펜실베니아대학교 와튼스쿨 교수이자 조직심리학자, 저자인 애덤 그랜트(Adam Grant)는 싱크 어게인이 필요한 이유, 과학자처럼 생각하기, 겸손한 자신감, 가면증후군적 경향을 강점으로 바꾸는 방법, 배움 네트워크 구축 방법, 다시 생각하기와 다시 학습하기를 실천에 옮기는 방법, 직장 내 정신적 안전, 멘탈 피트니스 등 다채로운 주제로 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 발표했습니다. 그 중 일부를 소개합니다.
Many cities have Open Data pages. But once you download the data, what can you do with it? This is my sixth in a series of blog posts where I download public data about Cary, NC, and demonstrate how you might analyze that type of data (for Cary, or any
Technological advancements in connectivity and global positioning systems (GPS) have led to increased data tracking and related business use cases to analyze such movements. Whether analyzing a vehicle, an animal or a population's movements - each use case requires analyzing underlying spatial information. Global challenges such as virus outbreaks, deforestation
Plant control is key for manufacturers to run their operations. Since the advent of computers, process industries have witnessed the impact of new technologies in terms of safety, stability and resiliency. Here is a five-decade overview of those technologies: 1950s: Electromechanical systems set the basis of modern process control by
This virus is very scary and it changes constantly. So when you let a virus like that infect millions and millions of people, it's going to make all of those mistakes in copying itself over and over again. - Meghan Schaeffer, Epidemiologist, SAS Meghan Schaeffer, EdD, MPH, MPA, is a
The number of possible bootstrap samples for a sample of size N is big. Really big. Recall that the bootstrap method is a powerful way to analyze the variation in a statistic. To implement the standard bootstrap method, you generate B random bootstrap samples. A bootstrap sample is a sample
Many cities have Open Data pages. But once you download the data, what can you do with it? This is my fifth in a series of blog posts where I download public data about Cary, NC, and demonstrate how you might analyze that type of data (for Cary, or any
You can use the bootstrap method to estimate confidence intervals. Unlike formulas, which assume that the data are drawn from a specified distribution (usually the normal distribution), the bootstrap method does not assume a distribution for the data. There are many articles about how to use SAS to bootstrap statistics
세계 최대의 분석 컨퍼런스 ‘SAS Global Forum 2021’이 지난 5월, 온라인으로 개최됐습니다. 하이라이트 국문 영상으로도 보실 수 있도록 준비되어 다시 한 번 블로그를 통해 내용들을 정리해 소개해 드립니다. 이번 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서는 마이크로소프트와의 전략적 제휴에 이어, 아마존웹서비스(AWS)와 구글 클라우드에서도 데이터 분석을 지원한다고 밝혔고, 올해 말에는 레드햇 오픈시프트 지원도 계획하고 있다고
This post, written by Radhikha Myeni and Jagruti Kanjia, will demonstrate how easy it is to build and deploy a machine learning pipeline by using SAS and Python. The Model Studio platform provides a quick and collaborative way to build complex pipelines by dragging and dropping nodes from a web-based
For graphing multivariate data, it is important to be able to convert the data between "wide form" (a separate column for each variable) and "long form" (which contains an indicator variable that assigns a group to each observation). If the data are numeric, the wide data can be represented as
During lockdowns across Europe and beyond, we all moved our lives online. We worked remotely and had meetings via Teams or Zoom. We also socialised and shopped online. For many people, this was familiar territory. For others, it opened up a whole new world—and highlighted significant problems with the ‘old
Curious about how the COVID-19 vaccine has impacted the world around you? This SAS Viya powered data visualization shows information related to the COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the United States. Here's what you can learn from this dashboard. Percentage of vaccinated Americans In August 2021, the CDC reported that over 50% of
Many cities have Open Data pages. But once you download the data, what can you do with it? This is my fourth in a series of blog posts where I download public data about Cary, NC, and demonstrate how you might analyze that type of data (for Cary, or any
This article shows how to create a "sliced survival plot" for proportional-hazards models that are created by using PROC PHREG in SAS. Graphing the result of a statistical regression model is a valuable way to communicate the predictions of the model. Many SAS procedures use ODS graphics to produce graphs
Reasoning frameworks of artificial intelligence used in criminal justice and health care systems move us to rethink how AI can be constructed to help foster an equitable society. We interact daily with algorithms that over time predict and inform our actions. Spam filters in e-mail and real-time mapping technologies on
I’ve worked with expectant moms for a quarter century. I can spot a new mom-to-be from a mile away. There is a lot of wonderment with new mommies. They have lots of questions and are unsure if they are doing everything right, fear what they identify as shortcomings and put
Many cities have Open Data pages. But once you download the data, what can you do with it? This is my third in a series of blog posts where I download several datasets from Cary, NC's open data page, and give you a few ideas to get you started on
This post is part of our Young Data Scientists series, featuring the motivation, work and advice of the next generation of data scientists. Be sure to check back for future posts, or read the whole series by clicking on the image to the right. Nikita Borzunov graduated from MIREA -
On September 2 (3pm UTC / 11am EDT), I'll be joining Jonathon Karelse, CEO of NorthFind Management, for an interactive "fireside chat" on the application of Behavioral Economics in demand planning. This is part of the Foresight Webinar Series, and registration is free. Since we first met at an Institute
The nervous system! What an amazing and complex superhighway within us all! While we may not think of what’s going on underneath the surface, this system delivers information to and throughout the brain and is composed of the brain, brainstem, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, spinal cord and the enteric nerves.
When people think about sports, many things may come to mind: Screaming fans, the intensity of the game and maybe even the food. Data doesn’t usually make the list. But what people may not realize is that data is behind everything people love about sports. It can help determine how
A previous article discusses the geometry of weighted averages and shows how choosing different weights can lead to different rankings of the subjects. As an example, I showed how college programs might rank applicants by using a weighted average of factors such as test scores. "The best" applicant is determined
Fueled by a number of factors, including a global pandemic, data analytics skills are in high-demand. Organizations like the Youth Employment Services (YES) are well aware of the abundance of data and its growing complexity. That's why they partnered with SAS last year to provide free learning pathways to help
Many cities have Open Data pages. But once you download the data, what can you do with it? This is my second blog post where I download several datasets from Cary, NC's open data page, and and give you a few ideas to get you started on your own data
From this pandemic, every one of us has experienced some kind of loss or something that feels taken away. It could be a person, an activity, an event, an opportunity or even conceptual things like a sense of safety or normalcy. When I worked for hospice, it was routine to
When our knowledge was contained in books, learning to read was vital to understanding the world. Today, new information is increasingly generated and communicated in numbers, charts and graphs. That’s why data literacy is emerging as an essential skill for everyone who wants to understand our data-rich world and make
Data science expert Andy Pulkstenis describes how to skip common machine learning mistakes.
People love rankings. You've probably seen articles about the best places to live, the best colleges to attend, the best pizza to order, and so on. Each of these is an example of a ranking that is based on multiple characteristics. For example, a list of the best places to
What kind of movement do you hunger for? Yes, I said hunger for…what kind of movement would bring you joy? Maybe it’s a quick “snack” of restorative yoga postures, a set of barbell squats for “dessert”, or just a “side” of dancing for 5 minutes in the living room. Perhaps