The global hype cycle of AI, driven in large part by ChatGPT, is dying down and real-world artificial intelligence (AI) adoption and application are taking hold. Early adopters are reaping rewards, and AI leaders are driving significant change in their business models. Banking as a sector was quick to grasp
Tag: customer experience
As consumers increasingly embrace a mobile-first lifestyle, businesses across various industries – from retail and banking, to insurance and telecommunications – are under pressure to create personalized and engaging customer experiences. The ability to reach customers through the right channel at the right time is essential for enhancing customer engagement,
Personalization has become the cornerstone of the customer journey. It’s the difference between a one-size-fits-all approach and a tailored experience that resonates on a personal level. These three organizations are mastering the art of delivering exceptional customer experiences with SAS® Customer Intelligence 360. The Nature Conservancy: Improving donor communications The
Customer analytics is becoming imperative for organizations that desire to create and provide personalized and satisfying customer experiences. To understand and anticipate customer needs, preferences and behaviors in a fast-moving marketplace, organizations must make sense of unstructured data, apply industry-specific data and analytics techniques, and optimize every customer-level decision and
Well, there's another plot twist in the Google third-party cookie deprecation saga. After years of banter and shifting deadlines, Google has decided to abandon its plans to phase out third-party cookies from Chrome. What does this mean for marketers? Even though third-party cookies aren't being removed, Google is planning to
Estamos quase na Semana Santa o que, por ser uma das épocas em que mais viagens se realizam por todo o país, pode apresentar vários desafios à rede rodoviária e aos sistemas de transporte. A variabilidade nos padrões de movimento durante estas datas acrescenta uma camada adicional de complexidade, o
In the ever-evolving landscape of media, understanding how different generations consume content is crucial. Deloitte's report on Digital Media Trends 2023 sheds light on these generational disparities, highlighting a clear shift towards online experiences among younger audiences. This trend presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses, as they grapple with how
A customer’s onboarding journey is often the most interaction they will have with their bank. Onboarding activities provide the first meaningful insights into what being a customer will be like, and they can make or break the long-term prospects of the relationship. Unfortunately, the onboarding journey at many banks is
No ano passado, assistimos a uma revolução notável no desenvolvimento de modelos generativos de IA e na sua adoção generalizada por indivíduos e empresas. Dois exemplos claros foram o ChatGPT e o DALL-E da OpenAI que, em apenas alguns meses, conseguiram conquistar milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo, garantindo
Tem alguma noção de onde estão os seus dados? Provavelmente não, mas os fraudadores certamente que sim! A fraude pode não ser algo que pensemos todos os dias, mas a verdade é que pode afetar todas as áreas da nossa vida, daí a sua relevância. Anualmente, durante a Semana Internacional de
Many executives may be feeling supply chain anxiety. The pace of disruptions – weather events, aggressive marketing techniques, transportation bottlenecks, and more – remains high, and there are already signs of consumer uncertainty in 2024. To manage the unknown and keep supply chains strong, some organizations are employing intelligent, real-time
In a 2009 ACFE report on the 2008 financial crisis, about half (49%) of 500 fraud experts surveyed cited increased financial pressure as the foremost factor driving the year’s fraud surge. It is a testament to what fraud examiners have long understood: fraud never goes away but changes with the
Na przestrzeni lat krajobraz oszustw przeszedł wiele transformacji, a techniki stosowane przez oszustów ewoluowały. Niektóre z trendów wykorzystywanych przez oszustów obejmują podszywanie się między innymi pod kurierów, banki, firmy energetyczne, a nawet firmy loteryjne. Okazja czyni złodzieja W czasie pandemii dużą popularność zyskał pet scam, czyli schemat opierający się na
The significance of upholding trustworthy AI standards transcends multiple industries. Within retail, AI can potentially wield considerable influence in driving customer experiences, optimizing operations, and shaping business strategies. However, it is crucial to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in an ethical manner, prioritizing human well-being and reflecting
Atraer, añadir valor o retener clientes no es tarea fácil. Especialmente en un contexto cada vez más competitivo, donde los consumidores que, generalmente apuestan por sus marcas de confianza pero que están abiertos a nuevas opciones, disponen de amplias ofertas atractivas a golpe de click. Recomendar ofertas de valor de forma
Los modelos analíticos de cliente son utilizados por las empresas para mejorar el conocimiento sobre su público objetivo, necesidades, comportamientos y, en general, anticipar sus movimientos. La utilización de esta información en modelos analíticos nos permitirá descubrir patrones de comportamiento en los clientes. Una vía de optimizar los modelos
Artículo escrito por Violeta Gállego y Oscar Saavedra. Los algoritmos de IA combinados con el histórico de las interacciones son el match perfecto para mejorar tus resultados de ventas. Esto es gracias a la mejora en la personalización de las preferencias de los clientes que nos permiten hacer. ¿Qué es?
¿Te has planteado alguna vez como mejorar el rendimiento de tu plataforma SAS? ¿Qué es? La Administración Experta consiste en monitorizar los entornos SAS y realizar un mantenimiento reactivo y proactivo, así como atender a peticiones puntuales por parte de los equipos técnicos de los clientes. ¿Para qué? Con la
El incremento del comercio online está provocando que los usuarios sean cada vez más exigentes y dispongan de una mayor variedad de comercios donde efectuar sus compras. Tener la capacidad de ofrecer productos que se adapten a las preferencias de nuestros usuarios, es cada vez más importante y necesario. ¿Qué
No mundo hiperconectado em que vivemos, os consumidores podem ter múltiplas jornadas de compras, com interações por sites, aplicativos, redes sociais ou até mesmo por uma ligação telefônica. Apesar das muitas opções de canais de contato disponíveis, o mais relevante para o cliente é a qualidade e o nível de
No passado dia 25 de maio, aproveitámos a presença da equipa de gestão a nível global do SAS na cosmopolita Madrid para nos reunirmos com os nossos clientes e parceiros, que já consideramos amigos, para abordar um tema tão em voga como a analítica avançada sob diferentes ângulos no nosso
After years of disruption, the insurance industry has its sights set on change – the problem is that transformation often feels out of reach, or firms don’t know where to start. From speaking to our customers, we know that many want to embrace innovative technologies but remain stuck with costly
Insurers have faced significant headwinds in the last few years. The insurtech market continues to grow, even if it’s had the wind taken out of its sails recently due to funding for start-ups drying up and following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. But another contender and digital disruptor has
Amidst the ever-evolving retail industry landscape, marked by unprecedented challenges, one burning question emerges: What does it take to be a game changer in the face of disruption? Earlier this year, I was pleased to present the SAS Customer Experience “Game Changer Award” at the Retail Week Awards in London.
Desde que en 2019 se constituyese la Red de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes (RDI), el camino recorrido por la industria del turismo, capital para la economía española, no ha sido fácil, con una pandemia que dió de lleno en la línea de flotación de este sector. Hoy, el panorama comienza a
La experiencia de compra de millones de personas ha evolucionado recientemente hacia nuevas vertientes. Hoy, a diferencia del modelo tradicional de acudir físicamente a una atienda, recorrer los pasillos, pagar y volver a casa, con el avance de la digitalización y el crecimiento de aplicaciones, surge un nuevo modelo que
Customers are more demanding than ever before. An effect of the pandemic is that brands had to go digital at any cost to survive and one of the side effects from this was an increase in customer personalization demand. Email inboxes are full of emails from all possible brands –
The perfect storm of challenges facing insurers is well-known to anyone working in the industry today. Some have been bubbling away for years – such as the competition from insurtech companies and non-insurance firms like manufacturers, the rising cost of claims, and internal inefficiencies. As the tough economic climate continues
If Fabrizio Biscotti, vice president at US research and consultancy firm Gartner, is correct that hyperautomation is no longer optional but a ‘condition of survival’ for businesses, then we are indeed entering a new era of retail. It’s a theme we’ve discussed throughout our blog series on hyperautomation – but
Para millones de personas, además de obtener los servicios y productos que prefieren, la experiencia que les puedan ofrecer las marcas es cada vez más relevante y puede marcar la diferencia entre seguir siendo leales a ellas o abandonarlas. Hoy, las organizaciones están conscientes de esto, por lo que