
Analytics | Data Visualization | SAS Events
Janny Morsink 0
What’s it like to recruit the next great soccer star? Find out in this data science escape room from SAS and SciSports

Have you ever dreamed of working for a professional sports organization? Do you play fantasy sports leagues and fantasize about owning a real team? Do you follow the news about player drafts and trades, and wish you could influence who your team picks? Well, here’s your chance. The latest SAS

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Jürgen Wengorz 0
Alles ge-„cloud“ – Stolperfallen bei der Migration von Analytics in die Cloud

Steht die moderne IT vor einer Herausforderung, greifen Verantwortliche immer öfter auf ein vermeintliches Allheilmittel zurück: die Migration von Lösungen in die Cloud. Doch ist diese Maßnahme tatsächlich die Universallösung? Nun, die Antwort darauf ist ein entschiedenes „Jein“. Analytics-as-a-Service und Analytics in der Cloud sind seit Längerem ein viel diskutiertes

Analytics | Machine Learning
David Tareen 0
Malignant or benign? Cancer detection with SAS Viya and NVIDIA GPUs

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with 12.3% of new cancer patients in 2018 suffering from breast cancer. Early detection can significantly improve treatment value, however, the interpretation of cancer images heavily depends on the experience of doctors and technicians. The

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Convergence in mixed models: When the estimated G matrix is not positive definite

I've previously written about how to deal with nonconvergence when fitting generalized linear regression models. Most generalized linear and mixed models use an iterative optimization process, such as maximum likelihood estimation, to fit parameters. The optimization might not converge, either because the initial guess is poor or because the model

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Is machine learning practical for statistical forecasting?

There's been a lot of hype regarding using machine learning (ML) for demand forecasting, and rightfully so, given the advancements in data collection, storage, and processing along with improvements in technology. There's no reason why machine learning can't be utilized as another forecasting method among the collection of forecasting methods

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
De la ciencia ficción a la realidad. Aplicación de ofertas personalizadas a clientes desde la Inteligencia Artificial y el reconocimiento de imágenes.

¿Han visto la película Minority Report? En esta se presentan algunas escenas en las cuales John Anderton entra a un centro comercial y mediante el “Sistema de reconocimiento óptico de la ciudad”, la pantalla de publicidad le saluda por el nombre y luego le hace ofrecimientos personalizados de productos. Para

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | SAS Events
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
SAS, 향후 3년간 AI 분야 10억 달러 투자 계획 발표

SAS, 향후 3년간 AI 분야 10억 달러 투자 계획 발표 R&D 혁신 교육 및 전문가 컨설팅 지원 통해 기업 AI 역량 강화 국내에서도 AI 전문가 교육 프로그램 제공… 인재 양성 및 분석가 저변 확대 2019년 3월 28일 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(www.sas.com/korea)가 향후 3년간 인공지능(AI) 분야에 총 10억 달러(한화 약

Artificial Intelligence
As organizações estão a preparar-se para um uso mais ético e responsável da Inteligência Artificial

92% dos líderes de IA formam as suas equipas em ética e 74% avalia, semanalmente, os resultados obtidos com a IA Se tivéssemos que destacar uma buzzword dos últimos tempos que vivemos escolheríamos Inteligência Artificial (IA). Uma tecnologia que, sem dúvida, nos transporta para outro patamar da chamada evolução tecnológica. Uma

Customer Intelligence | Students & Educators
Harry Clarke 0
The marketing best practices that drive student and financial value in higher education

In my previous post, “Why personalising the student experience is critical to higher education’s viability," we examined the role customer intelligence can play in driving value for universities and students across the higher education journey. Specifically, analytics has a vital role to play in helping decision makers, particularly marketers, to

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