
Advanced Analytics
Mathematical optimization at SAS

Note from Udo Sglavo on mathematical optimization: When data scientists look at the essence of analytics and wonder about their daily endeavor, it often comes down to supporting better decisions. Peter F. Drucker, the founder of modern management, stated: "Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Love in a Pandemic

  One irony during this pandemic is that single people wish they were partnered and partnered people wish they were single.  Today’s blog post is for the partnered people out there who are struggling with the increased stress and togetherness during this pandemic.  I don’t need to tell you what

Data Visualization
Debpriya Sarkar 0
UpSet Plot using GTL

An UpSet plot is used to visualize intersections of sets. In this post, we will illustrate techniques to create this plot using the Graph Template Language (GTL). We assume that you are familiar with GTL. From the point of view of construction, we leverage the LATTICE layout available in GTL

Work & Life at SAS
Danielle Pavliv 0
Making a 'BIG' Difference: Meet the SAS Black Initiatives Group!

The BIG Group can’t wait to gather in-person again, but for now, they’re staying safe and meeting virtually. We love this group portrait above of the Black Initiatives Group leadership council titled “An Evening of Excellence,” created by BIG co-chair Christopher Williams. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Our SAS culture blends our different backgrounds,

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Our Storytellers: Sheri Thathal

We’re proud of our unique company culture that spans across offices, divisions and geographies. It’s one of the reasons why SAS is named among the top workplaces in the world by Fortune’s Great Place to Work! If you’re curious about what it’s like to work at SAS, you’re in the right place. Our people are always asking, “What if?’ and pushing the bounds of

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