
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Carolina Pereira 0
Como analytics ajudou a aliviar a crise do COVID-19 em Jacarta

Quando a pandemia do COVID-19 atingiu a Indonésia, bloqueios e restrições de atividade fecharam grande parte do comércio, ameaçando o sustento de milhões de pessoas. Isso porque o país possui mais de 64 milhões de micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPMEs), responsáveis por empregar 97% da força de trabalho do

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Machine Learning
Aline Riquetti 0
Inteligência analítica no combate à desinformação e discursos de ódio

Estudos indicam que, ao longo dos últimos anos, aumentaram os casos de propagação de discursos de ódio e de notícias falsas. Especialmente no ano de 2022 há uma preocupação muito grande quanto à utilização desses recursos ilegítimos para finalidades eleitorais. Técnicas analíticas podem ser empregadas para estimular campanhas eleitorais que

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Falko Schulz 0
Analyzing demographics and patterns-of-life using SAS Visual Analytics

The IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge provides a great opportunity to validate our software against real-world scenarios using complex data sets. Not only do we learn from these projects, but we also send feedback to our development teams to further improve product capabilities for customers.

Analytics | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Alex Coop 0
Canadian post-grads tease policy recommendations from data during National Policy Challenge

To help burgeoning data researchers apply data analysis skills across policy sectors in economic, health and social science-informed areas of study, they need both policy and data industry experts to help them develop these critical skills before they graduate. The National Policy Challenge was developed with this goal in mind.

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Glyn Townsend 0
Smart cities: Which parts of the UK are the most AI-ready?

AI has, for many years, been the stuff of fantasy. From the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to the dystopian futures depicted in films such as Metropolis, the Matrix and Minority Report, the idea of intelligent machines has been capturing the imagination of writers for centuries. Our ability to store

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Integrative verfahrensübergreifende Analyseplattform

Die Globalisierung ist längst bei den Sicherheitsbehörden angekommen. In vielen Phänomenbereichen nehmen der Vernetzungsgrad der beteiligten Akteure und damit die Komplexität der Ermittlungen zu. Damit steigt die Menge an Daten, die während der Ermittlungen ausgewertet werden müssen. Verfahrensübergreifende Recherchesysteme geben einen Überblick über Informationen, die in unterschiedlichen Datenquellen liegen. Daneben

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Mit künstlicher Intelligenz gegen organisierte Kriminalität

Ermittlungen im Umfeld der organisierten Kriminalität sind komplex und zeitaufwändig. Kriminelle Aktivitäten und Verflechtungen erstrecken sich oft über Landes- und Staatsgrenzen hinweg. Damit steigt die Zahl der Datenquellen und der Aufwand, die Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Daten zu sichten und die relevanten Informationen in einen Zusammenhang zu setzen. Ermittler müssen oftmals Chatverläufe

Lee Ann Dietz 0
Earth Day 2022 – an interview with SAS specialists about analytics and climate resilience

Leaders from businesses and governments across the world continue to show progress on a range of critical environmental topics, addressing climate resilience and taking actions to ensure a more sustainable and thriving planet. Advancements and innovations continue to open new avenues for environmental leadership – and the use of data

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management
Josh Morgan 0
LA County's Whole Person Care analytics program offers crucial flexibility  

When Los Angeles County invested in Whole Person Care (WPC) it could not have known just how important the system’s flexibility would be. Anyone who has had an interface with health care delivery, policy, oversight and management know things change quickly. As data becomes a priority, expectations of the use

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Briana Ullman 0
Visualizing job opportunities for military veterans using SAS Viya

During a SAS Hackathon, Zencos set out to help veterans reintegrate into a rapidly changing job market and discover potential career paths. Life after the military can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding meaningful employment that utilizes a returning service member’s unique knowledge and skills. Veterans must navigate the

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Andreas Kitsios 0
Does Romania need to boost its anti-money laundering toolbox?

Traditionally, banks have been seen as the front line in anti-money laundering activity. They have increasingly been subject to regulatory requirements to check customers, transactions and activity. However, as governments have required banks to make fraudulent activity harder, criminals have evolved their tactics. And the financial sector needs to keep

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Aline Riquetti 0
Análise de redes de relacionamento aplicada à prevenção às fraudes e outros crimes financeiros

“Diga-me com quem andas e te direi quem és” é um provérbio popular vastamente conhecido e um consenso entre várias pessoas. Porém, será que essa máxima é verdadeira em todas as situações? Se assim o for, como poderíamos empregar essa relação nas atividades de prevenção a fraude e outros crimes

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