Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Nick Johnson 0
Your guide for analyzing real time data with streaming analytics from SAS® Viya® on Azure

This article was co-written by Jane Howell, IoT Product Marketing Leader at SAS. Check out her blog profile for more information. As artificial intelligence comes of age and data continues to disrupt traditional industry boundaries, the need for real-time analytics is escalating as organizations fight to keep their competitive edge.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
José Mutis O. 0
Colombia habilita un nuevo centro de monitoreo y analítica de conectividad y muestra el camino a otros países

Hace algunas semanas, el Gobierno colombiano y más exactamente el Ministerio TIC presentaron DataTIC. Según explicaron los representantes del gobierno, se trata de un centro de análisis de datos que va a estar ubicado en las instalaciones del Ministerio de las TIC y que usa los conocimientos y herramientas de la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud
Santiago Fainstein 0
La nube potenciada con analítica: la manera más inteligente de impulsar la innovación empresarial

La nube potenciada con analítica, la propuesta de tecnología aplicada a los negocios que SAS y Microsoft han venido desarrollando de manera conjunta desde el 2020, tiene el potencial de convertirse en una de las soluciones empresariales más importantes de los últimos años y catalizador de los nuevos niveles de

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Ricardo Salama 0
A mentalidade da jornada digital

Vivemos tempos de mudanças rápidas e intensas. As inovações tecnológicas cada vez mais impactam as vidas das pessoas e das organizações, que precisam instantaneamente acompanhar o acelerado passo da digitalização. Observamos isso como nunca antes no ano de 2020. Espelho disso foi a evolução da computação em nuvem, tecnologia que

Advanced Analytics
Sophia Rowland 0
Generating word embeddings

Word embeddings are the learned representations of words within a set of documents. Each word or term is represented as a real-valued vector within a vector space. Terms or words that reside closer to each other within that vector space are expected to share similar meanings. Thus, embeddings try to capture the meaning of each word or term through its relationships with the other words in the corpus.

Advanced Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Waldemar Razik 0
Actuarial Transformation and Execution at Speed guarantee Competitive Pricing in Insurance

Actuarial practice has always been analytical—so how much is advanced analytics disrupting this element of insurance? We discussed this issue in a recent #SASchat. The importance of competitive pricing Analytics is now being used in more and more areas in insurance, and particularly to tailor pricing more precisely to customers’

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Has your company considered a managed application service for demand planning?

The need for agile, accurate demand planning has never been greater. When considering migrating your demand management application to a cloud-native solution, you might experience platform management challenges ranging from lacking the resources needed to oversee application operations, to manipulating maintenance tasks that may distract from growing the business. Why

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Jihye Yoo 0
[SGF시리즈 #3] 성공의 열쇠 AI, 혁신적인 리더가 성장을 주도하는 방식

싱가포르에 본사를 둔 ADDO AI사는 인공 지능으로 세계를 변화시키고 있는 기술 기업으로, 세계 유수의 기업을 고객으로 두고 있는 있습니다. 이 회사의 공동 설립자 겸 대표 아예사 칸나(Ayesha Khanna)가 지난 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 실제 기업의 사례를 중심으로 AI 트렌드를 소개하며, AI를 이용하여 경쟁에 앞서갈 수 있는 방법을 소개했습니다. 기계는 우리를 어떻게

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Falko Schulz 0
Analyzing movement and tracking data using SAS Visual Analytics

Technological advancements in connectivity and global positioning systems (GPS) have led to increased data tracking and related business use cases to analyze such movements. Whether analyzing a vehicle, an animal or a population's movements - each use case requires analyzing underlying spatial information. Global challenges such as virus outbreaks, deforestation

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
Economía de datos: una apuesta de los países para impulsar el crecimiento con innovación

¿Qué tienen en común una empresa norteamericana que desarrolla la próxima generación de automóviles sin conductor; una fintech que otorga préstamos en Colombia sin historial crediticio y una farmacéutica global que desarrolla un tratamiento para virus como el Covid-19? Los datos. Considerados como el “nuevo petróleo” o el motor del

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Is your demand management process stuck in the 1990s?

Demand management concepts are now over 30 years old. The first use of the term "demand management" surfaced in the commercial sector in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Before that, the focus was on a more siloed approach to demand forecasting and planning that was manual and used simple

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