Im ersten Teil meines Blogs habe ich argumentiert, dass die Beschäftigung mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Ethik keine rein philosophische oder gesellschaftspolitische Fragestellung ist. Eines ist klar: Die Ethik-Debatten werden in diesem Jahr weitergehen und sich stärker an den realistischen Möglichkeiten und Risiken von KI orientieren. Unternehmen und Organisationen, die
In my blog, Deciding to Adopt, I mentioned sharing 4 podcasts about adoption that I recorded with Darius Moore and Alex Kelly with the Children's Home Society of NC. Here are the second two podcasts on "Adopting in NC" and "Cross-cultural Fostering and Adoption". Adopting in NC Cross-cultural Fostering and
Machine learning differs from classical statistics in the way it assesses and compares competing models. In classical statistics, you use all the data to fit each model. You choose between models by using a statistic (such as AIC, AICC, SBC, ...) that measures both the goodness of fit and the
Many areas of the US are experiencing record low unemployment. This is great at the national level, and also great at a personal level (for example, I now have fewer unemployed friends asking to borrow money!) But just how low is the US unemployment rate, and how does it compare
January serves as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month, culminating in the annual observation of National Freedom Day on February 1. For many, this month presents an opportunity to refocus efforts to slow, and ultimately stop, human trafficking around the globe, but especially here in the United States. The
By almost any measure, Rick Wicklin is the most prolific and most popular blogger at SAS. Author of The Do Loop, Rick has been writing and publishing blogs at SAS since 2010, and today he publishes his 1,000th post on The Do Loop! To celebrate, I want to highlight some
This article shows how to use SAS to simulate data that fits a linear regression model that has categorical regressors (also called explanatory or CLASS variables). Simulating data is a useful skill for both researchers and statistical programmers. You can use simulation for answering research questions, but you can also
Brush up on the latest news around data privacy. Todd Wright shares his top 10 picks.
IFRS 9 ist seit dem 1. Januar 2018 in Kraft. Heute lässt sich feststellen: Die Umsetzung hat länger gedauert als erwartet, langfristige Auswirkungen sind noch nicht absehbar. Wie in meinem vorangegangenen Blogbeitrag beschrieben, haben Banken im Großen und Ganzen den Prozess jedoch recht gut bewältigt. Angesichts der immensen Kosten stellt
Michelle Homes explains how SAS Press books changed her life, and how she donates her books and time to the SAS community whenever she can.
Many of the buzzy applications of AI in healthcare we hear about involve medical IoT, computer vision for radiology or disease prediction. But the fact is, many health institutions that just aren’t there yet with adoption. With limited budgets and dated systems, can public health agencies tap into the power
As we're approaching the anniversary of Hans Rosling's passing, I fondly remember his spectacular graphical presentations comparing the wealth and health of nations around the world. He certainly raised the bar for data visualization, and his animated charts inspired me to work even harder to create similar visualizations! What better way
Jim Harris discusses a key role of the data engineer – protecting sensitive personal data.
„Hallo, Herr Kaiser!“ Kennen Sie ihn noch? Von den 1970er-Jahren bis in die frühen 2000er kam er vor jeder Tagesschau in unser Wohnzimmer. Als Versicherungsvertreter verkörperte er Vertrauen, Nähe und Fairness. Egal ob Unfall-, Sach-, Haftpflicht- oder Kfz-Versicherung: Günter Kaiser wusste, was Sache ist. Er war das bekannteste Werbegesicht Deutschlands.
Recently I was asked to explain the result of an ANOVA analysis that I posted to a statistical discussion forum. My program included some simulated data for an ANOVA model and a call to the GLM procedure to estimate the parameters. I was asked why the parameter estimates from PROC
Recently I was asked to explain the result of an ANOVA analysis that I posted to a statistical discussion forum. My program included some simulated data for an ANOVA model and a call to the GLM procedure to estimate the parameters. I was asked why the parameter estimates from PROC
You’re probably already familiar with Leonid Batkhan from his popular blog right here on The Learning Post. In fact, he’s one of our most engaging authors, with thousands of views and hundreds of comments. Leonid is a true SAS Sensei. He has been at SAS for nearly 25 years and
Los sistemas de transporte son, sin duda, un importante factor para el crecimiento económico de un país. Cuanto más eficientes, ágiles, puntuales y seguros sean, mayor será su impacto en la movilidad de la población y las distintas actividades productivas. Las opciones son muy variadas: autobuses, microbuses, taxis, trenes, metro,
The first person to live to 150 has already been born. When I first heard this controversial idea, popularized by biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation, it gave me chills. It’s amazing to think we could have 50 more years to spend with loved ones and
Ich erinnere mich noch lebhaft an meine ersten Kurse im Management-Studium, in denen wir die Wichtigkeit von Planung und Controlling diskutiert haben. Was immer wieder zur Sprache kam: die Verifizierbarkeit oder Messbarkeit von Zielen. IQ oder EQ sind nur zwei Beispiele, wie weit das Bedürfnis nach Quantifizierung geht – selbst
In machine learning and other model building techniques, it is common to partition a large data set into three segments: training, validation, and testing. Training data is used to fit each model. Validation data is a random sample that is used for model selection. These data are used to select
Whether you’re applying for your first credit card or shopping for a second home – or anywhere in between – you’ll probably encounter an application process. As part of that process, banks and other lenders use a scorecard to determine your likelihood to pay off that loan. Naturally, this means
私が小学生のころ、21世紀になると自動車は空を飛び、真空チューブの中のリニアモーターカーは時速2000kmに達するものだと思っていましたが、現在のような情報化社会は想像できていませんでした。初めてパソコンに触ったとき、何をするためのものなのかさっぱりわからなかったことを覚えています。 いまの小学生が大人になるころは、どのような社会になっているのでしょうか。10年先、20年先を想像することは難しいですが、子どもたちは、その社会で生きるための力を身につける必要があります。
They say "The Sun never sets on the SAS Empire" ... and it's true! There are SAS users all over the world, and SAS output & results could be in any language. Therefore, if you're a SAS programmer, you might need to know how to create SAS graphs with international
SAS supports direct integration for Git from Base SAS (via functions), SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Studio, and SAS Data Integration Studio. Read this article to learn how to use Git more effectively in your SAS processes.
This issue's preview is provided by Ralph Culver, Foresight's manuscript editor. Preview of Winter 2019 issue of Foresight The Winter 2019 issue of Foresight—number 52—kicks off with Simon Clarke’s enthusiastic review of The Little Illustrated) Book of Operational Forecasting by Dr. Steve Morlidge. Every year brings us new, inexperienced business-operations
Guest blogger Khari Villela says data lakes are not a cure-all – they're just one part of a comprehensive, strategic architecture.
Wenn wir über künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Ethik sprechen, dann beziehen wir uns nicht in erster Linie auf dystopische Anwendungen, in denen ein autonomer Roboter stur und ohne menschliche Kontrolle in Terminator-Manier Entscheidungen über Leben und Tod trifft. Das soll natürlich nicht heißen, dass ein kritischer Diskurs zum Beispiel über
A quantile-quantile plot (Q-Q plot) is a graphical tool that compares a data distribution and a specified probability distribution. If the points in a Q-Q plot appear to fall on a straight line, that is evidence that the data can be approximately modeled by the target distribution. Although it is
The potential for artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform the way health care and therapies are delivered is tremendous. It’s not surprising that the health care and life sciences industries are being flooded with information about how these new technologies will change everything. While it’s