We live in a data-driven world. With touchpoints rapidly multiplying, consumer data continues to increase in volume and complexity. Insights derived from these touchpoints are crucial to improving the context of customer experiences. Investments in digital transformation to achieve a 360-degree customer view are now a necessity. Businesses need to
Tag: customer experience
In my position as an independent customer experience expert on the SAS Collaborators Programme, I’ve been delving into the detailed results and findings from its latest piece of CX research: Experience 2030: Has COVID-19 Created a New Kind of Customer? The exercise set out to discover how attitudes have changed,
My SAS is a brand-new customer experience page. This new location takes a variety of customer service places and puts them in one interface. The goal of My SAS is to ensure all SAS customers have the best possible experience available in the marketplace.
La décima edición del Buen Fin, el evento comercial más importante en México, será relativamente distinta a las de años anteriores: la pandemia por COVID-19 y el cierre de las tiendas físicas durante una larga temporada aceleraron la digitalización de los retailers en la carrera por brindar a los consumidores
Il comportamento di acquisto dei consumatori è andato incontro a numerosi cambiamenti durante e a seguito del lockdown. E questo non ci sorprende, visto l'impatto che il Covid-19 sta avendo sulla nostra vita quotidiana. La vera domanda che dobbiamo porci è: questi cambiamenti sono solo momentanei? La soddisfazione di ogni
Banco Proamérica de Guatemala se enfrentó a un escenario imprevisto y complicado cuando estalló la pandemia. Seguir atendiendo a sus clientes de Centroamérica y el Caribe le exigió reaccionar rápidamente. El objetivo: mantener su operación a toda costa y brindar el mismo nivel de servicio que daba a sus usuarios
The coronavirus pandemic has changed many things in many industries – and not always in the most obvious way. Insurance companies have seen both fewer claims and fewer sales. As a result, many have realised that the process of digitisation, often started slowly before lockdown, must now be accelerated. More,
Adaptación es la tendencia hoy en día en las organizaciones, y el marketing no escapa a este desafío. Responder de manera ágil y efectiva a los nuevos comportamientos de compra y hábitos de consumo de las personas es uno de los grandes retos que han tenido que enfrentar este año
The pandemic has done more to drive consumer adoption of online channels than any digital transformation initiative – but companies should be careful what they wish for. 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, and as the coronavirus continues to impact lives, health and the economy, it would be
SAS is on a marketing transformation mission. One that has targeting and personalization at the forefront. One that looks at customer journeys from a true omnichannel perspective – not through each of the channels in which we're executing. We’re bringing in brand, demand and engagement with the customer at the center
Digitalization, big data and AI are changing the role of insurance and, therefore, the role of actuaries. A lot of reports – like McKinsey’s Insurance 2030, Deloitte’s “The Exponential Actuary," or the Big Data and Insurance report by the Geneva Association (a leading think tank of insurance CEOs) depict aspects
Muchos de los procesos de transformación digital que venían desarrollando las empresas se han visto acelerados como consecuencia de la pandemia vivida en el mundo este año. La transformación hacia lo digital vivida durante este año, la abrupta llegada de muchos al comercio electrónico, descubrir que no hacen falta oficinas
Because SAS Viya provides distributed computing capabilities, customers wonder how it compares to SAS Grid Manager. SAS® Grid Manager and SAS® Viya® implement distributed computing according to different computational patterns.
En el mundo de negocios actual, las empresas necesitan operar con gran agilidad, innovar y ser resilientes, así como contar con un entorno de TI capaz de adecuarse a las demandas del mercado y del propio crecimiento del negocio. Dicha capacidad de respuesta puede verse un tanto frenada si una
What is automated prediction? Automated prediction, in less than a minute, runs several analytic models (such as decision trees, gradient boosting, and logistic and linear regression) on a specific variable of your choice. Most of the remaining variables in your dataset are automatically analyzed as factors that might influence your specified variable. They are called underlying factors. SAS then chooses the one model (champion model) that most accurately predicts your target variable. The model prediction and the underlying factors are then displayed. You can adjust the values of the underlying factors to determine how the model prediction changes with each adjustment.
For many retailers, the biggest challenge was simply to have enough staff to get products onto shelves quickly enough.
El comportamiento de los consumidores en el contexto de la pandemia es radicalmente distinto a lo que se observaba en meses previos. Como consecuencia de la crisis ocasionada por COVID-19 y el aislamiento social, las prioridades de compra están hoy conformadas por productos esenciales para satisfacer necesidades básicas. Cómo lo
And as survey fatigue kicks in, challenges in customer satisfaction and NPS scoring abound: will data be still representative or will it become increasingly biased?
Todos los negocios enfrentan desafíos de muy diferentes índoles, pero cuando nos referimos a aquellos que basan parte significativa de sus ingresos en el crédito - como los sectores financiero, telecomunicaciones y departamental o minorista-, éstos son los primeros en enfocar su atención y esfuerzo en alternativas creativas y hasta
Alors que certains annonçaient encore récemment la mort du commerce de détail en magasin, prédiction confortée par la croissance explosive d'Amazon, nous avons clairement vu se profiler une seconde vie des magasins en nous promenant dans les couloirs du Javitz Center de New York pendant la NRF 2020. Le commerce
A major UK insurance company used text analytics to categorise complaints.
I have a clear view on the potential of AI: the true value of AI lies in helping banks to know and understand their customers.
Which measures financial services can take to keep their customers complaints at a minimum.
SAS study (i.p. w. Harvard Business Review, Accenture, Intel) to learn more about how companies are enhancing their business.
The range of potential payment services has expanded rapidly over the last few years. Increasingly, we all want the flexibility of being able to pay with new payment methods, from contactless through to Apple Pay, mobile wallets and beyond. Digital natives, such as millennials, don’t just want this – they
El fraude en seguros siempre ha existido, presentándose de diferentes maneras para adaptarse a cada época. Hoy en día, la magnitud del fraude en seguros no solamente es sorprendente, sino que aumenta. Las actividades fraudulentas prevalecen a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de la póliza. A medida
This Is the latest installment in my series of posts dedicated to describing IoT applications in retail. Why do I want retailers to move more quickly in their widescale adoption of IoT in the coming year? Because I'm confident they'll see results, and these use cases help explain how. As
“Las mamás tienen muchos trabajos, porque son cocineras, manejadoras (chofer), curadoras (enfermeras), organizadoras de fiestas, cuidan la plata, noteras (¡canso a las seños con notitas!) pero cuando estás en el otro trabajo, ¿de qué trabajas?” Flor, 5 años. Amé la visión de mi hija más pequeña. Pero si le dijera
Whether you're reading industry articles about smart tags or analyst reports about inventory tracking, you've probably noticed an uptick in coverage on the adoption of IoT (and RFID) in retail. Since I've been following these topics for awhile, I've decided to dedicate a series of posts on the ways IoT can be used
Está próximo a celebrarse en México (el 27 de noviembre) Hot Sale, evento anual cuyo propósito es impulsar las ventas de productos de consumo en línea a través de ofertas, descuentos y promociones especiales. Organizado por la Asociación Mexicana de Ventas en Línea (AMVO), la Asociación Mexicana de Internet (AMIPCI)