Bright Data
Analytics that enlighten your mind from the CEE regionApproaches to risk assessment and management are changing. There has been a radical alteration in the nature of risk in many sectors, in that the biggest threat that many companies now face is from disruption of their business model by start-ups. This has meant that traditional approaches to risk—the appointment
Most purchases are driven by our emotions as the consumer's emotional experience is crucial in buying choices. And so we decided to exert the powerful SAS algorithms on a dashboard born in the beginning as a simulation of a remote control system in the healthcare field for home-based patients. The
Styl prezentacji danych jest ważnym aspektem raportów. Użyta kolorystyka oraz metody wyróżniania mają znaczący wpływ na sposób odbioru, a także szybkość zrozumienia danych. Mają zwykle na celu zwrócenie uwagi na najważniejsze informacje, mogą wskazywać na pewne zależności lub wartości odstające, a nieodpowiednie ich użycie może prowadzić do nieporozumień czy nawet
In the second post of the 10 Commandments of Applied Econometrics series we discussed the issue of embedding statistical tools in the context of business problems. Today, I will present another commandment related to exploration and inspecting the data.
Organizations of all kinds operate in uncertain environments with challenging natural, political, socio-economic and cultural influences. These influences may affect their ability to meet their objectives. The uncertain economic situation of the past few years is a clear, real and pragmatic example of the effect of this uncertainty, something known
Neil Harbisson is completely colour-blind. He sees the world in greyscale. But that does not mean that Neil does not experience colour. Since 2004, he has worn an electronic ‘eye’ that turns the colours into sounds by wavelength. He now experiences the world as a series of tones. He dresses