Strengthen your programming skills with tips and techniques from the experts
SAS' Danny Sprukulis walks through how he developed a model theme park to simulate attraction wait times for operational decision-making.
Strengthen your programming skills with tips and techniques from the experts
SAS' Danny Sprukulis walks through how he developed a model theme park to simulate attraction wait times for operational decision-making.
A previous article discusses how to generate a random covariance matrix with a specified set of (positive) eigenvalues. A SAS programmer asked whether it is possible to produce a correlation matrix that has a specified set of eigenvalues. After discussing the problem with a friend, I am happy to report
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches! SAS programmers have a long history of creating yuletide-themed graphics. Christmas trees are a popular image because of their simplicity. I admit that I have indulged more than once in this holiday tradition: An old-school ASCII art image A
Review these three cool use cases for SAS users, built using SAS Viya Workbench. SAS and Python for better working together!
Conheça alguns conceitos e estratégias para implantação de soluções que aproveitam das capacidades da nuvem e de containers com o SAS Container Runtime (SCR) O SAS, líder global de dados e IA, atua há quase 50 anos no desenvolvimento de soluções analíticas. Há alguns anos, integra suas soluções ao universo
While researching the topic of Latin hypercube sampling (LHS), I read an article by Emily Gao (2019) that shows how to use PROC IML in SAS to perform the algorithm. It is possible to simplify Gao's implementation of Latin hypercube sampling in SAS while also making the computation more efficient.
Decades ago, it was a challenge to generate (pseudo-) random numbers that had good statistical properties. The proliferation of desktop computers in the 1980s and '90s led to many advances in computational mathematics, including better ways to generate pseudorandom variates from a wide range of probability distributions. (For brevity, I
Order matters. The order of variables in tables and rows of a correlation matrix can make a big difference in how easy it is to observed correlations between variables or groups of variables. There are many ways to order the variables, but this article shows how to display the variables
A previous article discusses the MakeString function, which you can use to convert an IML character vector into a string. This can be very useful. When I originally wrote the MakeString function, I was disappointed that I could not vectorize the computation. Recently, I learned about the COMBL function in
In the SAS 9.4 world, SAS Stored Processes (STP) were incredibly popular. An STP is a SAS program that is stored on a server and can be executed as required by requesting applications. On SAS 9.4, they were widely used for web reporting, analytics, building web applications, delivering packages to customers and publishing results to channels or repositories.
A previous article shows a simulation of two different models of a foraging animal. The first model is a random walk, which assumes that the animal chooses a random direction, then takes a step that is distributed according to a Gaussian random variable. In the second model, the animal again
In SAS, range attribute maps enable you to specify the range of values that determine the colors used for graphical elements. There are various examples that use the GTL to define a range attribute map, but fewer examples that show how to use a range attribute map with PROC SGPLOT.
A common way to visualize the sample correlations between many numeric variables is to display a heat map that shows the Pearson correlation for each pair of variables, as shown in the image to the right. The correlation is a number in the range [-1, 1], where -1 indicated perfect
The INPUT function and PUT function in SAS are used to apply informats and formats (respectively) to data. For both functions, you must know in advance which informat or format you want to apply. For brevity, let's consider only applying a format. To use the PUT function, you must know
In SAS, the INPUT and PUT functions are powerful functions that enable you to convert data from character type to numeric type and vice versa. They work by applying SAS formats or informats to data. You cannot fully understand the INPUT and PUT functions without understanding formats and informats in
A remarkable result in probability theory is the "three-sigma rule," which is a generic name for theorems that bound the probability that a univariate random variable will appear near the center of its distribution. This article discusses the familiar three-sigma rule for the normal distribution, a less-familiar rule for unimodal
In practice, there is no need to remember textbook formulas for the ANOVA test because all modern statistical software will perform the test for you. In SAS, the ANOVA procedure is designed to handle balanced designs (the same number of observations in each group) whereas the GLM procedure can handle
A previous article about how to display missing values in SAS prompted a comment about special missing values in ODS tables in SAS. Did you know that statistical tables in SAS include special missing values to represent certain situations in statistical analyses? This article explains how to interpret four special
In statistical tables in SAS, a dot (.) represents a numerical missing value. Although a dot is the default symbol in SAS, other languages use other symbols. The R language prints the symbol NA, which stands for "not available." The MATLAB language uses NaN ("Not a Number"). In Python, many
SAS has a programming language, but IS that all it is? Nope, but it still ranks high as a most marketable programming skill.
Fitting a Gradient Boosting Model - Learn how to fit a gradient boosting model and use your model to score new data In Part 6, Part 7, and Part 9 of this series, we fit a logistic regression, decision tree and random forest model to the Home Equity data we
Modern software for statistical graphics automatically handles many details and graph defaults, such as the range of the axes and the placement of tick marks. In the days of yore, these details required tedious manual calculations. Think about what is required to place ticks on a scatter plot. On the
In SAS, DATA step programmers use the IN operator to determine whether a value is contained in a set of target values. Did you know that there is a similar functionality in the SAS IML language? The ELEMENT function in the SAS IML language is similar to the IN operator
A previous article shows how to implement recursive formulas in SAS. The article points out that you can often avoid recursion by using an iterative algorithm, which is more efficient. An example is the Fibonacci sequence, which is usually defined recursively as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) for n
Many well-known distributions become more and more "normal looking" for large values of a parameter. Famously, the binomial distribution, Binom(p, N), can be approximated by a normal distribution when N (the sample size) is large. Similarly, the Poisson(λ) distribution is well approximated by the normal distribution when λ is large.
There are two programming tools that I rarely use: the SAS macro language and recursion. The SAS macro language is a tool that enables you to generate SAS statements. I rarely use the SAS macro language because the SAS IML language supports all the functionality required to write complex programs,
The SAS IML Language has a quirk with regards to functions that take no arguments. As discussed in the documentation, "modules with arguments are given a local symbol table." This is the usual behavior that programmers expect. However, the documentation goes on to state that "a module that has no
In SAS, the easiest way to draw random sampling from data is to use PROC SURVEYSELECT or the SAMPLE function in SAS IML software. I have previously written about how to implement four common sampling schemes by using PROC SURVEYSELECT and the SAMPLE function. The DATA step in SAS is
Learn how to use SAS code (PROC HTTP) to read and write files from your Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Teams or SharePoint Online. You'll learn how to create a Microsoft Office 365 app, connect to it with SAS, and automate the integration with your office productivity environment.
A previous article shows that you can run a simple (one-variable) isotonic regression by using a quadratic programming (QP) formulation. While I was reading a book about computational geometry, I learned that there is a connection between isotonic regression and the convex hull of a certain set of points. Whaaaaat?