Redefining banking in a financial services market where your biggest competitor may be Amazon or Google, not a traditional bank. Open banking may not have made much of an impression on consumers yet. But it’s a topic that the industry cannot afford to ignore. Tier one UK banks are already
Desde el primero de mayo, la GDPR (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la Unión Europea) pasó a ser de cumplimiento obligatorio. Eso significa que todas las organizaciones que manejan datos de ciudadanos europeos (sin importar dónde estén ubicadas) deben cumplir con los más altos estándares de transparencia y
A long time ago, I was working on analytics in a bank, primarily in the area of risk. One project I worked on was about working out which products were profitable to help clean up the product portfolio. The project involved people from both risk and finance. As we worked
“In God we trust, all others must bring data” - Dr. W. Edwards Deming En el mundo de los sommelier se denomina cata a la acción encaminada a examinar, valorar, comparar o identificar vino (te o café, etc.) mediante el empleo de un análisis realizado con nuestros sentidos: es lo
I always recommend looking at data in several different ways to get a more complete mental picture. And when the data is changing over time, one great way to view it is using an animation. Follow along for some tips & tricks to animate your own data over time. I'll
SAS, “금융 리스크 전문가 81%, 인공지능(AI) 기술 효과 누려” 프로세스 자동화·신용 평가·데이터 클렌징 분야에서 가장 큰 AI 도입 효과 나타나 응답자 절반 이상(52%) AI 활용 기술 격차 체감 2019년 4월 24일, 서울 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(와 국제재무위험관리전문가협회(GARP, Global Association of Risk Professionals)가 발표한 ‘금융권 리스크 관리 분야의 인공지능
Banks increasingly face challenges that put pressure on the bottom line. In this post, I’ll focus on the threats that affect the risk departments of banks. In my view, there are three critical areas. The 3 core challenges 1. Regulatory and accounting demands The first is increased regulatory and accounting
Analytics can help today’s leaders transform banking for the digital age without compromising on efficiency It’s no secret that challenger banks and fintech companies are changing the banking industry as we know it. The main issue for today’s banking leaders is not that customers are switching to new high-street providers,
While we're on the topic of mortgage rates, let's explore another technique for plotting and comparing the rate data over several years. Last time, we plotted each year's data in a separate graph, and paneled them across the page. This time, let's overlay multiple years together in the same graph.
Did you recently lock in a mortgage rate of 3.5-5%, or perhaps even lower? How do today's rates compare to rates in the past? Let's dig a little deeper into this topic, with some graphs! But before we get started, here's a picture to get you into the mood for
If a bank gets in touch with a software company and wants to know how it could use artificial intelligence (AI), that means two things. First, the bank is willing to consider AI, and second, that it really does not know much about the subject. Banks want AI, and they
Anti-money laundering has been an issue for banks and financial institutions for some time. Transaction monitoring systems have been around for many years. Meeting and complying with regulations at the regional or national level, however, remains a challenge. Many financial institutions are almost playing catch-up with regulators, as anti-money laundering
Which topics and priorities will be the focus for chief risk officers in 2019? A range of experts and representatives of major banking institutions addressed these questions at a recent event, CRO and CFO Banking Agenda 2019, organised by CeTIF, the Research Center on Technologies, Innovation and Financial Services, in collaboration
El 95% de los datos que las empresas de diferentes sectores de la economía manejan se consideran, generalmente, como datos no estructurados y, según compañías consultoras como Deloitte, no se utilizan para la toma de decisiones. En el caso de la banca este porcentaje es menor, y aunque llega al
The number of models used by large operators in the financial sector is increasing by around 10 to 25 percent per year. Most of the new models are designed to meet business needs, such as pricing, the definition of strategic plans and the management of liquidity. Some, though, are for
The recently released results of a new joint survey from SAS and the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) on the use of AI in risk management makes for very interesting reading. Here are the highlights from the study, which involved more than 2,000 participants from across the global financial
El fraude en seguros siempre ha existido, presentándose de diferentes maneras para adaptarse a cada época. Hoy en día, la magnitud del fraude en seguros no solamente es sorprendente, sino que aumenta. Las actividades fraudulentas prevalecen a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de la póliza. A medida
El uso de herramientas de analítica avanzada permite a las organizaciones desplegar capacidades de “Customer Decisioning” para entregar a sus clientes una experiencia de consumo excepcional, gracias a una mayor relevancia en cada interacción. En la actualidad, los clientes esperan una experiencia perfecta, altamente personalizada y relevante ya sea en
I recently reacquainted myself with this excellent Executives Guide to AI from our friends at McKinsey & Company. The authors have distilled a complex topic into something easily digestible while avoiding jargon and hyperbole. While not in the CliffsNotes or Bluffer’s Guide category, this Insights article undoubtedly helps the reader
Si reconoces que el análisis de datos es fundamental para el éxito de tu organización, entre el 28 de abril y el 1 de mayo tienes que estar en Dallas, Texas, la sede del evento más importante del ámbito de la analítica avanzada. ¿Qué motivos justificarían el viaje? Podríamos señalar
Also celebrating is your bank's branch manager. She was skeptical when headquarters analysts equipped branches for "Cloud-based application using SAS" , saying it would speed up loan applications. But your quick, frictionless transaction proved them right.The bank's accountants are happy too. The new pay-as-you-go mode of using SAS software in
Wenn eine Bank bei einem Softwareunternhemen anfragt und wissen will, wie sie Künstliche Intelligenz nutzen könnte, steht das für etwas: Erstens, dass die Bank KI-willig ist und zweitens, dass die Bank KI-ratlos ist. Banken wollen KI ja haben, sie könnten auch durchaus – Budget ist da. Aber sie wissen nicht,
Deloitte’s 2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook begins by stating that “a decade after the crisis, the banking industry is on firmer ground.” Shortly after it asserts that “there may be no better time than now to reimagine digital transformation.” Having tinkered at the margins to keep the lights on,
In meinem letzten Blogpost ging es darum, welche Aufgaben „Robo A“ mir als Bankmitarbeiter womöglich schon abnehmen kann, sodass ich Zeit für wichtigere Themen gewinne. KI spielt in Banken schon lange keine Nebenrolle mehr. Die Suche nach dem ultimativen Use Case, der einerseits über den Hype und andererseits über den
SAS코리아, ‘SAS 뱅킹 이노베이션 포럼’ 성료 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝 기반 솔루션 활용한 성공적인 금융 디지털 혁신 방안 공유 ATB 파이낸셜·NH농협은행, SAS 바이야로 업무 생산성 향상 및 최적의 고객 서비스 제공 2019년 3월 7일 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(쌔스)코리아(가 6일(수) 서울 여의도 콘래드호텔에서 국내 주요 금융권 관계자가 참석한 가운데 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝(ML)
En mi opinión, sommelier no es un título, es un oficio. No se aprende, se vive... Un sommelier es un experto en vinos, él conoce de variedades y sabe cuál se adapta a cada menú. A lo largo del tiempo el concepto de sommelier evolucionó y se aplica a otros
En las semanas recientes, el gobierno mexicano se ha enfocado en combatir el robo de combustible que aqueja a varios estados del país, el delito que se ha producido para Pemex por $3,000 millones de dólares (mdd), según la calificadora de inversiones Moody's Investor Services. Si bien se ha cuestionado
El tiempo corre; se aproxima cada vez más la entrada en vigor de IFRS 17 (International Financial Reporting Standard). No obstante, la decisión de IASB para retrasar 12 meses más la entrada en vigor de esta norma (para el primer día de 2022), las empresas aseguradoras de gran parte del
IFRS 9 ist seit dem 1. Januar 2018 in Kraft. Heute lässt sich feststellen: Die Umsetzung hat länger gedauert als erwartet, langfristige Auswirkungen sind noch nicht absehbar. Wie in meinem vorangegangenen Blogbeitrag beschrieben, haben Banken im Großen und Ganzen den Prozess jedoch recht gut bewältigt. Angesichts der immensen Kosten stellt
El comienzo de un nuevo ciclo, de un nuevo año, implica el establecimiento de una evolución como persona o negocio. El arranque de 2019 es una buena oportunidad para hacer coincidir la tecnología analítica con los propósitos de su negocio. ¿Desea saber lo que le depara el futuro? ¿Encontrarás las