Bright Data
Analytics that enlighten your mind from the CEE regionAt this stage our organization has already defined the business objectives for Data Governance programme (step 0) and started to manage business terms, as described in step 1. Step 2: tracking data flow in organization Data Governance is not only related to understanding the data – it also focuses on
Secondo diverse fonti, il volume di dati archiviati e gestiti nei sistemi IT aziendali cresce con un tasso annuo del 20-40% dal 2010. Stiamo vivendo una nuova era di innovazione e di disruption digitale, in un mondo iperconnesso, caratterizzato da mobility, oggetti intelligenti, interazioni online e reti veloci. Vincere sul
Some of the most common questions from customers are about their analytics administration. Often regarded as house-keeping, administration failures can nevertheless cause real pain. The typical day-to-day tasks of analytics administration include checking availability and health of the analytics platform components, allocating proper resources for users like memory, file systems,
W pierwszym wpisie z serii 10 przykazań Ekonometrii Stosowanej poruszyliśmy kwestię wykorzystania w analizie danych zdrowego rozsądku i znajomości teorii ekonometrii. Dziś przedstawię dwa kolejne przykazania, które wiążą się z osadzeniem narzędzi statystycznych w kontekście biznesowym problemu. 2. Unikaj błędów III rodzaju. Innymi słowy: zadawaj właściwe pytania. Z błędem III
The Internet of Things (IoT) is drastically changing our lives, whether this is at home, in the car, at work or even in the street. Gartner has predicted that by 2020, 20.8 billion devices will be connected. Moreover, the potential economic impact of IoT by 2025 is estimated to be
Having introduced the term of Data Governance and defined business objectives, we can start to fulfill the first tasks within Data Governance programme construction. Step 1: business meaning of data While conducting their activity, organizations use many industry-specific terms. The mere definition of who a customer is for the company