
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | SAS Events
Jorge Zafra 0
¿Hasta dónde puede llegar la Inteligencia Artificial?

Tradicionalmente, cuando hablábamos de tecnología y comparábamos sus posibilidades con las de los seres humanos nos encontrábamos con una barrera: su capacidad de creación. Pero este aspecto ya ha empezado a cambiar. La Inteligencia Artificial, a través de modelos computacionales de redes neuronales, permite ya generar textos, imágenes o temas

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Héctor Cobo 0
Inteligencia artificial en México, un mercado que madura

En algún momento, la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el machine learning (ML) parecían algo complicado y costoso para las empresas. Hoy, su efectividad y ubicuidad les ha abierto la puerta para incorporarlos a distintas actividades productivas. Ya no se cuestiona su relevancia. Actualmente, las organizaciones están conscientes de que el

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Tiffany Carpenter 0
Disruption disrupted: How COVID-19 put the customer back into digital transformation

Companies have been talking about disruption for years. The word appears in every other top-level business meeting – yet the revolution hasn’t happened. Many businesses have little to show for it. In truth, disruption needs more than enthusiasm. Without a strategy, organisations have simply transformed long, complicated paper processes into

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Mouloud Dey 0
Mourir peut attendre… No time to die

Data, IA et transformation numérique pour l'Industrie du Futur. Fini de jouer ! Sans une approche industrielle c'est  "No future" ! Les diamants sont éternels… KHEPRI, divinité mythologique de l’Égypte ancienne symbolisant la renaissance matinale du soleil, aurait inspiré le logo d’une marque automobile centenaire, véhicule de fonction culte d’un célèbre agent

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Jen Sabourin 0
Is data cited in the news accurate? It depends on how it was collected.

Editor's note: This blog post is part of a series of posts, originally published here by our partner News Literacy Project, exploring the role of data in understanding our world. As discussed in previous posts, statistics and visual representations of data can be misleading. But what happens when the data itself is misleading? And if data is

Rick Wicklin 0
Intransitive dice

Most games of skill are transitive. If Player A wins against Player B and Player B wins against Player C, then you expect Player A to win against Player C, should they play. Because of this, you can rank the players: A > B > C Interestingly, not all games

Analytics | Learn SAS
José Mutis O. 0
Pensamiento analítico y capacidad de innovar, las principales habilidades que se requieren para poder trabajar en 2025

Recientemente, fueron publicados los resultados del Informe sobre el Futuro de los Empleos del Foro Económico Mundial, el cual no solo traza el mapa de lo que serán los empleos y las habilidades del futuro, sino que tiene en consideración el impacto que producirá en la forma de trabajar en la

Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
3 ways data can help homeless youth 

What comes to mind when you think of a “homeless person”? Chances are, you’ll picture an adult, probably male, dirty, likely with some health conditions, including a mental illness. Few of us would immediately recall homeless individuals as family members, neighbors, co-workers and other loved ones. Fewer still are likely aware of how many youths (both minors and young adults) experience homelessness annually.  Homeless youth is a population who can

Analytics | Data for Good
Penny St. Clair-Holmes 0
3 compelling reasons nonprofits are relying on analytics during the pandemic

It’s no surprise that nonprofit organizations providing health-related services are overconsumed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but what about other types of nonprofits? According to CNM President and CEO, Tina Weinfurther, the pandemic has affected nonprofits in different ways. Some are running on fumes, while others have doubled in size and

Analytics | Data Visualization
Rick Wicklin 0
Decile plots in SAS

I previously showed how to create a decile calibration plot for a logistic regression model in SAS. A decile calibration plot (or "decile plot," for short) is used in some fields to visualize agreement between the data and a regression model. It can be used to diagnose an incorrectly specified

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Mike Pflug 0
What do identity thieves covet the most?

Recently nine pharmacists from across the country were charged for their part in a $12.1M health care fraud scheme. The pharmacists allegedly took money for prescription medications that were neither purchased nor dispensed. The indictments further allege that the defendants billed Medicare and Medicaid for medications that were often medically unnecessary and for some medications that were purportedly dispensed to

Lindsay Marshall 0
How we’re reimagining data access on the cloud

You look to the cloud for several reasons – to meet your cloud-first strategy, for scalability or to adapt quickly to changing business demands. Maybe all three.   Perhaps you need offerings to be available in various regions, or to reduce application response time and improve latency problems. Perhaps regulatory and compliance constraints are limiting (or mandating) the physical locations where your data can be stored and transmitted. This is why having a global data footprint is

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