Hace un par de semanas participé en un torneo de fútbol 7 con mis compañeros de SAS. Mientras calentábamos, uno de los más jóvenes se puso las manos en las rodillas, las flexionó, las estiró un par de veces y dijo: "Vamos a hacer un calentamiento noventero". Se partió de
Tag: analytics
Inzicht krijgen in de kracht van analytics én leren omgaan met analytische software. En dat terwijl je gewoon een spel speelt. Dat is de SAS Energy Game. Inmiddels hebben al honderden studenten het spel gespeeld en daarmee hun analytische vaardigheden versterkt. Meer mensen kennis laten maken met analytics Data is
Las diferentes crisis locales y mundiales del presente siglo, al igual que las normas y mejores prácticas del mercado aplicadas y en vías de instaurar, han exhibido los retos del sistema financiero. Situado en el marco de un mercado creciente, competitivo, voraz, exigente e innovador, afianzado, en buena medida, por
From rising operating costs to wage inflation, business leaders are facing challenges on an unprecedented scale. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, this is driving the need for more in-depth data gathering, understanding and insight generation to inform smarter decision making and identify cost-saving opportunities. Some might remember
In the public sector, agencies and organizations are increasingly using analytics to prioritize and plan their activities. In a sector characterized by the need to get value for money for the public, and often with limited resources, using data-driven work processes is essential. The NVWA, Dutch Food and Consumer Product
Estamos en la recta final de 2022, un año de grandes desafíos, pero también de oportunidades relevantes para las organizaciones de todo el mundo. Durante más de dos años, su fortaleza y resiliencia pasaron duras pruebas y hoy están aplicando las lecciones aprendidas para retornar su camino hacia el crecimiento
Higher Education has been slow to adopt analytics in comparison to the commercial sector, but those institutions that have embraced a culture of analytics have seen significant and tangible results. Higher Education analytics can help in nearly every corner of academia including enrollment and retention, student success, academic research and
Los equipos deportivos generan datos de una amplia gama de fuentes. Estos permiten conocer el estado físico y el desempeño de los jugadores, cómo se están manejando las operaciones e incluso la experiencia que están viviendo los aficionados. La analítica les permite obtener los insights que les darán una ventaja
Many businesses across the United Kingdom (UK) face price increases, cutbacks, or potential closures as they grapple with rising energy costs. The utilities market is facing its biggest challenge. It is set to be under scrutiny for a long time - with a supply shortage, inflation, rising demand and the
September honors Recovery Month, emphasizing hope for recovery in behavioral health, especially from substance use disorders (SUD). A key motto of Recovery Month is that Recovery Happens, helping people know that even at rock bottom, things can improve. We all need that hope at various points in our lives. Often,
Estudos indicam que, ao longo dos últimos anos, aumentaram os casos de propagação de discursos de ódio e de notícias falsas. Especialmente no ano de 2022 há uma preocupação muito grande quanto à utilização desses recursos ilegítimos para finalidades eleitorais. Técnicas analíticas podem ser empregadas para estimular campanhas eleitorais que
O escândalo de 2018 envolvendo a campanha do então candidato à presidência Donald Trump em 2016, o Facebook e a empresa Cambridge Analytica estimulou debates acerca da proteção e acesso aos dados. À época, foi revelado pela mídia que as informações de mais de 50 milhões de usuários do Facebook
The IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge provides a great opportunity to validate our software against real-world scenarios using complex data sets. Not only do we learn from these projects, but we also send feedback to our development teams to further improve product capabilities for customers.
Football has finally come home for the England women’s football team. Now we need a nation of lions and lionesses willing to roar the tones of the lightning seeds. Does anybody know the words? It’s a shame Ella’s goal was not the winner as it was well worthy of winning
Tanto en la vida como en los negocios, conocer nuestras limitaciones es importante para progresar. Desarrollar una estrategia analítica figura entre las cosas que pueden generar mucho valor para una empresa, pero es crucial entender lo que nos impide comenzar algo nuevo. En un artículo anterior, invité a ese proceso
Customer acquisition and retention primarily fall on sales and marketing teams. But every department within an insurance company has a role to play in these activities. Claims handling is a great example. Any insurer's performance at this emotionally charged time is their litmus test. It can determine whether customers renew
En este inicio de año, muchos ejecutivos de TI están basando su planeación en cómo pueden apoyar mejor la estrategia de su organización. Los datos son un aspecto crucial del modo de hacer negocio de la mayoría de las empresas innovadoras, y la manufactura no es la excepción a la
Las organizaciones están bastante conscientes de que las cosas pueden cambiar radicalmente en cuestión de semanas. La experiencia de los dos últimos años les ha hecho reconocer la necesidad de tener la capacidad de tomar decisiones inteligentes a partir de datos confiables que puedan llevar a resultados positivos. En este
Hace unas semanas, anunciamos el convenio de colaboración entre el SAS Institute y la Universidad Europea con el objetivo de formar perfiles analíticos gracias a nuestras certificaciones SAS para docencia. En particular, los estudiantes del Doble Grado en Business Analytics + Administración y Dirección de Empresas, así como de los
Research, supply chain, manufacturing, and sales increasingly depend on partnerships in a digital ecosystem. Cloud-based analytics makes it possible to collaborate intelligently at scale. For years, life sciences companies have been justifiably cautious about moving their data science functions into the cloud. Although the industry’s central purpose is to accelerate
As promised in this latest blog about the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit in London, here’s an update from the second day at the SAS booth. To make a long story short, each day the SAS booth team posed a question to attendees visiting the booth. They could submit three
After two years of virtual events we finally got the chance to attend (an in-person event at) the Gartner Data & AI Summit that took place in London. Keen to take advantage of the combined knowledge and experience of the +1500 attendees, we decided to ask them a question at
They look the same, don’t they? It can be hard to tell one duck from another, but one of them is from a bad egg (I’ll tell you which one at the end of the article). Business rules are a bit like this. They find you lots of alerts, but
The city of Heidelberg, Germany is known for its romantic cityscape, which attracts tourists from all over the world. It also has the youngest population in Germany, thanks largely to the many students at one of Europe's oldest and largest universities. Perhaps less well known is that Heidelberg is twinned
The Proc Python procedure, Python code editor & Python code step facilitate low-code analytics calling Python and SAS from a common interface. Data scientists also appreciate the connection to Python & R through the Model Studio Open-source Code node. Older methods of interaction include the swat and sas_kernel packages running on Python clients.
Data visualization is a critical way for anyone to turn endless rows of data into easy-to-understand results through dynamic and understandable visuals. Whether your favorite visualization is a pie chart, a geographic map or relies on natural language, showing the insights that empower you to make more informed decisions is a better way to do data-driven business. Analyst firms say that SAS has market-leading data visualization. This helps users across the globe find insights in their data using new and exciting trends in data visualization.
On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le
When I started working at SAS in 2005, one of the most popular ways to use SAS software was the SAS Analytics Pro bundle on SAS®9. And why not? It provided all the analytics power of trusty SAS Display Manager coupled with the elegance and ease of use of SAS®
Om innovatie op het gebied van data en analytics op een laagdrempelige manier voor ziekenhuizen toegankelijk te maken, bieden SAS en PW Consulting de Healthcare Startup Service aan. Een stapsgewijze aanpak die ziekenhuizen helpt om meer waarde uit hun data en analytics projecten te halen en tevens makkelijk te kunnen
The fight against fraud and money laundering is an ongoing one. Fraudsters move fast to stay ahead of their targets, and it is hard for organizations to keep on top of the situation. New regulations have recently targeted anti-money laundering as a way to prevent terrorist financing and tax avoidance