I'm sure I'm not the only one who has read and contributed to threads on the internet about all the different languages used for data mining. But one aspect that's been left out of most of these comparisons is that SAS is more than a 4th generation programming language (4GL).
One of the big benefits of SAS Viya is how approachable it is for programmers of other languages. You don't have to learn SAS in order to become productive quickly. We've seen a lot of interest from people who code in Python, maybe because that language has become known for
Suppose you roll six identical six-sided dice. Chance are that you will see at least one repeated number. The probability that you will see six unique numbers is very small: only 6! / 6^6 ≈ 0.015. This example can be generalized. If you draw a random sample with replacement from
Summer is here, which means vacations and time at the pool with a good book. If expanding your knowledge is a goal of yours this summer, SAS has a shelf full of new titles becoming available over the next few months. From new editions of classics – such as SAS® for Forecasting
Let me start by posing a question: "Are you forecasting at the edge to anticipate what consumers want or need before they know it?" Not just forecasting based on past demand behavior, but using real-time information as it is streaming in from connected devices on the Internet of Things (IoT).
In a previous blog, I demonstrated a program and macro that could identify all numeric variables set to a specific value, such as 999. This blog discusses an immensely useful technique that allows you to perform an operation on all numeric or all character variables in a SAS data set.
Matthew Magne describes how SAS Data Quality can help you build a trusted data foundation, one stone at a time.
When I teach my Data Cleaning course, the last topic I cover in the two-day course is SAS Integrity Constraints. I find that most of the students, who are usually quite advanced programmers, have never heard of Integrity Constraints (abbreviated ICs). I decided a short discussion on this topic would
The role of analytics in combating terrorism Earlier this spring, I found myself walking through a quiet and peaceful grove of spruce trees south of the small hamlet of Foy outside of Bastogne, Belgium. On travel in Europe, I happened to have some extra time before heading to London. I
The new government’s vision of Brexit is to make the UK a more international, more outward looking nation. One whose future success and status in on the world stage will be dictated by the ability to attract investment and finance, and to drive trade with existing and new partners. Yet
My presentation at SAS Global Forum 2017 was "More Than Matrices: SAS/IML Software Supports New Data Structures." The paper was published in the conference proceedings several months ago, but I recently recorded a short video that gives an overview of using the new data structures in SAS/IML 14.2: If your
To demonstrate the power of text mining and the insights it can uncover, I used SAS Text Mining technologies to extract the underlying key topics of the children's classic Alice in Wonderland. I want to show you what Alice in Wonderland can tell us about both human intelligence and artificial
Science-Fiction-Autoren sind seit Langem fasziniert von der Vorstellung, dass Roboter die Weltherrschaft übernehmen könnten. Und sie überlegen, was man tun könnte, um die Welt vor dieser Machtübernahme zu bewahren. Doch diese Vorstellung geht weit an der Realität vorbei. Tatsächlich wissen wir heute: Maschinen – und Machine Learning – funktionieren am
A new book from SAS guides public sector leaders in the use of data to address a wide range of state and local government challenges. Each chapter deals with critical issues facing our country, including the opioid epidemic, child abuse, spiraling health care costs, prison overcrowding, education reform, rampant fraud and the
Dictionary tables are one of the things I love most about SQL! What a useful thing it is to be able to programmatically determine what your data looks like so you can write self-modifying and data-driven programs. While PROC SQL has a great set of dictionary tables, they all rely
La vida de un infante es frágil y cuelga de un delgado hilo. Desde los recién nacidos prematuros hasta los bebés con meses de edad que luchan con problemas médicos, las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN) tienen que estar preparadas para todo. Es por eso que los médicos, las
여러분은 ‘프로파일링(profiling)’하면 뭐가 제일 먼저 생각나나요? 아마 많은 분들이 범인을 추적하는 범죄 프로파일러(profiler)를 떠올릴 것 같은데요. 맞습니다. 프로파일링은 범죄 현장과 증거를 분석해 용의자의 범행 수법은 물론 성별, 나이, 습관, 성격, 직업 등을 추론하고 범인을 찾아내는 범죄 수사 기법 중 하나인데요. 최근 범죄 심리학을 다룬 드라마와 영화가 큰 인기를 끌며 대중에
Here in the US, we typically use top level domains such as .com, .gov, and .org. I guess we were one of the first countries to start using web domains in a big way, and therefore we kind of got squatter's rights. As other countries started using the web, they
David Loshin says simple approaches to identity resolution may not scale on a big data platform as data volumes increase.
Musings on Menopause and Fitness What the heck is happening to me??? I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad, freezing or on fire, coming or going, want to be healthy or eat an XL Papa Murphy pizza… Hormotional…Menopause… Like Mother Nature wasn’t cruel enough with menstruation, pregnancy, labor, delivery
みなさんは、SAS Viyaを無償で試す方法を知っていますか? 手順は簡単、 ① SAS Japanホームページ内のSAS Viya無償試用開始サイトにアクセス ② 無償試用版リストから希望の製品を選択 ③ SASプロファイル情報を登録 ④ 登録済みのSASプロファイル情報でサインイン ⑤ SASから届くメール内にある試用版サイトリンクをクリックし、同メール内に記載されたIDとパスワードでサインイン ⑥ SAS Viyaにサインインして試用開始 これだけです。 ※尚、このガイドは、2018年8月時点の内容に基づいて作成されています。利用手順は予告なく変更される場合がありますので、実際に表示される画面や送られてくるメール内容に従っての操作をお願いします。 ブラウザはChrome 64bit版が推奨です。(ブラウザは Chrome 61以上, Firefox 56以上, MS Edge40.1以上を使用してください) では、1ステップずつ詳しくご紹介しましょう。 ① SAS Japanホームページ内のSAS Viya無償試用開始サイトにアクセス 以下のリンクをクリックして、SAS Viya無償試用開始サイトを表示しよう。 https://www.sas.com/ja_jp/software/viya.html#preview ② 無償試用版リストから希望の製品を選択 この手順では、「SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning」を選択した例で紹介しています。 (以下のリストに表示されていない製品に関しては、チュートリアル等使用をガイドするような資料は提供していませんが、同一環境内で試用することはできます。) ③ SASプロファイル情報を登録 (すでにSASプロファイル登録済みの場合は、このステップは必要ありません。) 以下の画面内で、「Create one」リンクをクリックします。
One way to assess the precision of a statistic (a point estimate) is to compute the standard error, which is the standard deviation of the statistic's sampling distribution. A relatively large standard error indicates that the point estimate should be viewed with skepticism, either because the sample size is small
Reading quite a lot of the press and commentary about analytics, you could be forgiven for thinking that these techniques were only usable for customer-facing work. Improving sales and marketing? Yes, you want analytics, using Big Data about your customers. But there are plenty of internal and operational issues where
A todos nos gusta ver nuestros productos favoritos con descuento, pero para que las organizaciones ejecuten una promoción, tienen que hacer mucho más que simplemente bajar los precios. Los costos reducidos llevan a un aumento de la demanda y a menos que esta se planifique con precisión, los fabricantes pueden
Today in higher education, savvy users expect to have the information they need to make data-informed decisions at their fingertips. As such, leaders in institutional research (IR) are under pressure to provide these users with accurate data, reports and analyses. IR has been tasked with transforming data and reports in
There have been several polarizing topics throughout history, such as religion & political affiliation. And for software developers there's one more biggie ... tabs -vs- spaces! Which group is right? Perhaps the opinion of the better programmers should have more weight(?) Is there a metric we can use to determine whether
Following the UK General Election result where no political party secured a clear majority ahead of the Brexit negotiations, it’s fair to say there’s lots of uncertainty facing the UK government right now. This, and the more outward looking post-Brexit era we're facing, are just two reasons why I believe
Most numerical optimization routines require that the user provides an initial guess for the solution. I have previously described a method for choosing an initial guess for an optimization, which works well for low-dimensional optimization problems. Recently a SAS programmer asked how to find an initial guess when there are
It has been almost a year since then-U.S. CIO Tony Scott introduced the federal open source policy that called for agencies to share federally-developed software source code. The policy, more than anything, aimed to make agencies more agile. Instead of redeveloping the same programs the open source policy would allow
If countries have a similar median age, does that mean they are also similar in other ways? My best guess at an answer is - probably. Perhaps if we plot the data on a map, we'll be able to see the answer more clearly. I first started thinking about this