
Rick Wicklin 0
The smooth bootstrap method in SAS

Last week I showed how to use the simple bootstrap to randomly resample from the data to create B bootstrap samples, each containing N observations. The simple bootstrap is equivalent to sampling from the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of the data. An alternative bootstrap technique is called the smooth

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Clinical Graphs: A1c Plot

Last week I was visiting San Diego for the SANDS conference.  I always enjoy this conference as I get to interact closely with the users to hear of their pains and innovative solutions to creating Clinical Graphs. In the conference Ed Barber asked about displaying A1c data along with some

David Cosgrave 0
How to Pokemon Go-to-Market

Has there ever been an app that’s captured the world’s imagination as quickly as Pokemon Go? The usage statistics are mind-blowing, and whether or not the world has reached “peak Pokemon Go” yet, this will doubtless be a short-lived fad. But this could be the app that brings augmented reality and

Data Management
Joyce Norris-Montanari 0
Clean-up woman: Part 1

If your enterprise is working with Hadoop, MongoDB or other nontraditional databases, then you need to evaluate your data strategy. A data strategy must adapt to current data trends based on business requirements. So am I still the clean-up woman? The answer is YES! I still work on the quality of the data.

Customer Intelligence
Hana Kvartová 0
Why I’m not Loyal

If a retailer degrades a loyalty card down to the level of a discount card, it shouldn’t expect higher revenues and customer loyalty. And it certainly can’t expect to know them any better. The floodgates of loyalty cards have opened as of late. Ten years ago I had just one

Lavanya Mandavilli 0
Passcode security for SAS Mobile BI

Mobile devices travel with humans pretty much anywhere that humans want to go. Unlike desktop computers that stay fixed and grounded within brick and mortar walls, mobile devices are used in all sorts of locales – offices, homes, cars, planes, swimming pools, soccer fields, movie theaters – the list goes

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