
Fraud & Security Intelligence
Sundeep Tengur 0
The hidden cost of subscription fraud 

Subscription fraud ‘disappearing acts’ have economic, human and reputational consequences. What were initially isolated cases have now become a systemic industry issue for telecommunication companies worldwide. In fact, the CFCA reports an approximate $2.03 Bn. lost to fraud every year due to subscription fraud through impersonation. Other variants of subscription fraud through applications and ‘credit muling’ contribute an additional $1.93 Bn. and $1.75 Bn. respectively.

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Claudio Broggio 0
Protecting your intellectual property in the brave new world of AI and machine learning

AI innovations range from unique modelling techniques and computer vision efforts to medical diagnostic tools and self-driving cars. Within that wide range of technology, what should you consider patenting? Which of your discoveries are true intellectual property that necessitate protection? A little thought upfront could help you to know what

Leo Sadovy 0
Opportunities for analytics: Interpretation

Where in your business process can analytics and AI play a contributing role in enhancing your decision making capability?  At the information interpretation stage.  As a framework for understanding where analytic and AI opportunities may arise, the simple diagram below illustrates the relationships between data, information and knowledge, and how

Customer Intelligence | Data Visualization
Andrew Christian 0
How to utilize Customer Lifetime Value with SAS Visual Analytics

Some business models will segment the worth of their customers into categories that will often give different levels of service to the more “higher worth” customers. The metric most often used for that is called Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). CLV is simply a balance sheet look at the total cost spent versus the total revenue earned over a customer’s projected tenure or “life.”

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Ringing In a New Goal

It’s already mid-January and some of those resolutions/goals/fresh starts whatever-you-want-to-call-them are getting hard.  Maybe you’re re-evaluating. I’ve set my sights on a Spartan SPRINT this year.  As a 2x IRONMAN finisher, I’m no stranger to running or super challenging athletic events, so as far at that 5K run, I’m good. 

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