
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Cornelius Kimmer 0
Edge Analytics: So kommt Analytics in den Truck

ODER: Wie erstelle ich ein Edge Analytics Case auf Basis von SAS ESP, SAS Streamviewer und eines Modelltrucks? Im ersten Teil wurde die praxisnahe Demonstration von SAS Streaming Analytics anhand eines Modelltrucks beschrieben. Für den Aufbau eines funktionsfähigen Modells, das mit einer Fernbedienung in Bewegung gesetzt werden kann, werden folgende

Rick Wicklin 0
7 ways to view correlation

Correlation is a fundamental statistical concept that measures the linear association between two variables. There are multiple ways to think about correlation: geometrically, algebraically, with matrices, with vectors, with regression, and more. To paraphrase the great songwriter Paul Simon, there must be 50 ways to view your correlation! But don't

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
SAS Korea 0
무료 플레이 게임 ‘월드 오브 탱크(World of Tanks)’ 분석으로 수십억 달러를 창출하다!

매일 전 세계 수백만 플레이어들이 가상의 전투에서 서로의 탱크를 무찌르기 위해 ‘월드 오브 탱크(World of Tanks)’에 접속합니다. 국내에서도 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 월드 오브 탱크는 벨라루스 게임 개발사인 워게이밍(Wargaming)의 온라인 MMO(대규모 다중 사용자) 슈팅 게임인데요. 등록된 온라인 사용자만 무려 1억1,000만명이 넘습니다. 워게이밍은 목표는 모든 레벨의 플레이어에게 멋진 경험을 제공하는 것으로, 부분 유료(free-to-play)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
SAS Visual Analytics: Hallo Emilia – Goodbye Daniel

Die Geburtenrate in Deutschland befindet sich derzeit auf dem höchsten Niveau seit 33 Jahren. Eine erfreuliche Entwicklung, und zugleich stellt es Eltern vor die schwere Entscheidung, welchen Namen der Nachwuchs tragen soll. Zahlreiche Webseiten und Bücher bieten Hitlisten und Namensbeschreibungen an, um die Auswahl zu erleichtern. Oder sollte man das

Analytics | Data Management
SAS Korea 0
스트리밍 데이터(Streaming Data): 무한한 가능성의 시작

모든 것을 실시간으로 실행하고, 실시간으로 평가하는 바야흐로 ‘스트리밍 시대’입니다. 길을 걷다가 들리는 음악을 그 자리에서 검색하고 스트리밍으로 재생해 듣습니다. 스마트폰 메신저나 소셜 미디어(SNS)를 통해 바로 공유할 수도 있죠. 월드컵과 올림픽 등 스포츠 경기는 물론 대선 토론과 개표 현황 등 정치 이벤트까지 케이블 TV나 페이스북 라이브를 통해 실시간으로 시청합니다. 기업에서는 어떨까요? 매월,

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecasting vs. budgeting in S&OP

Chris Gray of Gray Research is a longtime contributor to the practice of Sales and Operations Planning. He is author of several books on S&OP, software selection, and other supply chain related areas, including Sales and Operations Planning Standard System (2007). In 2006 he co-authored Sales & Operations Planning –

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
At the end of the day, it’s all about analytics-driven forecasting

Analytics-driven forecasting means more than measuring trend and seasonality. It includes all categories of methods (e.g. exponential smoothing, dynamic regression, ARIMA, ARIMA(X), unobserved component models, and more), including artificial intelligence, but not necessarily deep learning algorithms. That said, deep learning algorithms like neural networks can also be used for demand forecasting,

Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
Trent Smith 0
Helping military veterans transition to civilian life, pursue analytics careers

Veterans transitioning back to civilian life face a number of challenges, many of which involve working in a non-military environment. The Honor Foundation helps Navy SEALs and other current and transitioning members of the U.S. Special Operations community enter civilian life. Last week, a group of former special operators visited several

Analytics | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
What is rank correlation?

When someone refers to the correlation between two variables, they are probably referring to the Pearson correlation, which is the standard statistic that is taught in elementary statistics courses. Elementary courses do not usually mention that there are other measures of correlation. Why would anyone want a different estimate of

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