
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Rick Wicklin 0
3 problems with mean imputation

In a previous article, I showed how to use SAS to perform mean imputation. However, there are three problems with using mean-imputed variables in statistical analyses: Mean imputation reduces the variance of the imputed variables. Mean imputation shrinks standard errors, which invalidates most hypothesis tests and the calculation of confidence

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Kennedy 0
How law enforcement can use analytics to combat the opioid epidemic

A steady drumbeat of news coverage makes one thing clear: Opioid abuse is rising and has reached epidemic levels throughout our country. Overdoses from the diversion and abuse of prescription opioids are one cause of the surge in deaths. Overdoses from heroin and other illicit synthetic opioids (such as heroin,

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
SAS Korea 0
데이터 분석, 푸에르토리코 허리케인 재해 복구에 힘을 싣다

100년만의 최악의 허리케인, 푸에르토리코를 덮치다 지난 9월 20일, 북대서양과 카리브해 사이에 있는 미국 자치령 푸에르토리코(Puerto Rico)에 초강력 허리케인 마리아(Maria)가 상륙했습니다. 마리아는 시속 185마일(295㎞) 이상의 최고 단계인 5등급 허리케인으로 100년만의 최악의 피해를 남겼습니다. 더욱이 일명 괴물 허리케인이라고 불린 5등급 허리케인 어마(Irma)에 이어 단 2주만에 불어 닥친 재해로 340만 주민들은 엄청난 충격에

Analytics | Internet of Things
Gastbeitrag 0
Gastbeitrag von Timothy Chou: Keynote Speaker bei "IoT meets Analytics" in Würzburg am 6.12.

Vor zwölf Jahren habe ich in meinem Buch „The End of Software" die Frage diskutiert, ob und inwiefern Software eine Dienstleistung darstellen sollte. Auguren sahen in einem solchen Dienstleistungsgedanken das Ende von Software. Doch heute sind Cloud Services gang und gäbe. Software hat sich als Dienstleistung längst etabliert. Und? Was

Karen Prillwitz 0
Industrie 4.0 – künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen ODER Wie aus Enthusiasmus über Ernüchterung tatsächlicher Gewinn entsteht

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), maschinelles Lernen (ML) und Analytics erleben zurzeit einen wahren Boom. Geht es nach den Anbietern, gelangen Produktionsabteilungen mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung in ein neues, goldenes Zeitalter, in dem Maschinen „selbstlernend“ für Qualitätsverbesserungen und Kostenreduktion sorgen. Doch anfänglichem Enthusiasmus und ersten positiven Erkenntnissen folgt meist Ernüchterung,

Suzanne Clayton 0
Analytics = brilliance

I recently spent two days with an innovative communications customer explaining exactly what SAS analytics can do to help them take their advertising platform to a whole new level. Media meets data resulting in addressable advertising. SAS would essentially be the brain behind all their advertising decisions, helping them ingest

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
US government, analytics researchers step up fight against improper payments

  Improper payments continue to plague the federal government, though many actions are in motion to help turn the tide. The Trump Administration’s Building a Better America: A Plan for Fiscal Responsibility, released in July 2017, emphasizes reducing improper payments, currently estimated by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to total

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS
SAS Korea 0
데이터 시각화를 이용한 ‘노벨상 수상자’ 관련 흥미로운 인사이트!

노벨상의 유래 매년 10월 초, 전 세계의 이목이 스웨덴과 노르웨이로 쏠립니다. 바로 세계에서 가장 권위 있는 시상식 '노벨상(The Nobel Prize)'이 열리기 때문인데요. 노벨상은 다이너마이트를 발명해 거대 재벌이 된 스웨덴 화학자 알프레드 노벨(Alfred Nobel)의 유언에 따라 그가 남긴 재산으로 노벨 재단을 설립하며 시작됐습니다. 최초의 노벨상은 1901년 물리학, 화학, 생리학 및 의학, 세계

Miriam Audelo 0
¿Conoce a SAS Viya?

Esta es una historia típica en la solución de problemas en las industrias de cualquier giro, con una solución que todos han escuchado, pero no lo aplican por falta de información. Hoy conocerá a SAS VIYA, el complemento perfecto que lo introducirá en un mundo completamente nuevo de analítica para

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