Thanks to COVID-19, companies have experienced how challenging it can be to plan and maneuver their supply chains around an unforeseen disruption. While the pandemic was a once-in-a-lifetime event (we hope), the unfortunate truth is that less severe events have overwhelmed or undermined demand and supply planning in the past
I have previously shown how you can use the FRACTw. format in SAS to display numbers as fractions. But did you know that you can also use the format to obtain the numerator and denominator of the fraction as numbers in a program? All you need to do is to
Note from Udo Sglavo: In our peace of mind blog series, we documented areas of analytics that are either evolving or not necessarily in the standard toolset of data scientists. We looked at causal modeling, network analytics, and econometrics, to name a few. With this blog post, we would like
Since I was a teenager, I’ve had trouble sleeping. From hypnotherapy to melatonin, I've tried all kinds of lifestyle changes and strategies to get better sleep. No matter what helps, I am never immune to those nights at 3 AM where my mind won’t seem to shut off. No surprise
We have so much to celebrate for International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month! Scroll right to preview the many events and stories to inspire and empower.
Gespräch mit VW: Patrick van der Smagt, Direktor des Machine Learning Labs des Volkswagen Konzerns.
I recently wrote about a simple statistical formula that approximates the wind chill temperature, which is the cumulative effect of air temperature and wind on the human body. The formula uses two independent variables (air temperature and wind speed) to predict the wind chill temperature. This article describes how to
FDA, 의약품 평가 및 연구 센터 위해 SAS 고급분석 및 AI 기술 도입 미국 식품의약국(FDA)은 SAS® Viya® 플랫폼 내 자연어 처리, 인공지능 및 머신러닝 기능 등을 기반으로 새로운 도약을 위해 SAS와 40년 파트너십을 연장하기로 했습니다. 향후 5 년간 4,990 만 달러(약 560억원)에 달하는 총괄 구매 계약(BPA)을 통해 SAS는 FDA에서 진행중인
COVID-19 is triggering a debt collection crisis for UK banks. How can collections teams control an explosion in delinquent accounts?
This is another in my series of blog posts where I take a deep dive into converting customized R graphs into SAS graphs. Today we'll be working on bubble maps - specifically, plotting earthquake data as bubbles on a map. R bubble map, created using geom_polygon() and geom_point() SAS bubble
SAS steht für mehr als nur Installation und Customizing. Ich diskutiere mit Thorsten Hagenberger unsere IMPACT-Sicht auf 2021.
Mujeres que se destacan en el plano profesional, que lideran equipos de trabajo con éxito, aportan inteligencia a la toma de decisiones empresariales y que a la par son protagonistas clave para mantener el equilibrio y el bienestar en sus hogares son las nuevas profesionales destacadas en SAS Women Empowerment
In cold and blustery conditions, the weather forecast often includes two temperatures: the actual air temperature and the wind chill temperature. The wind chill temperature conveys the cumulative effect of air temperature and wind on the human body. The goal of the wind-chill scale is to communicate the effect of
This is another in my series of blogs where I take a deep dive into converting customized R graphs into SAS graphs. Today I show how to combine several graphs with shared axes, which we'll call paneled graphs. This time I'll be plotting the Job Openings Rate by Industry, similar
As I write this blog post, we are nearing the milestone of 500,000 deaths in the U.S. and 2.5 million worldwide. In the U.S. we are also nearing the one-year anniversary of that week in March where the realities of the pandemic set-in and everything changed. We are all caught
Lo vivido en el último tiempo ha significado tiempos de incertidumbre para muchos y unos de ellos son los profesionales de marketing en las empresas. No era para menos: los comportamientos de los clientes (B2C y también B2B) cambiaron abruptamente: valores, lugares, canales, frecuencias… todo lo que conocíamos anteriormente y
Beth and her team of analytical consultants bring passion to their work with customers every day.
Organisations also need to ensure diversity when developing assets—those diverse teams that I mentioned before.
A previous article describes how to use the SGPANEL procedure to visualize subgroups of data. It focuses on using headers to display information about each graph. In the example, the data are time series for the price of several stocks, and the headers include information about whether the stock price
This post is part of our Young Data Scientists series, featuring the motivation, work and advice of the next generation of data scientists. Be sure to check back for future posts, or read the whole series by clicking on the image to the right. This July, the inaugural Academic SAS
The skin is the largest organ in the body. Although many might not think of it as an organ, it accounts for ~15 percent of our body weight and it protects us. We may consider just the outer layer since that's what we see, but there are two main layers
Many characteristics of a graph are determined by the underlying data at run time. A familiar example is when you use colors to indicate different groups in the data. If the data have three groups, you see three colors. If the data have four groups, you see four colors. The
This is another in my series of blogs where I take a deep dive into converting a customized R graph into a SAS graph. Today I'm focusing on a diverging bar chart (where one bar segment is above the zero line, and the other is below). What type of data
4 tips to help insurers comply with regulatory reporting requirements as they move to the cloud.
I've previously written about how to generate all pairwise interactions for a regression model in SAS. For a model that contains continuous effects, the easiest way is to use the EFFECT statement in PROC GLMSELECT to generate second-degree "polynomial effects." However, a SAS programmer was running a simulation study and
Note from Udo Sglavo on mathematical optimization: When data scientists look at the essence of analytics and wonder about their daily endeavor, it often comes down to supporting better decisions. Peter F. Drucker, the founder of modern management, stated: "Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."
It's been a great ride Since 2014, the Operations Research Blog has covered a broad range of topics related to real applications of operations research. Paraphrasing Principal Product Manager for Optimization Ed Hughes' first post - this blog covered how OR methods could be applied to organizational and business planning
One of the first things I learned in SAS was how to use PROC PRINT to display parts of a data set. I usually do not need to see all the data, so my favorite way to use PROC PRINT is to use the OBS= data set option to display
This is another in my series of blogs where I take a deep dive into converting a customized R graph into a SAS ODS Graphics graph. Can you guess what data I'll be using this time? Here's a photo with a hint. This is Keeler, California (just west of Death
"With #HackinSAS, we want to build on the best of many young ideas into innovative products on one platform."