Health Care

Sandra Hernandez 0
Del Blockchain, el Bitcoin y las Petromonedas a la Analítica de SAS

No cabe duda que la tecnología Blockchain está llamada a ser una de las grandes revoluciones en el mundo en los próximos años. Se ha llegado a afirmar que hará por las transacciones lo que internet ha hecho por la información y las comunicaciones; va a cambiar definitivamente la forma

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Little things go a long way

In my previous post, I described a new options to control the widths of the caps for Whiskers, Error and Limit bars.  This topic could have been titled "Little things go a long way", as such details really make for a good graph. In a similar manner, another detail issue

Advanced Analytics | Internet of Things
SAS Korea 0
입자 필터를 이용한 치매 환자 사물인터넷(IoT) 데이터 분석

최근 국내 의료진이 정상적인 인지 기능을 가진 노인이 알츠하이머 치매에 걸릴 가능성을 예측할 수 있는 새로운 분석 지표를 개발해 큰 주목을 받았습니다. 세계적인 신경 과학 학술지 ‘사이언티픽 리포트(Scientific Reports)’에 소개되며 치매 발병에 대한 예방적 조치를 할 수 있을 것으로 기대를 모으고 있는데요. 많은 과학자들이 오늘날 초고령화 사회에서 가장 두려운 질병 중

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Spark table

In the previous post, I discussed creating a 2D grid of spark lines by Year and Claim Type.  This graph was presented in the SESUG conference held last week on SAS campus in the paper ""Methods for creating Sparklines using SAS" by Rick Andrews.  This grid of sparklines was actually the

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Spark grid

The 25th annual SESUG conference was held at in the SAS campus this week.  I had the opportunity to meet and chat with many users and attend many excellent presentations.  I will write about those that stood out (graphically) in my view. One excellent presentation was on "Methods for creating

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Long category values

The South East SAS Users Group meeting wound up yesterday.  The 25th anniversary conference was held on SAS Campus and it provided a great opportunity to meet with many enthusiastic SAS users and attend many informative presentations.  More on this in a follow-up article. During one of these presentations, Mary

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend order redux

Once in a while you run into a pesky situation that is hard to overcome without resorting to major surgery.  Such a situation occurs when you have a stacked bar chart with a discrete legend positioned vertically on the side of the graph.  A simple example is shown below. title

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend items

Plot statements included in the graph definition can contribute to the legend(s).  This can happen automatically, or can be customized using the KEYLEGEND statement.  For plot statements that are classified by a group variable, all of the unique group values are displayed in the legend, along with their graphical representation

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Tips and tricks: Segmented discrete axis

The previous post on Multiple Blank Categories showed how to include multiple blank categories on the axis.  But, given the purpose for this was to separate different segments in the data, I also included ideas on how to segmented a discrete axis using reference lines or Block Plot.  A similar idea

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Tips and tricks - Multiple blank categories on axis

Off and on, users have expressed the need to include multiple blank categories on a discrete axis.  Often, this is desirable to separate groups of bars (or categories) in a graph due to some difference their definition.  Such a case was discussed in this blog article on using non breaking

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
New Features in SAS 9.40M5 - Gradient fills

ODS Graphics procedures primarily strive towards the following goal:  "Make simple graphs easy and complex graphs possible".   SGPLOT procedure allows you create simple graphs with a single plot statement, and create complex graphs by layering together or combining multiple plot statements.  Generally, the appearance follows the guidelines set by industry

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
New features with SAS 9.40 M5

SAS 9.4 maintenance release 5 was released on Sept 19, 2017.  This release includes many new items including integration with SAS Viya and SAS Studio, a web application for SAS development.  Also Included with this release are some cool new features in the graphics domain, some of which were requested

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Getting started with SGPLOT - Part 8 - Horizontal HighLow Plot

On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures.  Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,

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