Es una realidad. Según IDC el mercado mundial de Big Data Analytics está creciendo a un ritmo de 23,1 % cada año y llegará a casi 50 mil millones de dólares en el 2019. En la región latinoamericana la cultura analítica ya ha permeado de manera importante industrias como la
링컨 기념관과 워싱턴 기념비부터 스미소니언 박물관까지, 워싱턴 DC는 미국의 역사를 관통하는 세계적인 랜드마크인데요. 지난 9월 18일부터 20일, 이 유서 깊은 도시에서 미래 데이터와 분석 혁신에 대한 뜨거운 논의가 펼쳐졌습니다. 바로 전 세계 수천여 명의 분석 전문가, 산업별 리더, 세계적인 석학, 기업 경영진 및 실무진들이 한자리에 모인 'SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스(Analytics Experience)
Will the IoT live up to the hype? Yes. A most resounding YES. In fact, it will exceed the hype, because we don't even know all the IoT possibilities yet. We don’t know what we don’t know, and that lack of imagination limits even our hype. Where we are with
David Loshin describes how data as a service supports fast deployment, easy accessibility and data reuse.
Hacer un acercamiento a ciegas con un cliente, esperar meses para decidir lanzar o no un producto o gastar semanas e incontables horas hombre en levantar estadísticas que permitan identificar potenciales mejoras en productividad son historias selladas y enterradas. El mundo de los negocios se mueve hoy al ritmo de los
Recent news reports indicate that the number of illegal immigrants apprehended along the US/Mexican border has dropped significantly since Trump took office. So, even though Trump hasn't had time to build a physical wall, perhaps there's a virtual wall in place now (built from the change in attitudes)? I've seen
This is the first in a series of posts about machine learning concepts, where we'll cover everything from learning styles to new dimensions in machine learning research. What makes machine learning so successful? The answer lies in the core concept of machine learning: a machine can learn from examples and
When an extremely rare aye-aye lemur named Agatha was born undersized at the Duke Lemur Center earlier this year, there was immediate cause for concern. There are only 23 captive aye-ayes in the US, and the wild population is at “very high risk of extinction” according to the International Union for
My article about Fisher's transformation of the Pearson correlation contained a simulation. The simulation uses the RANDNORMAL function in SAS/IML software to simulate multivariate normal data. If you are a SAS programmer who does not have access to SAS/IML software, you can use the SIMNORMAL procedure in SAS/STAT software to
Datenvisualisierung – Manchmal braucht man einfach extrinsische Motivationsfaktoren, um andere Wege zu gehen. Die Zweiradreisenden unter uns kennen und schätzen die besondere Art der Fortbewegung (ohne Blechdach) mit all ihren Vor- und Nachteilen. Eine begrenzte Gepäckkapazität, fehlende Klimatisierung, größere Unfallgefahr usw. sind Faktoren, mit denen man dabei leben muss. Was
Las vemos a diario en Twitter, nuestro feed de noticias en Facebook, en foros de LinkedIn o en los principales medios de negocios, tecnología y tendencias que consumimos. Todas son tecnologías capaces de transformar los negocios, la manera en que tomamos decisiones y varias de las más importantes actividades de
현존 최고의 데이터 과학자들이 뽑은 머신러닝 알고리즘 개발 베스트 프랙티스! 그 두 번째 시간입니다. 시리즈를 처음 접하시는 경우 블로그 1탄을 참고해주세요. 기본기 다지기 희귀한 이벤트 탐지하기 수많은 모델 결합하기 모델 적용하기 국소 최적해에 빠지는 것을 방지하기 위해 모델 오토튜닝하기 시간 효과(temporal effect) 관리하기 '일반화' 이해하기 Chapter 5. 국소 최적해에 빠지는 것을 방지하기
84412925 - business team investment trading do this deal on a stock exchange. people working in the office. Caminar por la calle y que su celular le dé una notificación de alguna promoción especial de ese almacén que le gusta, que está solo a algunos pasos de usted y en
Reshma Saujani, of Girls Who Code, doesn’t have the background you’d expect for the person leading an organization whose mission is to inspire, educate and equip young women with computing skills to pursue 21st-century opportunities. She’s not a coder or computer science graduate, and she grew up terrified of math
The second part of this series takes us to Rotterdam, main port of Europe and the residence of Veneficus, a 10-year young and ambitious boutique analytics firm. They have already scored accolades in the Dutch FD Gazellen Award for fast growing companies. In addition, they also won a ‘Best Employer’
How do the North American amusement parks compare in popularity? If this question was to come up during a lunch discussion, I bet someone would pull out their smartphone and go to Wikipedia for the answer. But is Wikipedia the definitive answer - how can we tell if Wikipedia is wrong?
Pearson's correlation measures the linear association between two variables. Because the correlation is bounded between [-1, 1], the sampling distribution for highly correlated variables is highly skewed. Even for bivariate normal data, the skewness makes it challenging to estimate confidence intervals for the correlation, to run one-sample hypothesis tests ("Is
Healthcare, like many industries, is in the midst of a paradigm shift, says Chris Donovan, Executive Director of Enterprise Information Management & Analytics for the Cleveland Clinic. "Historically, healthcare was really about intervention, and about taking care of you when you were sick and getting you better." That type of care
12 hours: That’s how quickly you can die from sepsis. Oh – you’ve never heard of sepsis? Not surprising. More Americans have heard of Ebola, a nearly non-existent condition in the U.S., than sepsis – a condition that affects more than 1.6 million Americans every year. Sepsis is the body’s
Get faster value out of your data by empowering business users to work with data on their own.
現地時間 2017/9/18,19,20 にてSASの秋のグローバルイベントである、「Analytics Experience 2017 (以下AX2017)」がアメリカ合衆国ワシントンDCで開催中です。今回は、日本から参加している筑波大学理工学群社会工学類経営工学主専攻4年生の村井諒さん,小林大悟さん,白鳥友風さん3名による参加レポート1日目を掲載します。 Academic Summit@AX2017 レポート by 筑波大学学生 今回私たち3人が参加しているAX2017の1日目は、AM11:00にスタートしたGeneral Sessionをはじめ、様々な講演が行われました。 中でも最後時間帯である19:00から催されたAcademic Summitについてご紹介させていただきます。 Academic Summitは、AX2017に出席しているデータサイエンスに精通する学生が、学生間や企業の方々との交流を深めるイベントです。このサミットでは、SAS Executive Vice President およびSAS Chief Technology OfficerであるDr.Oliver Schabenberger氏の基調講演や、Gather IQという、クラウドソーシングによってあるトピックに関する問題の解決を図るアプリの説明、女性の技術職としてのキャリアを支援する制度、学生によるアナリティクスのコンテストであるShootout Competition における入賞チーム3組についての紹介がされ、最後に自由な交流の時間が設けられました。 Schabenberger氏は純粋数学を学んだのち、データサイエンスの道へと進むことになった経緯や、現在SAS社が注目しているAmbient AnalyticsとDeep Learningについての説明、さらに自分自身を成長させるための教訓などをお話ししてくださいました。 またGather IQは、SAS社のミッションの一つである社会貢献のためのアナリティクスの価値を非営利で提供するということを体現していたと感じました。 このイベントの最後には自由にコミュニケーションをとる時間が設けられ、参加者の皆様は積極的に情報交換を行っていました。何より印象に残ったのは、同年代で飛び級で大学院に進学した人や、SASR Enterprise Minerを使いこなしモデリングを行っていた人がいたこと、さらに、参加者全員が英語で円滑にコミュニケーションを行っていたことです。 同年代の海外の学生たちがデータサイエンスに対して抱いている思いや、それに臨んでいく姿勢、自身のキャリアに対する考えなどを聞くことで、自分たちがこれからどうやってこの分野で戦っていくべきなのか、そのために何をするべきかなど、改めて深く考えさせられました。 また、意見交換をした際、私たちは英語の能力が十分でなかったということ以前に、初対面の人に話しかけることを躊躇してしまい、インターナショナルな場で積極的にコミュニケーションをとることの難しさを痛感しました。このようなためらいを減らし、自分から積極的に意思疎通を図っていくことの大切さを感じました。 残る二日間、データサイエンスに関する知識やノウハウだけでなく、グローバル人材にとって必要な素養も学んでいけたらと思います。
Have you heard the term “analytics economy” and wondered what it means? Or maybe you’ve wondered how your organization can use data and analytics to achieve economic gains. Now we have more than just data. We have accessible data, fueled by advances in compute power and connectivity, and interpreted by ever-more powerful
In my 25 years at SAS, I‘ve noticed the continued use of important algorithms, such as logistic regression and decision trees, which I’m sure will continue to be steady staples for data scientists. After all, they’re easy-to-use, interpretable algorithms. However, they’re not always the most accurate and stable classifiers. To
Toe bone connected to the foot bone, Foot bone connected to the leg bone, Leg bone connected to the knee bone,... — American Spiritual, "Dem Bones" Last week I read an interesting article on Robert Kosara's data visualization blog. Kosara connected the geographic centers of the US zip codes in
‘세계자연기금(WWF: World Wildlife Fund)’은 미래 환경 보호 리더를 양성하기 위해 전 세계적으로 교육 프로그램에 투자하고 있습니다. 이 리더들은 세계에서 가장 다양한 생물들이 서식하고 있지만 취약한 지역의 환경 보호를 위해 앞장서고 있는데요. 실제 여러 리더들이 WWF의 지원을 받으며 혜택을 누리고 있습니다. 그렇지만 여전히 생물학적 보존 가치가 높은 지역에 거주하는 많은 이들이 자연에
You might not know it by looking at me (I’m rounding up when I tell people I’m 5’8”) but I’m a huge basketball fan. I’ve been following the sport since I was 10, coaching it for the last decade and playing on teams throughout my life, still dedicating my winters
The government has an unfathomable amount of data -- and it grows more and more each year. This puts agencies in a unique and important position to use that data for good. Whether it be improving government operations, solving some of the nation’s biggest challenges or empowering citizens in new
ODER: Wie erstelle ich ein Edge Analytics Case auf Basis von SAS ESP, SAS Streamviewer und eines Modelltrucks? Das beschreibe ich in Teil 3. Rückblick: Im ersten Teil wurden die Idee und der Inhalt der SAS Streaming-Analytics-Demo beschrieben. Im zweiten Teil sind die einzelnen technischen Komponenten sowie die Software aufgelistet. Im
This article shows how to simulate data from a mixture of multivariate normal distributions, which is also called a Gaussian mixture. You can use this simulation to generate clustered data. The adjacent graph shows three clusters, each simulated from a four-dimensional normal distribution. Each cluster has its own within-cluster covariance,
This is the final post in my series of machine learning best practices. If you missed the earlier posts, start at the beginning, or read the whole series by clicking on the image to the right. While post four in the series was about combining different types of models, this