Big Data se ha convertido en la nueva moneda de los negocios en el mundo. Transformar los datos en información, la información en conocimiento y el conocimiento en oportunidades, es una cadena de valor que la mayoría de las empresas en el mundo ya siguen, pero que en Colombia ni siquiera
Hasta hace un tiempo las estrategias de crecimiento de una empresa estaban basadas en el alcance de los productos, el fortalecimiento de la fuerza de ventas y en responder a los avances que pudiera introducir la competencia. El marketing era de lejos el rey en esta etapa. Después vino la
Every fall, highways, backroads and neighborhood streets nationwide take on a noticeable yellow hue, as school buses carefully and methodically transport students back to school. In some areas, including Boston, this massive transportation exercise can present a number of challenges. Boston Public Schools (BPS) provided transportation for 25,000 students via
With Hurricane Irma recently pummeling pretty much the entire state of Florida, I got to wondering where past hurricanes have hit the state. Let's get some data, and figure out how to best analyze it using SAS software! I did a bit of web searching, and found the following map
Phil Simon weighs in on the value of getting your own hands dirty using self-service data prep.
If you’ve got SAS running within your organization, which is likely considering that over 90 percent of the largest global firms have SAS, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about SAS® Viya™, which drives many of the latest enhancements of the SAS platform. But amidst all the talk about microservices
Did you know that you can get SAS to compute symbolic (analytical) derivatives of simple functions, including applying the product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule? SAS can form the symbolic derivatives of single-variable functions and partial derivatives of multivariable functions. Furthermore, the derivatives are output in a form that
No haber nacido en la era de la conectividad ha dejado de ser una excusa válida. Tendencias como las del Big Data, Analytics, Cloud o Mobile están redefiniendo los negocios en la actualidad y poco importa si se trata de un líder de la vieja guardia o si tiene la
It's time to share another tip about working with ZIP files in SAS. Since I first wrote about FILENAME ZIP to list and extract files from a ZIP archive, readers have been asking for more. Specifically, they want additional details about the files that are contained in a ZIP, including
As Hurricane Irma makes its way through the Caribbean, and heads towards the United States, the big question on everyone's mind ... is the hurricane going to hit my city? Or, as some people like to say, "should I buy milk & bread?" Let's analyze & map some data to
I suppose we've all been watching Hurricane Irma rip through the Caribbean like a giant buzzsaw blade, with wind speeds over 180mph. This is one of those rare Category 5 storms. But just how rare are Category 5 hurricanes? According to the Wikipedia page, hurricanes with wind speeds >=157mph are
If you use SAS regression procedures, you are probably familiar with the "stars and bars" notation, which enables you to construct interaction effects in regression models. Although you can construct many regression models by using that classical notation, a friend recently reminded me that the EFFECT statement in SAS provides
This is the seventh post in my series of machine best practices. Catch up by reading the first post or the whole series now. Generalization is the learned model’s ability to fit well to new, unseen data instead of the data it was trained on. Overfitting refers to a model that fits
Managing big data doesn't always mean hiring more people and buying new tools.
은행 산업의 경쟁 환경 변화 지난 4월, 국내 최초 인터넷 전문 은행 ‘케이뱅크’는 출범 사흘 만에 신규 계좌 가입자 수 10만 명을 돌파하며 화려하게 데뷔했습니다. 1992년 옛 평화은행 이후 25년 만에 탄생한 신규 은행으로 은행권은 물론 세간의 이목을 집중시켰는데요. 이어서 7월에는 인터넷 전문 은행 2호 ‘카카오뱅크’가 오픈 8시간 만에 10만 계좌,
Parents, I don’t need to tell you three obvious things: Sleep is critical to our well-being (no matter what age you are). Ask any primary care physician or therapist. Tweens and teens need more sleep than they get (need an average of 9-10 hours, but almost half get fewer than
No se sorprenda si su empresa de telecomunicaciones es la que decide el próximo teléfono que usted debe comprar o la aerolínea, el siguiente destino de sus vacaciones: las ofertas que más le convienen, el producto ideal o el servicio que debería contratar es información que ya está en sus
ODER: Wie erstelle ich ein Edge Analytics Case auf Basis von SAS ESP, SAS Streamviewer und eines Modelltrucks? Im ersten Teil wurde die praxisnahe Demonstration von SAS Streaming Analytics anhand eines Modelltrucks beschrieben. Für den Aufbau eines funktionsfähigen Modells, das mit einer Fernbedienung in Bewegung gesetzt werden kann, werden folgende
Correlation is a fundamental statistical concept that measures the linear association between two variables. There are multiple ways to think about correlation: geometrically, algebraically, with matrices, with vectors, with regression, and more. To paraphrase the great songwriter Paul Simon, there must be 50 ways to view your correlation! But don't
From June 6 to 9 the first ever ‘Dutch Data Science Week’ took place in the Netherlands. The week consisted of 4 days in which 28 events took place in 6 different locations. During the week people could attend classes ranging from beginner to advanced levels, visit meetups, participate in
매일 전 세계 수백만 플레이어들이 가상의 전투에서 서로의 탱크를 무찌르기 위해 ‘월드 오브 탱크(World of Tanks)’에 접속합니다. 국내에서도 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 월드 오브 탱크는 벨라루스 게임 개발사인 워게이밍(Wargaming)의 온라인 MMO(대규모 다중 사용자) 슈팅 게임인데요. 등록된 온라인 사용자만 무려 1억1,000만명이 넘습니다. 워게이밍은 목표는 모든 레벨의 플레이어에게 멋진 경험을 제공하는 것으로, 부분 유료(free-to-play)
Die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung kommt näher – ausweichen oder draufhalten? In den letzten Wochen hatte ich die tolle Gelegenheit mit zahlreichen Kunden und Partnern über die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) zu sprechen. Die Meinungen und Erwartungen sind dabei wirklich außerordentlich breit gefächert. Das ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn das Thema hat zuletzt stark an
Everybody GET UP! Want to train the entire body in one exercise? This is it! The Turkish Getup is a multi-joint, multi-movement exercise that incorporates transitioning from the ground to standing. This exercise requires synergy, coordination, and core/shoulder stabilization to increase your functional strength. It may seem daunting, but it is
International Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept 19 ... which always gets me thinking and wondering about modern-day pirates. Most movies usually focus on pirates from the Golden Age of piracy (a couple hundred years ago), when pirates typically stole ships and booty (treasure). But modern day pirates usually board
What’s new and what’s on the horizon for machine learning and analytics? We asked Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist and Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton, what machine learning technologies he’s watching. He focused his reply on applications, not algorithms. “When I think about what’s new and coming up, I
In my first post of this blog series, we learned how three education customers are using SAS. Today, we'll hear about the positive impact that SAS and analytics are providing for users and the education institutions. In this post, you'll hear from: Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Knowledge Management,
A previous article discussed the mathematical properties of the singular value decomposition (SVD) and showed how to use the SVD subroutine in SAS/IML software. This article uses the SVD to construct a low-rank approximation to an image. Applications include image compression and denoising an image. Construct a grayscale image The
In the recent article, “Price-bots can collude against consumers,” the Economist discusses the consumer effects of prices set by price-bots. The article starts with an example of gasoline pricing strategies on Martha’s Vineyard. With a small number of gas stations on the island, the price-bots can cover all competitor prices frequently
I hate hard-coding variable lists in my SAS code. I love the special variable lists SAS provides, like name:, _numeric_, etc. But back in 2011, I wrote a post titled Jedi SAS Tricks - Building a Name Suffix variable list lamenting the lack of a special variable list in base
Widespread flooding. Downed power lines. Broken poles. Failed transformers and breakers. Leaking pipes. Shut down refineries. The toll that a catastrophic storm takes on the energy value chain is significant. A functioning power grid, clean water and reliable fuel sources are critical for public safety and economic recovery. Even with