
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Rick Wicklin 0
A quantile definition for skewness

Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of a univariate distribution. I have previously shown how to compute the skewness for data distributions in SAS. The previous article computes Pearson's definition of skewness, which is based on the standardized third central moment of the data. Moment-based statistics are sensitive to

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
분석, 전 세계 마약 범죄 네트워크를 무너뜨릴 수 있는 힘

최근 양귀비 불법 재배와 연예인 마약 사건이 잇달아 발생하면서 국내에서는 멀게 느껴졌던 마약 범죄에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있습니다. 실제 관세청은 올해 상반기 마약 밀수가 전년 대비 2.6배 증가했으며, 밀수된 마약의 종류까지 다양해졌다고 발표했는데요. 국가는 이처럼 급증하는 마약 밀수를 차단하기 위해 조사 인력과 장비를 확충하고, 검색 기법을 적극 개발하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 이미

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Scott Batchelor 0
5 questions about artificial intelligence with Intel's Pat Richards

Artificial intelligence promises to transform society on the scale of the industrial, technical, and digital revolutions before it. Machines that can sense, reason and act will accelerate solutions to large-scale problems in myriad of fields, including science, finance, medicine and education, augmenting human capability and helping us to go further,

Mike Gilliland 0
2017 SAS/IIF forecasting research grants

For the fifteenth year, the International Institute of Forecasters, in collaboration with SAS®, is proud to announce research grants for how to improve forecasting methods and business forecasting practice. The award for the 2017-2018 year will be two $5,000 grants, in Business Applications and Methodology. Criteria for the award of

Analytics | Data Management | Machine Learning
Andreas Becks 0
Paradies gesucht? Die Daten haben West Perth gefunden

Wollten Sie schon immer mal an einem Ort leben, wo es kostenlosen öffentlichen Nahverkehr gibt, die höchste Dichte an Self-Made-Millionären herrscht, wo jedem Einwohner umgerechnet ca. fünf Golfplätze an Grünflächen zur Verfügung stehen oder es 84.274,6 km Fußgängerwege gibt? Willkommen in West Perth! Zumindest analytisch gesehen ist der kleine Stadtteil

Analytics | Machine Learning
Joanna Gola 0
10 Commandments of Applied Econometrics or how not to sin when working with real data – Part 5

In the fourth post of the 10 Commandments of Applied Econometrics series we discussed the issues of keeping the solutions sensibly simple and applying model validation. Today, I will present another commandment related to data mining techniques. Use data mining reasonably. In the econometric community, data mining is a controversial and highly emotional

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