A business glossary improves data quality – one of the top five ways it makes analytics better.
What is an efficient way to evaluate a multivariate quadratic polynomial in p variables? The answer is to use matrix computations! A multivariate quadratic polynomial can be written as the sum of a purely quadratic term (degree 2), a purely linear term (degree 1), and a constant term (degree 0).
“Ocean acidification is sometimes referred to as global warming's equally evil twin.” ~ Elizabeth Kolbert This is the second post in my two-part series about climate change. You can read part 1 of this series here. When engaging in data exploration for insights, it’s good practice to start with a
The English language can be a bit tough to learn. One reason is that sometimes words can have more than one meaning. For example, the word shady can mean "of doubtful honesty or legality," or it can mean "giving shade from sunlight." Which of those meanings am I thinking about,
The dsAutoMl action is all that and a bag of chips! In this blog, we took over all aspects of the data science workflow using just one action.
Jordan Bakerman's session at ODSC Europe inspired this post, which provides an overview of deep learning and how factorization machines work.
Analytics is a game-changer in detecting procurement fraud. It is by far the most efficient way of doing so.
Colleges and universities have access to enormous stores of data and analytics has the power to help higher education tackle some of its biggest challenges. Larry Burns, Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Information Management (IRIM), Oklahoma State University (OSU) knows a great deal about the power of analytics to
In a linear regression model, the predicted values are on the same scale as the response variable. You can plot the observed and predicted responses to visualize how well the model agrees with the data, However, for generalized linear models, there is a potential source of confusion. Recall that a
앞으로 10년 뒤, 2030년에는 어떤 브랜드가 살아남아 성장을 지속할 수 있을까요? SAS와 글로벌 시장조사기관 퓨처럼 리서치(Futurum Research)는 SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019에서 ‘2030년 고객 경험의 미래(Experience 2030: The Future of Customer Experience)’ 설문조사 보고서를 발표했습니다. 다니엘 뉴먼(Daniel Newman) 퓨처럼 리서치 수석분석가 겸 창립 파트너는 더 많은 권한을 갖게 된(empowered) 소비자가 새롭게
지난 10월 21일부터 23일까지 이탈리아 밀라노에서 열린 'SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019(SAS Analytics Experience 2019)'에서는 SAS의 머신러닝, 컴퓨터 비전, 자연어처리 등 AI 기술을 기반으로 기업들이 어떻게 실제(real) 가치를 실현할 수 있는지 보여주는 다양한 사례들이 소개되었습니다. 특히 행사 둘째 날에는 짐 굿나잇 SAS CEO, 올리버 샤벤버거 SAS 수석부회장 겸 최고운영책임자(COO) & 최고기술책임자(CTO)의
지난 10월 21일부터 23일까지 이탈리아 혁신 기술의 중심지 밀라노에서는 유럽 최대 규모의 분석 컨퍼런스 ‘SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019(SAS Analytics Experience 2019)’가 개최됐습니다. 3일간 밀라노 컨벤션 센터(Mico Milano Convention Centre)에서 진행된 올해 컨퍼런스에는 1,800명이 넘는 데이터 사이언티스트와 비즈니스 리더들이 모여 다양한 논의가 진행되었으며, 참석자들에게는 56개의 breakout 세션, 48개의 데모 부스, 그
Intelligence means learning from what has happened and using that to improve future choices.
Getting value from analytics is becoming top of mind for businesses. Organizations have invested millions of dollars in data, people and technology and are looking for a return on their investment. That requires operationalizing analytics so that it can be used for strategic decision making -- often referred to as
My colleague, Mike Drutar, recently showed how to create a "strip plot" that shows the distribution of temperatures for each calendar month at a particular location. Mike created the strip plot in SAS Visual Analytics by using a point-and-click interface. This article shows how to create a similar graph by
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Value-Based Payments (VBP), health care’s new magic, “silver bullet” that will solve all our fraud problems. Last month, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release entitled, “HHS Proposes Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Reforms to Support Value-Based and
“The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.” ~ William Gibson, author The same can be said for climate change – global warming is here, in a big way, but its effects are still an arm's length away for many of us. How is climate change
There is much to consider about getting value from deploying AI and analytics at the edge to manage IoT data. Read more here.
Biplots are two-dimensional plots that help to visualize relationships in high dimensional data. A previous article discusses how to interpret biplots for continuous variables. The biplot projects observations and variables onto the span of the first two principal components. The observations are plotted as markers; the variables are plotted as
A major UK insurance company used text analytics to categorise complaints.
US military veterans are mission-focused, team-oriented and natural leaders that benefit any organization that hires them. Many of today's veterans organizations use data and analytics to help transition military members and their spouses find rewarding civilian careers. SAS supports those efforts and we're also proud to offer many programs to
Analyzing tweets is challenging because of their succinctness (max 280 characters). However, that task is facilitated by the powerful features of SAS Visual Text Analytics (VTA), which includes embedded machine learning algorithms.
I recently saw in several social media posts that sales of vinyl records are forecast to be higher than sales of CDs this year (2019) for the first time since 1986. Two questions came to mind - 1) Is this true? and 2) Is this a big deal? Let's analyze
It’s always worth trying to improve our world and if it can be done thanks to analytics - I can’t imagine a better use case.
In grade school, students learn how to round numbers to the nearest integer. In later years, students learn variations, such as rounding up and rounding down by using the greatest integer function and least integer function, respectively. My sister, who is an engineer, learned a rounding method that rounds half-integers
With all this sitting at a desk writing code, I have to do something to keep in shape. And for me, that something is paddling boats ... as fast as I can - and occasionally trying to race them. This past weekend I entered the race at Hunting Island, SC.
What precisely, then, is needed in risk management? Users want a user-friendly interface, so that they can find what they need.
Are you looking for a Data Science easy button? The dataSciencePilot action set comes pretty close.
Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes. Business value though, lies in translating ideas into production.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is an important tool for understanding relationships in continuous multivariate data. When the first two principal components (PCs) explain a significant portion of the variance in the data, you can visualize the data by projecting the observations onto the span of the first two PCs. In