Fest steht: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird unser aller Leben verändern – und tut es schon. Weniger klar ist, in welcher Weise und in welchem Zeitrahmen diese Veränderungen passieren – und was am Ende dabei herauskommt. In vielen Bereichen gibt es wilde Spekulationen. Bei Life Sciences und im Gesundheitssektor lichtet sich
Life Sciences
암 치료는 매우 힘든 과정입니다. 따라서 환자별 최적의 치료법을 선택하고, 환자가 효과 없는 치료법으로 인해 필요 이상의 고통을 받지 않도록 하는 것이 중요한데요. 검사를 통해 치료의 진척 상황을 측정할 수는 있지만, 많은 환자들이 치료 과정을 변경하기에는 너무 늦은 시기까지 처방의 효과를 알지 못합니다. 그렇다면 만약 특정 암 치료의 효과를 수일
Künstliche Intelligenz wird meist mit Alexa und Siri oder Chatbots bei Banken und Callcentern assoziiert. Eher selten wird über das Potenzial der KI-Technologien in den Life Sciences und im Gesundheitswesen gesprochen – die Idee ist aber im Kommen. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Studie von Accenture: 74 Prozent der Führungskräfte in
Have you ever tried to plot data on a map of Antarctica ... and been thoroughly frustrated or confused? If you're that person, or even a seasoned map maker wanting to hone your skills, then this blog post is for you! But first, here is a picture to get you
The PharmaSUG 2018 conference was held two weeks ago, with great enthusiasm and a record attendance. The highlight for me was the large spread on visual presentation of data, from papers to poster presentations. I will provide a more detailed report on all the exciting graphical presentations. One topic of
Have you ever lied about your age? When you were younger, perhaps you exaggerated your age to watch an R-rated movie, buy cigarettes, get into a night club, or drink alcohol? And when people reach their 30s or 40s, they might subtract a few years when people ask their age.
As health care evolves, its entire ecosystem – from payers and providers to pharmaceutical companies and government agencies – seeks to find common ground. More data is available than ever. But transforming information into innovation is challenging. Organizations strive to create shared goals, internally and externally, trying to improve patient
How old was the oldest person in your family, or the oldest person you personally know? And how do they compare to the oldest people in the world? ... Perhaps you can easily make the comparison, with this cool graph! But before we get started, here's a picture of my
A while back a user requested to create a 3D WaterFall chart as presented by E Castanon Alvarez et. al. in "3D waterfall plots: a better graphical representation of tumor response in oncology" Annals of Oncology, Volume 28, Issue 3, 1 March 2017, Pages 454–456. I posted a blog article titled
Aunque el término Big Data lleva solo 20 años de uso a nivel mundial, SAS ya tiene más de cuatro décadas inspirando lo extraordinario, un reto que muchas compañías y empleados ya han asumido, incorporando soluciones de analítica en procesos tan increíbles como la exploración del sol, la protección del
Survival plots are automatically created by the LIFETEST procedure. These graphs are most often customized to fit the needs of SAS users. One way to create the customized survival plot is to save the generated data from the LIFETEST procedure, and then use the SGPLOT procedure to create your custom
A few months ago, a user inquired about a chart that showed tumor response and treatment duration for each subject on 2 different planes of a 3D view. The data was really 2D, with one independent variable (the subject id) and two or more response values. I had provided an
In my previous post, I described a new options to control the widths of the caps for Whiskers, Error and Limit bars. This topic could have been titled "Little things go a long way", as such details really make for a good graph. In a similar manner, another detail issue
The SG procedures and GTL statements do a lot of work for us to display the data using the specified statements. This includes setting many details such as arrow heads, line patterns etc, including caps. Often, such details have a fixed design according to what seems reasonable for most use
In the previous post, I discussed creating a 2D grid of spark lines by Year and Claim Type. This graph was presented in the SESUG conference held last week on SAS campus in the paper ""Methods for creating Sparklines using SAS" by Rick Andrews. This grid of sparklines was actually the
The 25th annual SESUG conference was held at in the SAS campus this week. I had the opportunity to meet and chat with many users and attend many excellent presentations. I will write about those that stood out (graphically) in my view. One excellent presentation was on "Methods for creating
The South East SAS Users Group meeting wound up yesterday. The 25th anniversary conference was held on SAS Campus and it provided a great opportunity to meet with many enthusiastic SAS users and attend many informative presentations. More on this in a follow-up article. During one of these presentations, Mary
Once in a while you run into a pesky situation that is hard to overcome without resorting to major surgery. Such a situation occurs when you have a stacked bar chart with a discrete legend positioned vertically on the side of the graph. A simple example is shown below. title
When a plot is classified by one or more variables, the different classes values are displayed in the graph either by position or by using different plot attributes such as color, marker shape or line pattern. For plots that display the visual by a filled area (bar, bin, band, bubble,
Plot statements included in the graph definition can contribute to the legend(s). This can happen automatically, or can be customized using the KEYLEGEND statement. For plot statements that are classified by a group variable, all of the unique group values are displayed in the legend, along with their graphical representation
Last year, a user asked about creating a "Turnip Plot" as used in this study of Caesarian Section Rates. Primarily, this is similar to a histogram on the y-axis for each unique value on the y-axis. A marker is drawn for each occurrence, starting from the center. Back then, I
The previous post on Multiple Blank Categories showed how to include multiple blank categories on the axis. But, given the purpose for this was to separate different segments in the data, I also included ideas on how to segmented a discrete axis using reference lines or Block Plot. A similar idea
Off and on, users have expressed the need to include multiple blank categories on a discrete axis. Often, this is desirable to separate groups of bars (or categories) in a graph due to some difference their definition. Such a case was discussed in this blog article on using non breaking
SAS 9.4 maintenance release 5 was released on Sept 19, 2017. This release includes many new items including integration with SAS Viya and SAS Studio, a web application for SAS development. Also Included with this release are some cool new features in the graphics domain, some of which were requested
The movie Blade Runner came out about 30 years ago, portraying a dystopian future set in 2019 Los Angeles. Many of the technology predictions in the movie have actually become reality - but how about the weather and pollution? The movie was all about smog and a lack of sunshine, and I wondered
On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures. Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,
Die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung kommt näher – ausweichen oder draufhalten? In den letzten Wochen hatte ich die tolle Gelegenheit mit zahlreichen Kunden und Partnern über die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) zu sprechen. Die Meinungen und Erwartungen sind dabei wirklich außerordentlich breit gefächert. Das ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn das Thema hat zuletzt stark an
The U.S. was really fortunate in having the recent total solar eclipse pass through so many of its states! This gave lots of people an opportunity to see it, with just a short (or moderate) drive. I think a little kid spoke for all of us when they said "Let's
How to “Mind your Mind” and Improve your Well-being This morning you woke up, started your day and, whether you realized it or not, you said some things to yourself. You may have said, Today is going to be great… I am going to succeed… I look good! or perhaps
There will be a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, and the umbra (total shadow) will pass right across the United States! As a data guy, a map guy, and an astronomy fan, this is an opportunity I just couldn't pass up! Follow along as I apply my computer skills