When we think of something “new”, we tend to picture something clean, shiny, or efficient. The new normal of fraud only checks one of those boxes, and unfortunately, that’s “efficient.” Today, scams and cyber attacks are persistent, and part of a larger ecosystem of phishing and hacking attacks by both
Thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and laptops, people are used to getting what they need at the press of a button – whether they’re looking for information, seeking action or trying to solve a problem. Citizens want that same ease of access from their city’s government. As more citizens
Imagine for a moment: You’re a single parent working to make ends meet as you balance rent, bills and the cost of living. Add on losing your job. Then, food assistance and health care access become incredibly important to your family. Millions of households receive social safety benefits. In the
Imagine if your job was to sort a massive pile of 40,000 stones into about 200 buckets based on their unique properties. Each stone needs to be carefully examined, categorized and placed in the correct bucket, which takes about five minutes per stone. Fortunately, you’re not alone but part of
Adopting analytics and AI in the public sector is changing how governments make decisions. Technology improves the efficiency and transparency of work processes, positively impacting service delivery to increasingly demanding citizens. However, many government organizations still need help fully embracing a data-driven culture. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the
Estamos quase na Semana Santa o que, por ser uma das épocas em que mais viagens se realizam por todo o país, pode apresentar vários desafios à rede rodoviária e aos sistemas de transporte. A variabilidade nos padrões de movimento durante estas datas acrescenta uma camada adicional de complexidade, o
Mudança cultural interna precisa ser conduzida pela alta gestão e orientada pela criação de um governo mais ágil A adoção de IA e analytics pelo setor público tem evoluído significativamente a forma como o governo opera e toma decisões. Esta transição não apenas melhora a eficiência das operações nos bastidores,
No ano passado, assistimos a uma revolução notável no desenvolvimento de modelos generativos de IA e na sua adoção generalizada por indivíduos e empresas. Dois exemplos claros foram o ChatGPT e o DALL-E da OpenAI que, em apenas alguns meses, conseguiram conquistar milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo, garantindo
The cold of winter and holiday gatherings push people indoors, causing a surge in influenza hospitalizations. Years of above-normal temperatures in southern states bring a species of mosquito that carries malaria to the US. Declining childhood immunization rates threaten to allow previously eradicated diseases like measles to become endemic again.
Tem alguma noção de onde estão os seus dados? Provavelmente não, mas os fraudadores certamente que sim! A fraude pode não ser algo que pensemos todos os dias, mas a verdade é que pode afetar todas as áreas da nossa vida, daí a sua relevância. Anualmente, durante a Semana Internacional de
급변하는 대외 환경 변화와 지속 가능한 성장을 위한 금융기관 조기경보시스템의 조건 최근 국내 대외 환경은 경기변동성 증가와 저성장 국면 진입의 가속화로 요약할 수 있습니다. 또한, 최근 30년을 돌아보면 ‘97년 외환 위기, ‘08년 글로벌 금융 위기와 ‘20년 COVID19 팬데믹 등 주기적인 경제위기 발생과 더불어 글로벌 경기 민감도 역시 증가한 상황입니다.
SAS Enterprise Guide(이하 SAS EG)의 최근 버전에서는 기존의 폴더를 통한 접근뿐만 아니라 GitHub 레파지토리를 등록하여 프로그램을 실행, 수정, 관리할 수 있습니다. 회사나 개인 용도로 GitHub을 사용하고 있을 경우, SAS EG에 레파지토리를 등록하여 사용이 가능합니다. 기존에 SAS EG와 GitHub을 사용하는 분이라면 EG를 통해서 좀 더 효율적이고 편리하게 작업을 하실 수 있습니다.
As millions of people party and eat their way through the season of overindulgence, they should feel confident that indigestion and a few extra pounds should be the only downsides to their feasting. Thanks to countless hours of work behind the scenes by food inspectors and public health officials, diners
The biggest challenges of our time won’t be solved in silos. To tackle complex problems, we’ll need ideas, perspectives, resilience and innovation rising from cross-sector collaboration and partnership. SAS recently hosted the 2023 Concordia United States Summit, a collaborative dialogue among public, private and nonprofit organizations designed to spur activities
Los crímenes financieros, dentro de los que se ubica el lavado de dinero, provienen en su mayoría de fenómenos como el crimen organizado y el narcotráfico en México. Y una de sus manifestaciones más complejas es el envío de remesas, en las que se dificulta hacer un análisis de riesgo,
The weight of the world has never been heavier – and it rests on the shoulders of government. Geopolitical hostilities, war, climate change, economic turmoil, large-scale migration and workforce shortages are worldwide issues. These challenges are compounded when governments have political divisions and stymied processes. Citizens want their government to
I recently had two incredible opportunities: to visit the White House for a landmark executive order signing and to make remarks at a US Senate AI Insight Forum. The AI Insight Forum was part of a bipartisan Congressional effort to develop guardrails that ensure artificial intelligence is both transformative and
Did you know that approximately one in 28 children grows up with a parent behind bars? That’s not just a number – it’s a glimpse into the lives of young people who face this challenge and need support to break the cycle. According to the US Department of Health and
Las organizaciones saben que modernizarse es una tarea continua y una condición para seguir compitiendo y creciendo en sus respectivos mercados. Cómo abordar el proceso de modernización, sin embargo, requiere una planeación minuciosa, y no está exento de desafíos. Más aún cuando involucra la adopción de tecnologías y procesos de
National Institute on Drug Abuse research shows that an estimated 65% percent of the United States prison population has an active substance use disorder (SUD). Another 20% percent did not meet the official criteria for an SUD but were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of
In an increasingly interconnected world, geopolitical events in one region can cause a ripple effect across global supply chains. Due to technical complexity and the concentration of large manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region, the semiconductor supply chain is especially vulnerable to disruptions. In fact, more than 65% of the
Debido a la complejidad y cambios en el mercado, las organizaciones de todo el mundo están aprovechando las oportunidades para hacer mejores predicciones, identificar soluciones y dar pasos estratégicos y proactivos, lo que significa que dependen cada vez más de los big data. Sin embargo, en su búsqueda de resistencia
A behind-the-scenes look at women contributing their skills to the battle against child exploitation.
Los modelos analíticos se han convertido en un elemento clave para la toma de decisiones en las organizaciones. Sin embargo, para conseguir una modelización óptima, es necesario tener presente una serie de consideraciones y buenas prácticas. Joaquín María Núñez Varo, Analista del Departamento de Evaluación del ICEX España, nos acompañó
In principle, the best method of mitigating fraud is to set up a strong detection system. A system perceived as unbeatable will mean that potential fraudsters are discouraged from attempting anything and move on to easier targets. The premise of deterrence is that a system that detects fraud and abuse
La tecnología está cambiando la sociedad a un ritmo cada vez más rápido. Su impacto está presente en todos los ámbitos de la vida y su influencia ha afectado desde la forma de trabajar, hasta la forma de comunicarse, divertirse o informarse. Con una sociedad digitalizada y conectada, la administración
No passado dia 25 de maio, aproveitámos a presença da equipa de gestão a nível global do SAS na cosmopolita Madrid para nos reunirmos com os nossos clientes e parceiros, que já consideramos amigos, para abordar um tema tão em voga como a analítica avançada sob diferentes ângulos no nosso
A expectativa era grande em torno da comemoração do SAS Innovate Madrid, que aconteceu no passado dia 25 de maio. Ouvimos muitas conversas sobre o que as pessoas esperavam do evento, incluindo o desejo de uma vez mais encontrarem-se cara a cara com clientes, parceiros e colegas da área para falar
SAS takes its pledge to support US veterans and military families to heart. So, when the 2022 the PACT Act expanded Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and benefits for those exposed to toxic substances, a collective team at SAS pulled together to help inform the community. Expanding Care for Our
On May 25, we took advantage of the presence of the SAS management team at a global level in sunny Madrid to get together with our clients and partners , whom we already consider friends, to address such a fashionable topic as advanced analytics from different angles on our SAS