Health Care

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
José Mutis O. 0
SAS, facilitando la transformación digital hacia el futuro

Por José Mutis O. *Post basado en la presentación de David McDonald en SAS Forum Colombia Desde siempre, pero especialmente en la actualidad, el mundo ha estado en un proceso de transformación constante. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos que han surgido de la nueva era digital hacen que hoy más

Caroline S Payne 0
My personal impact of AI

Artificial intelligence has great potential to improve the lives of so many people, especially in the health sector. In Holland, for example, the Amsterdam Medical Center uses computer vision to process patient data, and particularly images. With SAS’ help, it is moving closer to a position where it can deliver

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
비즈니스 인텔리전스로 진화하는 임상시험 프로세스: SAS코리아 ‘제약산업의 데이터 분석과 리포트 시각화’ 세미나

SAS코리아가 6월 20일 삼성동 코엑스 인터컨티넨탈 호텔에서 국내 주요 제약 및 임상시험수탁기관(CRO) 산업 관계자를 대상으로 ‘제약산업의 데이터 분석과 리포트 시각화: SAS 분석 프레임워크 소개와 활용 방안 및 시각화 데모’ 세미나를 성황리에 개최했습니다. SAS는 이번 세미나에서 데이터 분석 인사이트에 기반한 제약 기업의 신규 비즈니스 창출 방안과 글로벌 기업의 선진 사례를 통한

Gloria Cabero 0
Las 5 “íes” del liderazgo femenino

Sin duda, el liderazgo es una de las habilidades fundamentales que garantiza nuestro éxito en el mundo de los negocios, y como mujeres, siempre nos hemos visto en la obligación de respaldar cada uno de nuestros logros a través de un fuerte compromiso laboral. Sin embargo, ser una mujer trabajadora

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Héctor Cobo 0
Analítica, un pilar fundamental de la innovación empresarial

Hoy en día, las organizaciones necesitan analítica de alto rendimiento para mejorar todos sus indicadores de negocio, ya no es un lujo: es una necesidad. La transformación digital y el análisis empresarial son una prioridad en la agenda de muchas empresas que buscan destacar en un mundo hiper competitivo que

Analytics | Data for Good
NC HealthConnex, SAS 애널리틱스로 최신 의료 서비스를 제공하다

지난 2월, 미국 노스캐롤라이나(NC)주는 SAS 및 InterSystems와 제휴하여 주 정보기술부(North Carolina Department of Information Technology; NC DIT) 산하의 ‘건강 정보 교환 센터(Health Information Exchanges; HIE)’ NC HealthConnex의 현대화 소식을 발표했습니다. NC HealthConnex는 향상된 진료 서비스와 환자의 안전을 지원하고 진료 이전을 용이하게 하며, 주 전역에 걸쳐 4,500개 이상의 의료 시설에 관련

Analytics | Machine Learning
David Tareen 0
Malignant or benign? Cancer detection with SAS Viya and NVIDIA GPUs

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with 12.3% of new cancer patients in 2018 suffering from breast cancer. Early detection can significantly improve treatment value, however, the interpretation of cancer images heavily depends on the experience of doctors and technicians. The

Rodrigo Arias 0
La oferta perfecta, a la persona correcta, en el momento justo

El uso de herramientas de analítica avanzada permite a las organizaciones desplegar capacidades de “Customer Decisioning” para entregar a sus clientes una experiencia de consumo excepcional, gracias a una mayor relevancia en cada interacción. En la actualidad, los clientes esperan una experiencia perfecta, altamente personalizada y relevante ya sea en

Gloria Cabero 0
7 grandes razones para no perderse SAS® Global Forum

Si reconoces que el análisis de datos es fundamental para el éxito de tu organización, entre el 28 de abril y el 1 de mayo tienes que estar en Dallas, Texas, la sede del evento más importante del ámbito de la analítica avanzada. ¿Qué motivos justificarían el viaje? Podríamos señalar

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management | SAS Events
Heather Hallett 0
Puzzle obsession ... piecing together a 360-degree view of a patient.

I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. Specifically, 1000-piece mystery puzzles, entertaining not just for their pictorial humor, but also for the challenge. Unlike traditional puzzles, you don't know what you are putting together because the completed puzzle isn't pictured on the box. Mystery puzzles are constructed so that you must

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Manuel Figallo 0
An unexpected weapon in the fight against the opioid epidemic: Graduate students

Each day, more than 130 Americans die from opioid overdoses. Combating the opioid epidemic begins with understanding it, and that begins with data. SAS recently partnered with graduate students from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) 's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy to understand how data mining and machine

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