Most New Yorkers like to fantasize about owning and living in a classic New York City brownstone, complete with high ceilings, large windows and a front stoop. You can picture yourself sitting there alongside the iron railing with a cup of coffee while you watch the city wake up and
Il comportamento di acquisto dei consumatori è andato incontro a numerosi cambiamenti durante e a seguito del lockdown. E questo non ci sorprende, visto l'impatto che il Covid-19 sta avendo sulla nostra vita quotidiana. La vera domanda che dobbiamo porci è: questi cambiamenti sono solo momentanei? La soddisfazione di ogni
Recently nine pharmacists from across the country were charged for their part in a $12.1M health care fraud scheme. The pharmacists allegedly took money for prescription medications that were neither purchased nor dispensed. The indictments further allege that the defendants billed Medicare and Medicaid for medications that were often medically unnecessary and for some medications that were purportedly dispensed to
You look to the cloud for several reasons – to meet your cloud-first strategy, for scalability or to adapt quickly to changing business demands. Maybe all three. Perhaps you need offerings to be available in various regions, or to reduce application response time and improve latency problems. Perhaps regulatory and compliance constraints are limiting (or mandating) the physical locations where your data can be stored and transmitted. This is why having a global data footprint is
고객은 금융기관이 개인 정보를 안전하게 관리하면서도 거래지연 없는 쉽고 빠른 서비스를 제공 해주기를 원합니다. 따라서 디지털 시대의 금융기관은 보다 빠르고 편리한 서비스를 보다 안전하게 제공하기 위해 실시간으로 위험거래를 탐지할 수 있는 시스템과 위기상황에 신속히 대응할 수 있는 정책이 준비되어야 합니다. 편리함이 가져온 새로운 위험요소 디지털화는 속도와 편리성이 높아 24시간 언제든
It's easy to get distracted by new developments in the fight against healthcare fraud. New services. New providers. Relaxation of rules. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly revolutionized the healthcare landscape. For instance, the government made sweeping regulatory changes to accommodate a surge in patients. Healthcare delivery and payment organizations, commercial
Conversational AI can offer a way to provide that always-on 24/7, fast, convenient experience that can go anywhere (phone, computer smart speakers, even your car). It can provide a human-like experience through real-time, personalized interaction with AI running in the background. This technology is being applied across many industries for a variety of use cases (both customer-facing and for internal use).
Learn how SAS and Microsoft can help insurers accelerate digital transformation efforts.
Today’s customer really expects a truly extraordinary customer experience. That means that your company, your brand and the experiences you provide are not just in competition with people in your category. They’re in competition with people like Amazon, Uber and Starbucks, who have managed to make the mobile device a
To help visualize regression models, SAS provides the EFFECTPLOT statement in several regression procedures and in PROC PLM, which is a general-purpose procedure for post-fitting analysis of linear models. When scoring and visualizing a model, it is important to use reasonable combinations of the explanatory variables for the visualization. When
Bribery and corruption continue to plague governments and organizations around the world. Brazil’s Operation Car Wash, the 1MDB scandal in Malaysia, the FIFA bribery case and many others continue to make headlines. The prevalence of widespread, coordinated corruption and bribery is alarming and seems to continue to grow, despite ongoing sanctions and fines meant to deter these
If a cinderblock falls from the 4th floor of a building and crushes a construction worker’s foot, it’s terrible. If it lands on his head, it’s truly tragic. But the difference is sheer luck. Every employee deserves to return home safely from work. Unfortunately, accidents happen, which is why employers must carry mandatory workers’ compensation
Sanal etkinliğimiz Beyond Tomorrow öncesinde Eureko Sigorta’nın Data Studio Lideri Özlem Odar ile görüşme imkanı buldum. Hepimizin bildiği gibi Türkiye'nin öncü sigorta firmaları arasında yer alan Eureko Sigorta, hasar yönetimi ve risk değerlendirme konusundaki uzmanlığı ile alanında lider konumda olan uluslararası bir yapıya sahip. Avrupa'nın 6 ülkesinde 22.000 çalışanıyla dünyanın
As the COVID-19 virus jetted to pandemic status, folks around the company, including Carlos, were tapped to come up with data-driven solutions – fast. “Until we have a vaccine, one of the most effective ways to curb the spread of COVID-19 is by implementing Nonpharmaceutical Interventions, called ‘NPIs’,” Carlos explained.
I have previously written about how to plot a discontinuous function in SAS. That article shows how to use the GROUP= option on the SERIES statement to graph a discontinuous function. An alternative approach is to place a missing value for the Y variable at the locations at which the
Letzte Woche hatte ich das große Vergnügen, zum ersten Mal an einem Ideathon teilzunehmen (Winterhack). Wer das nicht kennt – diese Art der Veranstaltung ist vergleichbar mit einem Hackathon, nur dass hier weniger das Coden und technische Entwickeln von Prototypen im Vordergrund steht. Vielmehr geht es in der Hauptsache um
지난 글에서는 분석 모델을 배포하기까지 많은 시간이 소요되는 이유, 이를 극복하기 위한 방법으로서 운영계에 적용하는 ModelOps의 개념과 효과를 소개해드렸습니다. 하지만 통상적으로 기업의 의사결정이 분석의 결과만으로 이뤄지지는 않습니다. 분석 인사이트를 기반으로 하되 기업에서 설정한 비즈니스 룰을 확인해야 하며, 기업 안팎의 상황에 대한 검토도 필요합니다. 금융권을 예로 들면, 고객의 신용대출 요청에 따른
The REFLINE statement in PROC SGPLOT is one of my favorite ways to augment statistical graphics such as scatter plots, series plots, and histograms. The REFLINE statement overlays a vertical or horizontal reference line on a graph. You can specify the location of the reference lines on the REFLINE statement.
New and more prescriptive privacy and other data-related regulations are elevating data governance to a strategic asset for organizations in all sectors. Data governance can no longer remain confined to a back-end IT operation. As the data-rich financial services sector is now moving fast towards more profound digitization of financial
Gespräch mit Mastercard, Vicepresident International Arne Pache.
As you begin managing your SAS code and projects in Git, here are a few guidelines for how to organize your work and collaborate with others.
Editor's note: This blog post is part of a series of posts, originally published here by our partner News Literacy Project, exploring the role of data in understanding our world. “Numbers don’t lie” is a phrase we often hear to support the idea that something must be true if you can cite data or
Here is the final installment of the 3-part series by guest bloggers Jessica Curtis and Andrea Moore. (If you missed them, here are Part 1 and Part 2). HOW SAS MAKES IT HAPPEN There are two main steps for integrating open source forecasting models into SAS Visual Forecasting, each with increasing
Intuitively, the skewness of a unimodal distribution indicates whether a distribution is symmetric or not. If the right tail has more mass than the left tail, the distribution is "right skewed." If the left tail has more mass, the distribution is "left skewed." Thus, estimating skewness requires some estimates about
Here is the second installment of the 3-part series by guest bloggers Jessica Curtis and Andrea Moore. (If you missed it, here is Part 1.) THE VALUE SAS DELIVERS TO OPEN SOURCE First and foremost, SAS distributes the input data for forecasting. SAS knows how to split up data intelligently
Welcome to the first of a 3-part series by guest bloggers Jessica Curtis and Andrea Moore: FORECASTING IS UBIQUITOUS Forecasting is core to many different business decisions across virtually every industry. Whether you’re a retailer planning a compelling assortment of SKUs or improving labor planning for distribution centers and stores, or a consumer product goods
Tomorrow we begin a three-part series on how to accelerate open source forecasting with SAS, by guest bloggers (and my colleagues) Jessica Curtis and Andrea Moore. As the popularity of open source forecasting has expanded, so has the ability of SAS to take advantage of open source capabilities. Over the
Learn why integrating EHR data with pharmacy and claims data improves patient care.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed many things in many industries – and not always in the most obvious way. Insurance companies have seen both fewer claims and fewer sales. As a result, many have realised that the process of digitisation, often started slowly before lockdown, must now be accelerated. More,
Imagine driving in a foreign country at night with no GPS and half a tank of gas in the pouring rain. And you have to reach your destination before sunrise. That’s a little like how it felt when COVID-19 turned our 2020 plans upside down, and we raced into the