Everyone has been there. That crucial moment when you must ask yourself the question "What do I want to do with my life?". This question can be scary and difficult to answer. Yet, some lucky ones quickly find their path. And it's not only a path that makes sense, but
Tag: analytics
Tout le monde est passé par là. Ce moment crucial où il faut se poser la question « Qu’est-ce que je veux bien faire de ma vie ? ». Cette question peut faire peur et être difficile à résoudre. Pourtant, quelques chanceux trouvent rapidement leur voie. Non seulement une voie
Geen sector die de afgelopen twee jaar zo hard onder druk stond als de gezondheidszorg. En ook nu het einde van de pandemie in zicht lijkt, zullen veel uitdagingen rond Healthcare en Life Sciences niet verdwijnen. Gelukkig investeren zowel overheden als ziekenhuizen en farmaceutische bedrijven fors in data en analytics
2022 será un año especial y sui géneris en muchos sentidos. Llega en medio de una realidad muy distinta a la que vivíamos al inicio de 2020, en la que la gente y las empresas han tenido que aprender a ser resilientes y adaptarse rápidamente a nuevos escenarios. En el
The pandemic has definitely left its mark on the scale of the fraud we’re witnessing in the insurance industry. The key reason behind this is the economic recession. Whenever we observed a decline in a country’s GDP, an increase in fraud rates followed. When GDP fell by an average of
The process changes that are taking place in the insurance world are massive. More and more insurance companies allow for remote sales of life products and entire sales processes have been simplified for the benefit of the customer. However, opportunities for abuse arose with them as well. A simpler process
Uma das profissões mais cobiçadas e bem remuneradas atualmente é a de Cientista de Dados. Grandes empresas de telecomunicações, instituições financeiras e redes de varejo estão formando times com estes profissionais, e o movimento não é restrito às grandes corporações. Empresas médias também estão sedentas em busca de cientista de
“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected
Com metáforas interessantes, comparando dados e tecnologia com fazendas e foguetes, Kendji Wolf se orgulha dos algoritmos e das conquistas na Via Varejo. Atualmente a companhia conta com a Via Hubby, que administra toda parte tecnológica da empresa, como sistemas, arquitetura e dados. O executivo abre um parênteses para reflexão:
Vitor Vicente, head de vendas para telecom e varejo do SAS, e Eduardo Yamashita, diretor de operações do Ecossistema Gouvêa, abrem o SAS Retail Summit Brasil falando sobre as tendências para o setor de varejo. Vicente explica que a visão do SAS permeia a estratégia da digitalização em três grandes
Mais do que qualquer outra indústria, a manufatura impulsiona a saúde econômica de um país ou de uma região. Segundo estudos de mercado, o segmento de manufatura irá representar cerca de 25% da atividade econômica até 2025. Espera-se que o setor industrial assuma um crescimento de dois dígitos e sua
Early in the pandemic, we used this blog to offer resources for responding to COVID-19, recovering from the economic losses, and reimagining life after the pandemic. By now, everyone has read about testing, contact tracing, social distancing, treatment protocols and vaccines. Whether or not you have had COVID yourself, all
Vivemos tempos de mudanças rápidas e intensas. As inovações tecnológicas cada vez mais impactam as vidas das pessoas e das organizações, que precisam instantaneamente acompanhar o acelerado passo da digitalização. Observamos isso como nunca antes no ano de 2020. Espelho disso foi a evolução da computação em nuvem, tecnologia que
Por Loren Sylvan Los manufactureros pequeños y medianos (PYMES) son impulsores críticos de la innovación y la productividad, y la agilidad a menudo les da una ventaja competitiva sobre las organizaciones más grandes. También tienen desafíos únicos en comparación con los fabricantes más grandes que tienen los recursos y el
Technological advancements in connectivity and global positioning systems (GPS) have led to increased data tracking and related business use cases to analyze such movements. Whether analyzing a vehicle, an animal or a population's movements - each use case requires analyzing underlying spatial information. Global challenges such as virus outbreaks, deforestation
During lockdowns across Europe and beyond, we all moved our lives online. We worked remotely and had meetings via Teams or Zoom. We also socialised and shopped online. For many people, this was familiar territory. For others, it opened up a whole new world—and highlighted significant problems with the ‘old
Throughout its history, the United States has invested in infrastructure that leverages new technologies and helps society and its economy thrive. With the advent of trains in the early 1800s, four of the country’s five transcontinental railroads were built with assistance from the federal government. When cars replaced horses and
If the big banks won’t help when times are tough, customers will turn to smaller, simpler providers. And once they’ve switched, banks will struggle to win them back. I’ve written before about how banks are an essential part of the UK’s social fabric. Our economy depends on the availability of
Our key workers deserve more than just a round of applause — so why do we still expect the people who have the least to pay the most for banking services? To most people, social justice and the banking sector probably seem like strange bedfellows. Over the past couple of
Le développement de l’intelligence artificielle dans les différents secteurs d’activité fait de plus en plus l'objet d'une surveillance accrue en raison de l’aptitude des algorithmes à amplifier les bonnes et les mauvaises décisions. En parallèle, les discussions sur l'éthique (règles de conduite reflétant nos croyances sur ce qui est juste
Comment parvenir à diminuer ses temps de réponse lorsque des situations imprévues surviennent ? Comment tenir compte des grandes étapes vécues par les clients, qu’ils soient particuliers ou entreprises ? En centralisant la donnée, en approfondissant sa connaissance client et en misant résolument sur le temps réel. Que ce soit lors
Minnesota's longitudinal data system integrates early childhood education, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to create a panoramic view of education outcomes. The merging of systems results in data linking and improves the overall data quality and performance of the P-20 Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal
Mental health and data sharing. Seeing those phrases in a single sentence gives even the most seasoned professionals pause. This is legitimately sensitive data. And there are often specialized confidentiality and privacy laws due to the stigma and discrimination against those with mental health disorders. All the same, many agencies are starting to ask
The COVID-19 pandemic forced government agencies to accelerate digital transformation efforts, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was no exception. The IRS was already in a significant transition period, spurred by the Taxpayer First Act, which was signed into law in July 2019. The Act was designed to improve the
Pour faire face à l’érosion du niveau de satisfaction des clients vis-à-vis de leur assureur, il est impératif pour ces derniers de moderniser, de fluidifier, mais aussi d’humaniser leur relation client. Une approche centrée sur une connaissance à 360° de l’usager peut répondre au déficit de fidélisation des assurés. Selon
Luego de otro largo lapso, termino publicando el siguiente artículo de la serie ¡Explícate!. En este veremos cómo la teoría de juegos nos da una mano para interpretar mejor nuestros modelos de machine learning, utilizando las ideas del premio nobel de economía Lloyd Shapley. Entenderemos los conceptos detrás de
SAS Viya 4 est un terme qui englobe toutes les versions basées sur la cadence (cf. ci-dessous). La plupart des références omettent le chiffre 4 parce qu'elles concernent une version spécifique (comme 2020.1) ou qu'elles sont pour SAS Viya en général. Dans certaines références qui font la distinction entre les
Son varios los análisis que se han hecho en torno al Índice Global de Competitividad Global 4.0, que dio a conocer el Foro Económico Mundial a finales del año anterior y que muestra los avances que en la materia tuvieron los diferentes países en el atípico 2020. Ciertamente es de
The Smart Cities movement continues to forge ahead and evolve, led by innovative municipalities of all sizes. One of the towns at the forefront is Cary, North Carolina, adjacent to the Research Triangle Park and home of the SAS world headquarters. Cary Chief Information Officer Nicole Raimundo and her team
El 2020 nos ha enseñado que las predicciones, incluso las más previsibles, pueden no llegar a cumplirse. Sin embargo, el final de año siempre es un buen momento para echar la vista atrás y analizar qué tendencias estamos observando y, a partir de ellas, establecer las expectativas para el siguiente