Work & Life at SAS

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Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Languishing and Flourishing

Blog post originally published in 2015 What is the difference between people who languish and people who flourish?  People who flourish have at least 3 heartfelt positive emotional experiences for every heart-wrenching negative one.  This might seem like a hard balance to strike, but think of it like you would

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Victoria Silva 0
SAS debate liderança feminina durante SAS Women Empowerment Day 2022

Em painel com líderes de tecnologia, as mulheres debateram sobre a importância da presença feminina em cargos de liderança. Nesta quarta-feira (16), foi realizada mais uma edição do SAS Women Empowerment Day, evento destinado ao debate sobre as oportunidades e os desafios vividos pelas mulheres no ambiente corporativo e principalmente

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Why Willpower Fails Me

This blog post was originally published in November of 2018.  I have continued to learn about motivating behavior change and would even consider myself an expert at this point (4 years later).  Using social emotions to motivate change is still my strongest and most successful strategy so I am sharing

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Elizabeth Bautista 0
Curiosidad, hacia el balance personal y profesional de las mujeres

“No tengo talentos especiales, pero sí soy profundamente curioso”. -Albert Einstein Los seres humanos somos curiosos por naturaleza. Siempre hemos querido conocer cómo funcionan las cosas, hemos creado las herramientas para modificar nuestro entorno y analizado la información a nuestro alcance para llevar al nivel de evolución en el que

Work & Life at SAS
Mouloud Dey 0
Recherche Miss T désespérément

L’heure du T Ne la cherchez pas forcément sur Tinder, ou sur Meetic, mais, surtout, prenez soin d’elle si vous l’avez déjà rencontrée. Miss T est spéciale, insaisissable, parfois imprévisible, mais vous devez absolument faire sa connaissance. Il en va, peut-être, de votre avenir, du succès de vos grands projets

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
Finding Purpose

As the new year unfolds so do new resolutions. While these are helpful, I invite you to consider a new way to look at cultivating what you really want this year! Let’s begin with a simple question. What gets you out of bed every day? I'm not referring to an alarm

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Free Parenting Advice

Parenting advice is often given liberally and freely by well-meaning relatives, friends, and sometimes even strangers.  When you are having an issue with your child (potty training, sleep, tantrums, or anything else) it is difficult to know who to listen to or where to start.  In this post, first I

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