Do you need to see how long patients have been treated for? Would you like to know if a patient’s dose has changed, or if the patient experienced any dose interruptions? If so, you can use a Napoleon plot, also known as a swimmer plot, in conjunction with your exposure
Health Care
Recently nine pharmacists from across the country were charged for their part in a $12.1M health care fraud scheme. The pharmacists allegedly took money for prescription medications that were neither purchased nor dispensed. The indictments further allege that the defendants billed Medicare and Medicaid for medications that were often medically unnecessary and for some medications that were purportedly dispensed to
It's easy to get distracted by new developments in the fight against healthcare fraud. New services. New providers. Relaxation of rules. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly revolutionized the healthcare landscape. For instance, the government made sweeping regulatory changes to accommodate a surge in patients. Healthcare delivery and payment organizations, commercial
Learn why integrating EHR data with pharmacy and claims data improves patient care.
A user commented on one of my previous maps ... "How can there be 820 cases of Coronavirus per 100,000 people? - There aren't even 100,000 people in my county!" Well, when you want to compare something like the number of COVID-19 cases between two areas that have differing populations,
El pasado 22 de agosto, más de 90 líderes empresariales de varios países latinoamericanos se unieron para hacer un recorrido de ciclismo durante casi dos horas. Lo hicieron pedaleando en vivo desde cada una de sus casas, pero conectados a través de Zwift, una de las plataformas de ciclismo virtual
Now that we are many months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we can start to reexamine the data and look for trends. This time, I want to explore how COVID-19 has been spreading around the US. I do this by animating a county map over time. What is animation? Are you
A blog article by Ali Alajme , Director of Health Information Systems, Ministry of Health & Prevention Bashar Balish, Senior Director & Client Leader - Cerner Middle East & Africa Marcel Yammine, General Manager, Gulf and Emerging Markets (GEM) - SAS Digital transformation of the healthcare sector has seen
Now that we are many months into the COVID-19 pandemic, I've started going back and reexamining the data for lessons or trends (you might say hindsight is 20/20). This time, I want to explore how COVID-19 has been spreading around the US. I do this by using a graphical idea
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Recovery Month, which have the important goals of preventing suicide and promoting the idea that recovery from behavioral health conditions is achievable. Amid an unprecedented year of stressors, 2020’s awareness months around behavioral health conditions have become more relevant to far more people. In recognition of the challenges and changes in people’s work lives,
Getting people with mental health conditions the help they need is a top priority for many Californians, according to a recent California Health Care Foundation report. In 2004, Golden State voters approved the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Enacted into law in January 2005, MHSA has generated approximately $15 billion
Heather Cartwright, General Manager of Microsoft Health, joined me to contemplate the new horizons in healthcare made possible by SAS and Microsoft’s new strategic partnership. The four walls of the doctor’s office are disappearing. Following decades of planning for hypotheticals, this year health care organizations were compelled to make good on the promise of digital transformation. Meeting the
Fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) ravages the US health care system. Estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association show fraud costs health care organizations $70 billion to $230 billion each year. The precise figure is unknowable because only 3 to 10% of this fraud is ever detected. With more
Lisa Lucas explains why people, knowledge and tech are vital for contact tracing.
How can organizations be more resilient during an uncertain business and public health situation? Lessons learned from organizations at the front lines of crisis response reinforce the importance of good analytic governance. These leading organizations have shown us that the fundamentals of the analytic life cycle – data, discovery and
L'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) et l'analytique aident à la détection des premiers symptômes indicateurs d'une possible épidémie. Ce qui contribue largement à limiter la propagation d'un virus. Il faut pouvoir compter sur des techniques analytiques capables de repérer des événements rares mais significatifs, comme une hausse de l'absentéisme dans une école
During the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, you've probably formed a great appreciation for good, informative graphics. Good graphics can help you get a handle on thousands of individual data values, see the geographical distribution, or look for trends. In February, I wrote a blog post about creating a coronavirus dashboard with
How have healthcare providers and governmental agencies predicted the fast-changing, potentially exponential increase in the need for medical services and equipment through the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic? Mathematical techniques that attempt to model and understand the likely spread of the disease have been instrumental. The SEIR model is
The current state of policy enforcement during an infectious disease pandemic is mostly reactive. Public health officials track changes in active cases, identify hot-spots and enforce containment policies primarily based on geographic proximity. By combining telecommunications data -- which we turn into mobility information -- with public health data of
질병 확산을 억제하고 경제적 영향을 최소화하기 위해서는 인구가 어떻게 이동하는지 분석하고, 지역 내 접촉자를 추적하여 적절한 의사결정을 해야 합니다. 이번 SGF 시리즈에서는 인구 이동 분석과 접촉자 추적 등 SAS 분석 기술이 어떻게 팬데믹 극복을 위한 의사결정을 지원하는지에 대한 SAS 짐굿나잇 회장과 스티브 베넷 글로벌 정부기관 프랙티스 부문 이사의 세션을 소개합니다.
In May, I joined several SAS colleagues, academics, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and other information and technology specialists for the first-ever IMI PIONEER Hackathon for prostate cancer research. A few weeks later, as I watched the SpaceX launch on TV, it occurred to me that space trips and cancer research have
인류가 전례 없는 전투를 치르고 있는 가운데, 우리나라는 코로나19 모범 대응 국가로 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다. 여기서 한발 더 나아가 그 어느 국가보다 앞서 포스트 코로나19 를 준비하고 있습니다. 하지만 코로나19는 끊임없이 존재감을 드러내며 정부와 지자체, 공공기관의 의사결정자들을 당혹스럽게 하고 있습니다. 이 위기를 효과적으로 헤쳐나가고 또 다른 위기를 막기 위해서는
Adverse outcomes, and the rapid spread of COVID-19, have accelerated research on all aspects of the disease. You may have found it overwhelming, and very time-consuming, to find relevant and specialized insights in all the scientific literature out there. To aid researchers in quickly identifying relevant literature about key topics
In the preceding two posts, we looked at issues around interpretability of modern black-box machine-learning models and introduced SAS® Model Studio within SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning. Now we turn our attention to programmatic interpretability.
What do two health systems, 4000 miles apart (6600 kilometers) have in common in their COVID-19 response? Despite different policy responses to the pandemic, they are more alike than you might think. Brought together by SAS and the FutureNHS COVID-19 analytics huddle, these two health systems recently shared their experience
El año pasado hablábamos de las descomunales capacidades de cómputo y de cómo las organizaciones y los gobiernos podían transformar todos estos datos en mayor inteligencia de negocios. Este año, el mundo ha cambiado para todos y la analítica avanzada; la toma de decisiones basada en la proyección de escenarios;
La pandemia originada por el COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto, entre otras muchas cosas, el reto que supone para los sistemas de salud hacer frente a una emergencia sanitaria de gran alcance. Garantizar la disponibilidad de camas hospitalarias, ventiladores o incluso de profesionales sanitarios para atender las necesidades de miles
El aprovechamiento de los datos ha demostrado ser muy importante en estos tiempos en los que cuidar la salud y tomar decisiones inteligentes ha sido la prioridad, pero lo será mucho más, ahora que los países buscan recuperar las dinámicas económicas, comerciales y sociales en el menor tiempo y de
“He spends a lot of time wandering around in circles in the backyard,” my wife said to someone on the telephone. That’s true. Our backyard is only about 1/8th of an acre and I have taken to wandering outside and walking around the fence line. Ostensibly, I am checking to
While working at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, I had access to data on over ten million visits to emergency departments in central New Jersey, including ICD-9 (International Classification of Disease – 9th edition) codes along with some patient demographic data. I also had the ozone level from