Tag: analytics

Analytics | Machine Learning
Thomas Keil 0
Künstliche Intelligenz braucht Interpretierbarkeit, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Kommunikation

Wahrscheinlich schreibt Richard David Precht gerade an einem Buch über künstliche Intelligenz – und es wäre wirklich nicht schlecht, wenn sich möglichst viele Menschen so genau wie möglich über dieses Thema informieren könnten, ohne selbst Spezialist sein zu müssen. Denn, das ist 2017 bereits klar geworden, künstliche Intelligenz betrifft uns

Analytics | Machine Learning
Thomas Keil 0
Künstliche Intelligenz 2018: Welcome to the Analytics Economy!

Jahreswechsel bieten sich für Bestandsaufnahmen an. Mit ein wenig Abstand betrachtet fällt mir auf, dass die Spezialisten-Themen „Analytics“, „Big Data“ und vor allem „künstliche Intelligenz“ (KI) längst im publizistischen Mainstream angekommen sind. Täglich erscheinen in allen möglichen Publikumszeitschriften neue Artikel, die zwischen Euphorie und Pessimismus jede Facette anbieten. Grund genug,

SAS Events | Students & Educators
Paula Henderson 0
Former US Chief Technology Officer encourages STEM diversity

Former U.S. Chief Technology officer Megan Smith stressed the importance of continued investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in her keynote address at SAS Analytics Experience, sharing a quote from George Washington. In his first address to Congress, in 1790, Washington said, “There is nothing which can better

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lonnie Miller 0
How to monetize connected vehicles with analytics and mobility services

For the last two years, I’ve spent time listening to and brainstorming with automakers, their suppliers and other technology companies about how to monetize connected vehicle data. This involves: Data that’s offloaded from a roving vehicle fleet (cars, trains, semi-trucks, farm tractors, you name it!). Data coming from driving-related mobile apps used

Analytics | Data Visualization
10 gute Gründe, warum SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 Ihr Leben erleichtert

Seit einigen Tagen ist das brandneue Release von SAS Visual Analytics verfügbar. Ich habe mich natürlich gleich drangemacht, die neue Ausgabe auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen. Herausgekommen sind neben vielen neuen Funktionen auch die Top-10-Gründe, warum Sie für Ihre Big-Data-Strategie mit SAS Visual Analytics, kurz SAS VA, die besten

Analytics | Data Management
Jeremy Racine 0
Behavioral health remains a blind spot in health IT

Behavioral health information technology (HIT) adoption efforts have struggled and are still plagued by a number of challenges. Since 2011, the federal government has incentivized the industry to the tune of $37 billion. However, according to US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) “psychologists, community mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, and others

Analytics | Data for Good | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Steve Bennett 0
How federal civilian agencies can improve outcomes with analytics

From national parks and healthcare to taxes and nutrition, federal civilian agencies feature an incredibly large and diverse set of missions. These agencies oversee almost every aspect of American life with an endless sea of projects, programs and general oversight. But, as Deloitte Consulting’s Mark Urbanczyk said during a recent

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Kennedy 0
How law enforcement can use analytics to combat the opioid epidemic

A steady drumbeat of news coverage makes one thing clear: Opioid abuse is rising and has reached epidemic levels throughout our country. Overdoses from the diversion and abuse of prescription opioids are one cause of the surge in deaths. Overdoses from heroin and other illicit synthetic opioids (such as heroin,

Suzanne Clayton 0
Analytics = brilliance

I recently spent two days with an innovative communications customer explaining exactly what SAS analytics can do to help them take their advertising platform to a whole new level. Media meets data resulting in addressable advertising. SAS would essentially be the brain behind all their advertising decisions, helping them ingest

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
US government, analytics researchers step up fight against improper payments

  Improper payments continue to plague the federal government, though many actions are in motion to help turn the tide. The Trump Administration’s Building a Better America: A Plan for Fiscal Responsibility, released in July 2017, emphasizes reducing improper payments, currently estimated by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to total

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