Tag: SAS Enterprise Miner

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
2019 상반기 글로벌 분석 전문가들의 SAS 평가 리포트를 공유합니다

SAS는 매년 IDC(International Data Corporation), 가트너(Gartner), 포레스터 리서치(Forrester Research, Inc.) 등 세계적인 분석 기관 및 시장 조사 업체로부터 SAS의 제품과 전략, 시장 경쟁성 등 여러 측면에서 평가를 받고 있습니다. 이러한 애널리스트들의 평가와 조언은 기술 구매를 고려하는 고객들은 물론 SAS의 발전과 혁신에도 큰 도움이 됩니다. 올해 상반기 SAS는 전문가들로부터 어떤 평가를

Machine Learning
Leo Sadovy 0
Neural networks demystified

You’ve likely heard the news that the Google DeepMind “AlphaGo” computer not only beat a human expert at the game of Go, defeating the European Go champion, Fan Hui in five straight games, but also beat the reigning world champion grandmaster, South Korea’s Lee Sedol, 4 games to 1. Go

Kattamuri Sarma 0
Examining your inputs with SAS Enterprise Miner

To build accurate predictive models you need clean data. Having a good understanding of the data helps you to interpret the models correctly and enables you to make sound intelligent business decisions. SAS Enterprise Miner can help you to achieve the twin goals of improving the quality of data and

Patricia Spain 0
Why take SAS Training in San Francisco?

Why San Francisco? The Golden Gate Bridge. The Aquarium of the Bay. The best Ramen Noodles. Need more? Our Business knowledge Series offers you four more great reasons to visit San Francisco soon. Data Mining Techniques: Theory and Practice Customer Segmentation Using SAS Enterprise Miner SAS Functions by Example Survival

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Profiling of customers and prospects

This week's SAS tip is from Randy Collica and his book Customer Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner, Second Edition. Randy, a Senior Solutions Architect for SAS, is extremely knowledgeable. His current interests include clustering and ensemble models, knowledge and data engineering, missing data and imputation, and text mining techniques for

Shelly Goodin 0
Projecting expected outcomes with decision trees

We’ve just published Decision Trees for Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner by Barry de Ville and Padraic Neville. Filled with many figures and examples, this comprehensive book has garnered strong early user reviews. We invited the authors to share a few words about their new book. Neville had this to

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