
Analytics | Data Management | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Minnesota longitudinal data system exploring COVID's effects on pre-k to workforce journey

Minnesota's longitudinal data system integrates early childhood education, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to create a panoramic view of education outcomes. The merging of systems results in data linking and improves the overall data quality and performance of the P-20 Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal

Keun-Tae Kim 0
SAS Viya, 클라우드에서 빠르고 신뢰성 있는 의사결정 실현  

분석은 왜, 전사적으로 활용되지 못할까요? 최근 맥킨지 연구에 따르면 AI와 분석을 전 세계 산업 전반에 적용할 경우, 약 9조~15조 달러의 가치 창출이 가능합니다. 그런데도 오직 8%의 주요 기업만이 전사적으로 분석을 활용하고 있습니다. 무려 90% 이상의 기업이 분석을 조직의 모든 영역으로 확산하지 못하고 있는 것입니다.    조직 내 분석 확산과 관련하여 주요 관계자들은 각기 다른 고민을 안고 있습니다.  ▶IT리더는 제한된 비용으로 신기술을 적용하고 혁신을 이루어야 합니다. 한편으로는 끊임없이 개발 및 변경되는 분석 모델을

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Lindsay Marshall 0
SAS Viya Visual Data Science Decisioning free trial: The ultimate analytics experience

With the SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning (VDSD) trial, you get the ultimate analytics experience with free access to all SAS Viya analytic capabilities for 14 days. ​SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning provides the ultimate experience covering the entire analytics lifecycle – from managing data, developing models, and deploying models to take decisions.

Analytics | Data for Good | SAS Events
Josh Morgan 0
The case for uniting data: A public and moral duty for mental health

Mental health and data sharing. Seeing those phrases in a single sentence gives even the most seasoned professionals pause. This is legitimately sensitive data. And there are often specialized confidentiality and privacy laws due to the stigma and discrimination against those with mental health disorders.  All the same, many agencies are starting to ask

Advanced Analytics
Ricky Tharrington 0
Parallel Processing in SAS Viya

Most computers can execute operations in parallel due to their multicore infrastructure. Performing more than one operation simultaneously has the potential to speed up most tasks and has many practical uses within the field of data science. SAS Viya offers several products that facilitate parallel task execution. Many of these

Work & Life at SAS
Bit by Bit

In the US we are seeing rapid changes related to COVID-19 cases, the ending of mask requirements and messages of “a return to normal”. I want to be sensitive to the fact that not all parts of the US or the world are seeing improvements and in some places the

Learn SAS | SAS Events | Students & Educators
Trent Smith 0
SAS honors educators and students for excellence in analytics and data science 

The demand for people with analytics and data science skills continues to outpace supply – and SAS skills are among the most prized. Through programs such as the new  SAS Academic Specialization, the company is building a sustainable pool of data science and analytics talent.   At the virtual SAS Global Forum 2021, the company recognized

Stephanie Krishnan 0
Are manufacturers missing out? Digital transformation reaps real benefits!

Digitally mature manufacturers outperform their non-digital peers — they generate more revenue and profit, and will out-compete non-digital companies. This is a bold statement, but it was a clear outcome of recent IDC Worldwide Manufacturing Insights research, which compared the profitability and revenue of digitally mature manufacturers to their non-digital

Analytics | SAS Events
Kara Roberts 0
SAS User Feedback Award winner helps drive innovation, shape SAS® Event Stream Processing software

SAS users help drive innovation, providing feedback on SAS products through various mediums, including customer advisory boards, communities, SASware Ballot® ideas, and SAS Global Forum. The SAS User Feedback Award is presented annually to a user whose recommendations and insights lead to significant improvements to SAS software. This year SAS

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