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SAS has partnered with Pearson VUE to offer Online Proctored for all public SAS exams.
Learn about the latest tips, tutorials, upcoming events and certifications
SAS has partnered with Pearson VUE to offer Online Proctored for all public SAS exams.
그 동안 머신러닝 해석력 시리즈를 통해서 머신러닝의 부분 의존성(PD; Partial Dependence), 데이터 세트 해석 등을 소개해드렸는데요. 오늘은 라임(LIME; Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanation)을 통해 머신러닝 모델의 해석력을 개선할 수 있는 방법에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. 머신러닝 모델 해석력 시리즈 1탄, 2탄, 3탄을 놓치셨다면 아래 링크를 통해 확인해주세요! 머신러닝 해석력 시리즈 1탄: 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝을 신뢰하기 위한 필수
While support.sas.com remains the holy grail of SAS support resources, there are so many good choices, it can sometimes be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together a new guide to make things easier for new SAS users: the SAS Starter Kit.
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear! -Buddy in Elf In the Christmas movie Elf (2003), Jovie (played by Zooey Deschanel) must "spread Christmas cheer" to help Santa. She chooses to sing "Santa Claus is coming to town," and soon all of New
The SAS 9.4M6 software includes a new SGPIE procedure (preproduction) as introduced in the recent article - The SGPIE Procedure. In that article, I described the basic features of the two statements supported in the procedure, the PIE and the DONUT, with some examples. It is my humble opinion that
Joseph Woodside discusses the use of using ensemble modeling in SAS for fraud detection and readmissions.
Recently a SAS programmer wanted to obtain a table of counts that was based on a histogram. I showed him how you can use the OUTHIST= option on the HISTOGRAM statement in PROC UNIVARIATE to obtain that information. For example, the following call to PROC UNIVARIATE creates a histogram for
When a graph includes several markers or line styles, it is often useful to create a legend that explains the relationship between the data and the symbols, color, and line styles in the graph. The SGPLOT procedure does a good job of automatically creating and placing a legend for most
In August 2018, Hurricane Florence came on shore in North Carolina. Much of the damage was from flooding because the storm moved slowly over North and South Carolina. Parts of North Carolina had over 30 inches of rain from the storm, and this caused many of North Carolina’s rivers to
Find out what SAS Global Forum 2019 conference chair MaryAnne DePesquo says about the upcoming conference in Dallas.
This blog post shows a few samples of graphs and explains how you can use new functionality in ODS Graphics to make your old graphs look new again. ODS Graphics is part of Base SAS.
The 6th maintenance release of SAS 9.4 is now available for users. Along with it comes a new SG procedure - the SGPIE procedure (pre-production). The primary audience for the SG procedures has been the analytical user, for creating effective displays of analytical data. However, the rich feature set of these
Joseph Woodside discusses the evolution of digital transformation in healthcare in three eras.
A data analyst asked how to compute parameter estimates in a linear regression model when the underlying data matrix is rank deficient. This situation can occur if one of the variables in the regression is a linear combination of other variables. It also occurs when you use the GLM parameterization
Starting with SAS 9.4M6, procedures that used to be provided with a SAS/GRAPH installation are now available with Base SAS. Using these procedures along with PROC SGMAP can help you create some very nice maps. This blog builds on previous posts and highlights the: MAPSSAS Data Sets GREMOVE procedure %CENTROID
You might know that you can use the ODS SELECT statement to display only some of the tables and graphs that are created by a SAS procedure. But did you know that you can use a WHERE clause on the ODS SELECT statement to display tables that match a pattern?
A few days back I published an article on including more subject data in a Waterfall graph. This was motivated by the desire from many users to view more data in the same graph, thus avoiding the need to refer to different graphs for the relevant information. In this case,
Joseph Woodside shares examples of applied experimental learning in healthcare from his book, "Applied Health Analytics and Informatics Using SAS".
SAS is launching the SAS Student Series, which bundles thousands of dollars’ worth of training and certification materials into an affordable package for university students and recent graduates.
Previously, I have written articles on how we could display more subject response data along with the traditional WaterFall graph showing the best "Change from Baseline". This is in response to the desire to see data like treatment duration for each subject in the same graph. Otherwise, investigators have to
The SGPLOT procedure enables you to use the value of a response variable to color markers or areas in a graph. For example, you can use the COLORRESPONSE= option to define a variable whose values will be used to color markers in a scatter plot or cells in a heat
Migration, version road maps and configurations were the themes of several questions that came up in a recent webinar about combining SAS Grid Manager and SAS Viya. This blog post gives the answers.
Will the real Pareto distribution please stand up? SAS supports three different distributions that are named "Pareto." The Wikipedia page for the Pareto distribution lists five different "Pareto" distributions, including the three that SAS supports. This article shows how to fit the two-parameter Pareto distribution in SAS and discusses the
Mein Name ist Daniel und ich bin in der vierten Klasse. Diese Woche wurden die Eltern in meine Schule eingeladen, um uns etwas über ihre Arbeit zu erzählen. Und mein Vater war mit dabei. Am Anfang war ich etwas unsicher, ob ich mich darüber freuen sollte. Denn wenn sein Vortrag
The TEXT plot was introduced with SAS 9.4M2 to facilitate placement of text strings in a graph. This replaces the MARKERCHAR feature of the SCATTER plot statement, which is still available, but it is better to use TEXT plot in most cases. The syntax is: text x=column y=column text=column </
SAS Technical Support has had several requests from customers who want to use SAS® software to help download their files from a website when there is no application programming interface (API) to do it. This post shows how to automate downloads using PROC HTTP and DATA step, and how to use the HTTP DEBUG statement.
A useful feature in PROC SGPLOT is the ability to easily visualize subgroups of data. Most statements in the SGPLOT procedure support a GROUP= option that enables you to overlay plots of subgroups. When you use the GROUP= option, observations are assigned attributes (colors, line patterns, symbols, ...) that indicate
Vor ein paar Wochen hat das erste deutsche SAS User Group Meetup in Berlin stattgefunden. Dort hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mit Igor Khorlo, Senior Statistical Programmer bei Syneos Health Deutschland und Gründer der SAS User Group Germany (SUGG), über seine Motivation zu sprechen, die Gruppe ins Leben zu rufen –
If you want to bootstrap the parameters in a statistical regression model, you have two primary choices. The first is case resampling, which is also called resampling observations or resampling pairs. In case resampling, you create the bootstrap sample by randomly selecting observations (with replacement) from the original data. The
Recently a colleague was requested to create a bar chart showing the performance of students in a school compared to county and state wide schools. The solution using SGPLOT was simple as shown below. /*--Create data--*/ data school; input Year Group $ Value; format Value percent5.1; datalines;