There are several exciting new features available in SAS Visual Analytics 8.1 that I know will excite you; this blog will show you how you can now configure cascading prompts for the Report Prompt and Page Prompt areas! Prior to SAS Visual Analytics 8.1 there was a way to use parameters to configure cascading prompts for
Tag: SAS Visual Analytics
고객관계관리(CRM), 여행 산업의 핵심 경쟁력으로 떠올라 요즘 ‘먹방’과 ‘쿡방’의 인기를 무섭게 따라잡고 있는 트렌드가 있습니다. 바로 ‘여행 방송’입니다! 꽃보다 할배의 열풍을 시작으로 원나잇 푸드트립, 패키지로 세계 일주 – 뭉쳐야 뜬다, 배틀 트립 등 각종 여행 방송이 쏟아지고 있는데요. 실제 방송 후 관련 여행 상품들의 매출이 증가하면서 그 인기를 증명하고 있죠!
I. Situación del Cliente El esfuerzo de utilizar datos para probar los errores de cálculo de la garantía involucraba demasiado tiempo, sin embargo al calcular la estimación de energía perdida del año anterior, Jerry Williams, Gerente del Programa de Sustentabilidad Ambiental de SAS cambió su perspectiva. La decisión se basó
Styl prezentacji danych jest ważnym aspektem raportów. Użyta kolorystyka oraz metody wyróżniania mają znaczący wpływ na sposób odbioru, a także szybkość zrozumienia danych. Mają zwykle na celu zwrócenie uwagi na najważniejsze informacje, mogą wskazywać na pewne zależności lub wartości odstające, a nieodpowiednie ich użycie może prowadzić do nieporozumień czy nawet
What do you get when you combine analytics, aviation and the Internet of Things? A learning experience that leaves everyone flying high! At Data on the Fly, 25 area high school students had the opportunity to learn how technology has changed – and continues to change – the aviation industry.
SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 comes chock-full of new features. Report and section linking come with an added benefit. If you set up linking from one section to another section in the same report, or from one report to another report, you have the option to configure linking such that any filter
Leaders in the education industry understand that when people at all levels have timely access to the right data and reports, they can generate trusted knowledge and insights that help transform programs, curriculums, student outcomes and more. That's how the industry's leaders deliver desired results faster to further student success.
지구는 여전히 많은 화산이 활동중인 ‘폭발적인 행성’입니다. 미국 워싱턴 D.C. 기반의 학술 협회 ‘스미소니언 인스티튜션(Smithsonian Institution)’은 전 세계의 화산 활동을 추적하고 데이터화하고 있는데요. 글로벌 화산 활동 프로그램(GVP; Global Volcanism Program) 데이터는 지난 10,000년 동안의 화산 및 분화 역사를 보관하고 있으며, GVP 데이터베이스는 1,500개가 넘는 화산의 명칭, 위치, 유형, 특징을 상세하게 기록하고 있습니다. 오늘은
You may be wondering if you need something special to gain access to the Schedule Chart object. Don’t worry, you don’t, you just need to unhide this visualization if it isn’t already. You can do this from the Objects’ drop down menu. There are several other objects available to you
You can expand on the functionality of SAS Visual Data Builder in SAS Visual Analytics by editing the query code, adding code for pre- and post-processing, or even writing your own query. You can process single tables or join multiple tables, writing the output to a LASR library, a SAS library, or a
Earth is an explosive world! Data from the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) documents Earth's volcanoes and their eruptive history over the past 10,000 years. The GVP database includes the names, locations, types, and features of more than 1,500 volcanoes. Let's look closer into volcanic eruptions across the globe
When senior leaders at the University of Louisville (UofL) approached Vice Provost Bob Goldstein in early April 2016 with a request for a fully functioning data visualization platform by start of the 2016 fall semester—just four months away—he did not panic. Instead, Goldstein, along with Becky Patterson, Executive Director of
Obecnie większość firm, operujących na danych, korzysta z mniej lub bardziej zaawansowanej analityki. Ten trend przestaje być przywilejem wielkich korporacji, a staje się standardem dla wszystkich, także małych i średnich firm. I tak jak potrzeba korzystania z analityki rozprzestrzenia się wśród firm, tak dzieje się to także wewnątrz organizacji, zwiększając
Several months ago, I posted a blog about calculating moving averages for a measure in the Visual Analytics Designer. Soon after that, I was asked about calculating not only the average, but also the standard deviation over a period of months, when the data might consist of one or more
As a practitioner of visual analytics, I read the featured blog of ‘Visualizations: Comparing Tableau, SPSS, R, Excel, Matlab, JS, Python, SAS’ last year with great interest. In the post, the blogger Tim Matteson asked the readers to guess which software was used to create his 18 graphs. My buddy,
Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) wartet mit einer ganzen Reihe von Vorteilen auf, einer der wichtigsten ist sicherlich Agilität. Doch gerade diese Agilität kommt manchmal der Governance eines Unternehmens in die Quere. Nicht selten passiert es, dass Anwender angesichts des blinkenden schönen Self-Service-Visualisierungstools die vereinbarten Regeln außer Acht lassen. Hier die
In this post I wanted to shed some light on a visualization you may not be using enough: the Word Cloud. Word association exercises can often be a fun way to pass the time with friends, or it can trigger immediate action – just think of your email inbox and
To make it easy to identify non-value adding areas, you can build a simple application using SAS® Visual Analytics software. Such an application lets you point and click your way through the organization’s forecasting hierarchy, and at each point view performance of the Naïve, Manual, Statistical, and Automated forecasts (or
SAS® Viya™ 3.1 represents the third generation of high performance computing from SAS. Our journey started a long time ago and, along the way, we have introduced a number of high performance technologies into the SAS software platform: In-Database processing where SAS data quality and analytical processing occur within the
A lo largo de cuatro décadas de liderazgo en temas de Analítica Empresarial, SAS mantiene su compromiso con las organizaciones al ir de la mano afrontando los retos que el mercado y su negocio demandan, por ello ofrecemos capacitaciones, certificaciones y training online o presenciales, para cubrir las necesidades y
4 dominant trends can be distinguished in the development of Business Intelligence tools and in the way they are used in modern organisations. These trends will evolve into directions of development for these tools, changing their role in supporting decision processes and building competitive advantages. Trend 1: Self-service models The
If your SAS Visual Analytics report requirements include linking out to separate reports without the need to pass values, you may want to consider using images to enhance the appearance of your base report. Here are three style examples using images that you can use depending on your report design
En las últimas décadas la presencia de enfermedades como el cáncer, ha aumentado considerablemente a nivel mundial, sin embargo, hoy en día la tasa de éxito en los tratamientos es mayor de lo que era años atrás. Por ejemplo, en 1975 una persona diagnosticada con esta enfermedad tenía tan sólo
Requirements that are the most easily described can often be the most difficult to implement. I’m referring to requests like: Display a gauge with the most recently collected metric. Plot a 18 month rolling window of profit. Display last month’s products percent of total metrics for visual comparison. Okay, so
No cabe duda de que la analítica ahora está en todas partes. Gracias a la Nube (cloud) se puede acceder a las soluciones desde cualquier lugar y aplicarla en todo lo que nos imaginemos. Incluso en una pista tan sofisticada y tecnológica como resulta ser la de la Fórmula 1,
Analysts often use a simple moving average to get an idea of the trends in data. This is simply an average of a subset of time periods, and the size of the subset can differ depending on the application. The technique can be used with data based on time periods,
For many people, building something from scratch, no matter how simple or complex, is fascinating. That’s why programs similar to How’s It Made are so appealing and, for me, addicting. And thus, the inspiration for this blog; I will walk you through building a set of graphs and how to
After posting a couple of blogs on the subject of dates and date formats in Visual Analytics Designer, I got a question from a user who wondered how to compare data for a selected date to data from the same day of the previous year. Here’s one way to do
Reference lines on a visualization are used to help identify goals or targets, acceptable or unacceptable ranges, etc; basically any metric that puts a frame of reference around the values on the visualization. The Percent of Total of a metric is used to help identify a part-to-whole relationship. It answers
Ist Ihnen das auch schon mal passiert? Sie radeln mit Ihrem Fahrrad zügig durch Gegend, und plötzlich werden Sie scheinbar mühelos von einem anderen Radfahrer überholt. Keuchend sehen Sie dem anderen hinterher und wundern sich über die unglaubliche Fitness des vermeintlich untrainierten oder älter aussehenden Rasers. Erst auf den zweiten