Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Integrative verfahrensübergreifende Analyseplattform

Die Globalisierung ist längst bei den Sicherheitsbehörden angekommen. In vielen Phänomenbereichen nehmen der Vernetzungsgrad der beteiligten Akteure und damit die Komplexität der Ermittlungen zu. Damit steigt die Menge an Daten, die während der Ermittlungen ausgewertet werden müssen. Verfahrensübergreifende Recherchesysteme geben einen Überblick über Informationen, die in unterschiedlichen Datenquellen liegen. Daneben

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Mit künstlicher Intelligenz gegen organisierte Kriminalität

Ermittlungen im Umfeld der organisierten Kriminalität sind komplex und zeitaufwändig. Kriminelle Aktivitäten und Verflechtungen erstrecken sich oft über Landes- und Staatsgrenzen hinweg. Damit steigt die Zahl der Datenquellen und der Aufwand, die Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Daten zu sichten und die relevanten Informationen in einen Zusammenhang zu setzen. Ermittler müssen oftmals Chatverläufe

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Caslee Sims 0
Taking a swing at data literacy: an inside look at The SAS Batting Lab

The SAS Batting Lab is a six-week program designed to help improve kids’ understanding of data while also helping them improve their baseball and softball swings. Using analytics in an interactive, AI-powered batting cage, kids can compare their swings to batting stars. During the program, the participants also became more

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Marinela Profi 0
The social impact of data science: improving the mental health for cancer patients with AI

A cancer journey affects both physical and mental health. This often results in feelings of social isolation, loss of identity, clinical depression and even PTSD. This often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed due in part to lack of resources, tools and time. Swedish startup War On Cancer wondered whether they could

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Olivier Penel 0
The 5 characteristics of a future-fit, data-driven organisation

Change is the only constant, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is particularly true in the world of data analytics. As organizations are looking to become more digital, resilient and profitable, executives are going back to the whiteboard to reconsider how they’re using data and analytics to transform their business.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Andreas Kitsios 0
Does Romania need to boost its anti-money laundering toolbox?

Traditionally, banks have been seen as the front line in anti-money laundering activity. They have increasingly been subject to regulatory requirements to check customers, transactions and activity. However, as governments have required banks to make fraudulent activity harder, criminals have evolved their tactics. And the financial sector needs to keep

Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Colin Bristow 0
How can technology help insurers with the fight against money laundering?

Money laundering is a growing threat within the insurance industry. The regulatory framework within banking is adding stronger controls and governance processes which will encourage launderers to seek alternative areas to launder funds. While insurance presents a different type of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) risk, the risks still exist. Long considered

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Caslee Sims 0
Behind the scenes of the SAS Hackathon: Why being a mentor is a win-win for everyone

During the SAS Hackathon, teams and mentors collaborate to find solutions to specific challenges. The hackathon is a win-win situation for all participants, from idea generation to the development of new technologies or solutions. The SAS Hackathon encourages developers to collaborate on practical ideas and offers employees the chance to

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Isidoro García 0
Cuatro claves para el futuro del sector Seguros

En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a una profunda transformación del sector Seguros, impulsada fundamentalmente por la tecnología. Gracias a ella, las organizaciones ya disponen de información de gran valor que les permite adoptar un enfoque mucho más centrado en el cliente e incluso anticiparse a sus necesidades.  Pero para

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | SAS Events | Work & Life at SAS
Elizabeth Bautista 0
Curiosidad, hacia el balance personal y profesional de las mujeres

“No tengo talentos especiales, pero sí soy profundamente curioso”. -Albert Einstein Los seres humanos somos curiosos por naturaleza. Siempre hemos querido conocer cómo funcionan las cosas, hemos creado las herramientas para modificar nuestro entorno y analizado la información a nuestro alcance para llevar al nivel de evolución en el que

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Mark Lambrecht 0
Vijf uitdagingen in de zorg waar analytics en AI in 2022 bij kunnen helpen

Geen sector die de afgelopen twee jaar zo hard onder druk stond als de gezondheidszorg. En ook nu het einde van de pandemie in zicht lijkt, zullen veel uitdagingen rond Healthcare en Life Sciences niet verdwijnen. Gelukkig investeren zowel overheden als ziekenhuizen en farmaceutische bedrijven fors in data en analytics

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