In der Vergangenheit hat sich die Agilität von BI-, Big Data- und Analytics- Anwendungen (Datenarchitekturen) als Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen erwiesen. Gerade die Integration neuer Datenquellen in bestehende DWH-Architekturen und die daraus resultierenden Anpassungen resultieren in langwierigen Entwicklungsprozessen.
Tag: Visual Analytics
Raus aus der Theorie, rein in die Praxis .... eine kleine Frage zur Einstimmung: Was haben Mathematikunterricht, eine Improvisationstheatervorstellung, eine Schulung (egal welche) und Big Data Analytics gemeinsam?
Neben dem 40 jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Software Firma SAS gibt es 2016 auch das 20 jährige KSFE - Jubiläum der Kooperation der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung zu feiern, und zwar in der ältesten Universität Schwedens.
Ich bin ein Betroffener! Vom Digital-naiv zum Digital-native mittel Transformation - Der Mensch hat nur eine kurze Zeitspanne in seinem Leben, in der er regelrecht nach Veränderungen schreit – nämlich im Windelalter, wenn die Besagte mal wieder bis zum Rand voll ist – ansonsten halten sich die Freuden über Veränderungen
In my last blog I discussed purging audit records from the Web Infrastructure Platform SharedServices database. The blog generated a fair bit of discussion around the SAS Visual Analytics auditing data gathering and archive process. So let’s take a step back and in this blog review how data collection for auditing works and
Year-end outlooks from most analysts project the low-price environment in the oil market will continue for most of next year, but some pundits emphasize that the market has bottomed out and suggest recovery, though gradual, may be seen if increasing demand outpaces supply growth and sops up some of the
Hatten Sie auch bei dem von „Q“ verwendeten Begriff „Smart Blood“ während der Injektion der Nanoteilchen in Bond’s Blutbahn sofort ein völlig neues Feld für interessante Use Cases im Bereich der menschlichen Sensortechnik vor Augen? Ob 007 wohl klar ist, was der MI6 mit den so gewonnenen Informationen über die
What is information? The lack of a working definition plagued both science and the emerging telecommunications industry until the arrival of Claude Shannon and his famous 1948 paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, based on his cryptography work during WWII while at Bell Labs. The landmark article is considered the
Times have changed. As the oil industry shutters and sheds investments that made sense during the two-year period in which oil rode comfortably above $90, the market is establishing a new equilibrium at $40/barrel. This despite the fact that the Baker Hughes domestic rig count is down 64 percent. It’s
Excel ist wie Schokolade: Je mehr Daten man reingibt, umso fetter und dicker werden die Tabellen. Und gerade jetzt im Big Data Zeitalter besteht sogar noch Suchtgefahr, weil man einfach nicht los davon kommt, immer mehr Daten in Excel zu stopfen, um sie schließlich zu analysieren - das klassische Schokoladenphänomen. Wir
Higher education is a buyer’s market today, with the student being the buyer, according to Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute. And don’t universities know it. Not only are they dealing with tuition fee caps, but they face mounting competition from other educational institutions. There are many UK
Though crude oil prices edged up last week, the market remains well below VirtualOil’s original $50 strike price, meaning the hypothetical portfolio’s production is shut in in the spot market again. Oversupply continues while China GDP forecasted growth is slowing. Given the market outlook, the VirtualOil board has decided to
In today’s information economy, the ability to engage and develop meaningful digital relationships is fundamental to any business. A growing number of organisations, including small-to-medium sized enterprises, are investing in easy-to-use analytical software and services to extract insights from data about their business. As a result, we're now experiencing the
Are you eager to explore and understand your data? Do you want to improve processes and drive more revenue? Do you want to work with data using an intuitive, easy-to-use interface? This is now possible with visual analytics, technology which combines analytics with interactive visualizations. As published in a recent
Why visualization? Several reasons, actually, the most compelling being that sometimes visualization literally solves the problem for you. I remember an exercise in eighth grade English class where we were asked to describe, in words only, an object set in front of us with sufficient clarity such that our classmates,
Technology has brought the world a great deal of good, but the downside is that we’re increasingly vulnerable to some seriously scary stuff: Terrorists taking control of airplanes through the in-flight entertainment system. Governments breaking into secure systems and stealing identities. Thugs messing with the steering of self-driving cars. When
After doing some recent research with IDC®, I got to thinking again about the reasons that organizations of all sizes in all industries are so slow at adopting analytics as part of their ‘business as usual’ operations. While I have no hard statistics on who is and who isn’t adopting
The SAS Global Certification program is proud to announce the release of a new credential: SAS Certified Visual Business Analyst Using SAS Visual Analytics. This credential is designed for analysts who are using SAS Visual Analytics to explore data and create insightful data visualizations. With SAS Visual Analytics now deployed in over
As a proud father of three young children, Father’s Day is very special to me. I pulled together some data about the holiday for a fun blog post, but with three kids it’s difficult to find time to write. Evenings end with me and my wife collapsed on the couch
Did you know that the education industry is heavily embracing data visualization to run their business? Just like any other industry, leaders in education need to understand their customers (i.e. students). They need to understand how the students are doing, how they're progressing and if intervention is needed to ensure
This month we take a fresh analytical view of our hypothetical VirtualOil portfolio by comparing the forward price of WTI (the green line) to the prompt month price (red line). The resulting graphic (chart 1) demonstrates the relative stability of the 48-month forward price in contrast to a very active spot
After acquiring personal IoT data in part 1 and cleaning it up in part 2 of this series, we are now ready to explore the data with SAS Visual Analytics. Let's see which answers we can find with the help of data visualization and analytics! I followed the general exploratory workflow
In part 1 of this series we looked at how to acquire personal data from the Internet of Things for our own exploration. But we found that the data was not yet ready for analysis, as is usually the case. In this part, we will look at how we can use SAS
Have you noticed how your smart phone seems to know everything about you? Where you live, where you work, and even how long your daily commute will take! A lot of that information is generated by your daily activities while using your connected devices. There is much to be found by analyzing the
any factors go into your strategic global business decisions, from the physical placement of factories and distribution centers, to your choice of suppliers and partners, to your target markets and the business model itself. Businesses have a choice of fundamental global go-to-market investment strategies, from direct foreign investment on the one
I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I got chills when I saw the trailer for The Force Awakens! Last year for SAS Global Forum, I wrote a paper called Star Wars and the Art of Data Science. I explored the scripts from the original Star Wars trilogy (A New Hope,
We’ve all heard the old saw, “If you torture data long enough, eventually it will confess to something.” But when it comes to spurring real change, how about ditching the dungeon-master act and thinking like a venture capitalist instead? Wouldn’t that pay bigger dividends? That was the tip from Ravi
A colleague and I were looking for a good example of how analysts used to use graphics to report data, a data visualization before and after, so to speak. We needed a good "before" screenshot for a “before and after” comparison for our SAS Global Forum 2015 paper, Visualizing Clinical Trial Data.
Estamos ante la era del Big Data y las modernas soluciones que existen actualmente en el mercado hacen cada vez más fácil manejar los grandes volúmenes de información. Sin embargo, vale la pena preguntarnos, ¿son necesarios tantos datos? En otras palabras, si su solución de analítica puede organizarlos, consolidarlos y
Forget about Big Volume, for my money the real value in Big Data comes from its variety. Why? Because just as there is “Value in the Network” when it comes to your business ecosystem, your data can be "networked" for value in much the same way. Before we dive into the business implications