Cast your ballots for the SAS Support Communities, nominated for the Khoros Kudos Award: Best-in-Class: Community.
Cast your ballots for the SAS Support Communities, nominated for the Khoros Kudos Award: Best-in-Class: Community.
Get acquainted with Dina Duhon, chair of SAS Global Forum 2021.
When I attend a conference, one of the first things I do is look at the agenda. This gives me a good overview of how my time will be spent. The next thing I do is find the detailed breakdown of sessions, so I can start building out my own
If you’re like me, you struggle to buy gifts. Most folks in my inner circle already have everything they need and most of what they want. Most folks, that is, except the tech-lovers. That’s because there’s always something new on the horizon. There’s always a new gadget or program. Or
The SAS Learning post has merged with the SAS Users blog to provide you with all the training, certification, books, events, and programming tips you need.
Find out how to kick-start your volunteering and leadership skills at SAS Global Forum.
Many years ago, SAS Support Communities began as a way to connect and help SAS users. Since that time, our communities have seen tremendous growth in membership and readership. Our members show a vast diversity of interests – both in terms of the topics that they discuss and in the
Who's gearing up for SAS Global Forum? I am! I am! (waving my hand enthusiastically.) I'm excited about this conference because that's when I get to meet so many potential authors. Folks come by with ideas they've had percolating for years (or sometimes weeks, days or hours ... the length