Leonid Batkhan shows you easy ways to create a checklist table in SAS software.
Leonid Batkhan shows you easy ways to create a checklist table in SAS software.
“Analytics Can Save Higher Education. Really.” is a call to action for the higher education community to leverage data and analytics for better decision making at colleges and universities. It stresses the importance of using data and analytics to improve student outcomes, campus operations and much more. Oklahoma State University
Moving Average (MA) is a common indicator in stocks, securities and futures trading in financial markets to gauge momentum and confirm trends. MA is often used to smooth out short-term fluctuations and show long-term trends. But most MA indicators have big lags in signaling a changing trend. To be faster
I was born in a country (Brazil) where voting is mandatory. Most of my family still lives there, and now that I live in the US, they ask me about American politics all the time. One thing that often catches them by surprise is that not only is voting not
Geocoding is no longer limited to just Base SAS. You can also geocode from within Visual Analytics, thanks to the integration with the Esri geocoding api. This feature is part of the Esri Premium agreement, and became available in VA 8.3.
In a previous post, Zero to SAS in 60 Seconds- SAS Machine Learning on SAS Cloud, I documented my experience with a SAS free trial on the SAS Cloud. Well, the engineers at SAS have been busy and created another free trial. The new trial covers SAS Event Stream Processing
When a new Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, the Moon can cast a shadow on certain regions of the Earth. This natural phenomenon creates a solar eclipse, meaning the Moon covers, or eclipses, your view of the Sun if you're in that region. No surprise that in
Are you a seasoned data scientist looking for a fast, all-inclusive machine learning solution? Curious about machine learning but have little to no programming experience? Interested in using AI to take over the world? Follow my lead and use SAS VDDML to fast track your world domination. This blog is
One of my favorite parts of summer is a relaxing weekend by the pool. Summer is the time I get to finally catch up on my reading list, which has been building over the year. So, if expanding your knowledge is a goal of yours this summer, SAS Press has
If you spend any time working with maps and spatial data, having a fundamental understanding of coordinate systems and map projections becomes necessary. It’s the foundation of how spatial data and maps work. These areas invariably evoke trepidation and some angst, even in the most seasoned map professional. And rightfully
App security is at the top of mind for just about everybody – users, IT folks, business executives. Rightfully so. Mobile apps and the devices on which they reside tend to travel around, without any physical boundaries that encompass the traditional desktop computers. In chatting with folks who are evaluating
What's the impact of using data governance and analytics for the business side of education? It's an interesting question, and during a video interview, Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.,Former Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation (IEA) at the University of Idaho shared details on the results they're realizing from using SAS for
The catch phrase “everything happens somewhere” is increasingly common these days. That “somewhere” translates into a location on the Earth; a latitude and longitude. When one of these “somewhere’s” is combined with many other “somewhere’s”, you quickly have a robust spatial data set that becomes actionable with the right analytic
SAS Visual Analytics supports region maps for Country, US states, and provinces out-of-the-box. These work well for small scale maps covering the world, a continent, or a single country. However, other regions are often needed. Beginning in version 8.3, VA supports custom polygons to display regions such as sales territories,
SAS makes it easy for you to create a large amount of procedure output with very few statements. However, when you create a large amount of procedure output with the Output Delivery System (ODS), your SAS session might stop responding or run slowly. In some cases, SAS generates a “Not
There is tremendous value buried text sources such as call center and chat dialogues, survey comments, product reviews, technical notes, legal contracts... How can we extract the signal we want amidst all the noise?
In this post, we continue our discussion of geography variables, the foundation of Visual Analytics Geo maps. This time we will look at Custom Coordinates. As with any statistical graph, understanding your data is key. But when using Custom Coordinates for geographic maps, this understanding becomes even more important. Use
Beginning with SAS® 9.4, you can embed graphics output within HTML output using the ODS HTML5 destination. This technique works with SAS/GRAPH® procedures (such as GPLOT and GCHART), SG procedures (such as SGPLOT and SGRENDER), and when you create graphics output with ODS Graphics enabled. Most (if not all) existing
Creating a map with SAS Visual Analytics begins with the geographic variable. This blog post explains the first type of geography variable that VA supports: predefined. Future posts will cover the other two types of geography variables in VA: custom coordinates and custom polygons.
This blog post shows a few samples of graphs and explains how you can use new functionality in ODS Graphics to make your old graphs look new again. ODS Graphics is part of Base SAS.
The data I was analyzing was about “trust.” Maybe that’s what got me thinking about Stephen Sondheim, the Broadway composer and lyricist of musicals like Sunday in the Park with George and Into the Woods and the lyricist for West Side Story. Trust is a heavy emotional topic. Developmental psychologists
As a fun side project I recently looked into alternative visualization techniques in order to use computers to create art. An interesting approach is pointillism, which, according to Wikipedia is a "technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image." This
Recently, Scott Jackson, Director Business Intelligence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shared their data quality, reporting and analytics journey. They're using SAS in a multitude of ways – from operations, institutional research, athletics – and are now looking to scale to the enterprise. They've been so successful
En el desarrollo de la 4ta Convención Latinoamericana de Analítica, Julio José Prado, presidente ejecutivo de Asobanca Ecuador, aseguró que los bancos dejaron de ser el centro del mundo financiero después de la crisis económica de 2008, cuando los malos manejos en préstamos y créditos aumentaron los niveles de riesgo
We hear a lot about how various industries are using data visualization and analytics. But what about the education industry? The institutional research office (IR) at universities is the center for data, reports and analytics and provides decision makers with information about the university. The IR teams are working on
In SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 on Viya 3.3, there are a number of new data features available. I’ll cover a few of these new features including the new data plan and data item features in SAS Visual Analytics in this blog.
My local middle school publishes a weekly paper. Very recently, I noted an article in that paper regarding an expose on human trafficking overseas, "World Slavery: The Terrors Our World Tries to Forget." The eloquent article in part highlighted how children have been exploited in the fishing industry in Ghana
Open data is critical to research, particularly at universities. The many university students that attend SAS Global Forum bring an energy and vitality to the conference that is unmistakable. They’re everywhere…in sessions, social activities, out on the town and, of course, the academic events. This year, 150 of them graced
Oklahoma State University (OSU) has corralled its data faster than a tumbleweed in a whirlwind, and has bold plans to transform its institutional research efforts. I recently met with OSU's Institutional Research and Information Management (IRIM) team, which provides information, research, decision support, and analysis on demand to the OSU
Last week at SAS Global Forum, SAS launched a new solution for law enforcement. Powered by SAS® Visual Investigator, SAS® Intelligence and Investigation Management helps agencies integrate information to uncover sophisticated criminal activity, make connections in real time, and enhance collaboration in investigations. Data and analytics can provide tremendous value