用範例。 <<範例一>> << 程式 : 製作水平盒鬚圖 >> 程式說明如下 : 1. ODS LISTING CLOSE: 將SAS/GRAPH 輸出視窗關閉。 2. ODS HTML PATH=’C:OUTPUT’ BODY=’BOX.HTML’: PATH宣告儲存之子目錄,BODY宣告儲存之檔名。將盒鬚圖以HTML格式儲存於 C:OUTPUT BOX.HTML之檔案。 3. PROC SGPLOT:運用SGPLOT 程序,製作水平盒鬚圖。 4. HBOX MPG_CITY: 以MPG_CITY 變數為分析變數,製作水平盒鬚圖。 5. CATEGORY=TYPE: 以TYPE 變數為水平組別,製作水平盒鬚圖。 6. ODS HTML CLOSE: 將SAS/GRAPH 輸出至HTML之檔案關閉。 7. ODS LISTING: 將SAS/GRAPH 輸出視窗再度開啟,以便後續輸出之用。 水平盒鬚圖,結果如下:

Rick Wicklin 0
Longitudinal data: The response-profile model

Longitudinal data are used in many health-related studies in which individuals are measured at multiple points in time to monitor changes in a response variable, such as weight, cholesterol, or blood pressure. There are many excellent articles and books that describe the advantages of a mixed model for analyzing longitudinal

Analytics | Data Visualization
Rick Wicklin 0
Create biplots in SAS

Biplots are two-dimensional plots that help to visualize relationships in high dimensional data. A previous article discusses how to interpret biplots for continuous variables. The biplot projects observations and variables onto the span of the first two principal components. The observations are plotted as markers; the variables are plotted as

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