Health Care

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Manuel Figallo 0
An unexpected weapon in the fight against the opioid epidemic: Graduate students

Each day, more than 130 Americans die from opioid overdoses. Combating the opioid epidemic begins with understanding it, and that begins with data. SAS recently partnered with graduate students from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) 's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy to understand how data mining and machine

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Cameron McLauchlin 0
How are AI and advanced analytics transforming health and life sciences?

The potential for artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform the way health care and therapies are delivered is tremendous. It’s not surprising that the health care and life sciences industries are being flooded with information about how these new technologies will change everything. While it’s

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
A Graphical Journey

The ODS Graphics software, first released with SAS 9.2, supported creating graphs directly from statistical procedures.  Prior to this, very few statistical procedures created graphs on their own, and in most cases creating graphs was a post process or creating the graphs from the saved data using SAS/GRAPH procedures. With

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
The SGPIE Procedure - Part 2

The SAS 9.4M6 software includes a new SGPIE procedure (preproduction) as introduced in the recent article - The SGPIE Procedure.  In that article, I described the basic features of the two statements supported in the procedure, the PIE and the DONUT, with some examples. It is my humble opinion that

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
SAS Korea 0
인공지능(AI)이 헬스케어 산업에 불러올 혁신적인 변화는?

인공지능(AI)이 우리에게 미치는 영향이 나날이 커지면서 일자리를 대체할 것이라는 우려도 높아지고 있습니다. 이를 위해서 인공지능의 윤리 방안과 규제에 대한 논의가 이루어지고, 기업이 알고리즘으로 인해 일자리를 빼앗긴 직원에게 재교육을 제공해야 한다는 목소리가 나오고 있는데요. 하지만 이러한 모든 내용은 인공지능이 미치는 부정적인 면에만 치우쳐 있습니다. 그렇다면 인공지능이 우리의 삶에 주는 혜택으로는 무엇이 있을까요? 인공지능,

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
John Maynard 0
Unasked fraud questions answered by AI

Artificial intelligence often seems misunderstood, especially in fraud. The same is true of machine learning. One of the amazing things about them is they ask the unasked questions. This occurs as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) go about their daily work. So, what is the unasked question? Too

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Rhett Scheel 0
Bühne frei für KI und Machine Learning im Gesundheitswesen!

Krankenversicherung und neue Technologien – geht das zusammen? Auf alle Fälle! Und das User-Group-Treffen „Analytik in der Krankenversicherung“, das kürzlich in Leipzig stattfand, hat es unter Beweis gestellt. Diese von den Gesundheitsforen Leipzig ausgerichtete Veranstaltung ist ein sehr informatives Forum, auf dem sich analytische Fachexperten aus der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV)

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Olivier Zaech 0
Unterstützung statt Bedrohung: Wie KI das Gesundheitswesen verbessern kann

Fest steht: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird unser aller Leben verändern – und tut es schon. Weniger klar ist, in welcher Weise und in welchem Zeitrahmen diese Veränderungen passieren – und was am Ende dabei herauskommt. In vielen Bereichen gibt es wilde Spekulationen. Bei Life Sciences und im Gesundheitssektor lichtet sich

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
SAS Korea 0
머신러닝, 파킨슨병의 조기 진단과 치료를 위한 열쇠

비운의 영화 배우, 파킨슨병 치료를 위해 앞장서다 타임머신과 시간 여행을 다룬 영화 하면 무엇이 가장 먼저 떠오르시나요? 전 세계적으로 가장 크게 흥행한 영화 중 하나는 단연 스티븐 스필버그 감독 제작의 SF 영화 ‘백 투 더 퓨처(Back to the Future)’일텐데요. 1985년에 개봉된 이 영화는 11주 동안 미국 박스 오피스 1위를 차지하고,

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