Search Results: styleattrs (148)

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics using SAS

Infographics are all the rage today.  Open any magazine or newspaper and we see data and numbers everywhere.  Often, such information is displayed by adding some graphical information to add context to the data.  A couple of good examples are Communicating numeric information, and Facts about Hot Dogs. Riley Benson, our UX

Rick Wicklin 0
Lo, how a polar rose e'er blooming

Lo how a rose e'er blooming From tender stem hath sprung As I write this blog post, a radio station is playing Chrismas music. One of my favorite Christmas songs is the old German hymn that many of us know as "Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming." I was humming

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a map with PROC SGPLOT

Did you know that you can use the POLYGON statement in PROC SGPLOT to draw a map? The graph at the left shows the 48 contiguous states of the US, overlaid with markers that indicate the locations of major cities. The plot was created by using the POLYGON statement, which

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Broken Axis Redux

Often when the data includes some extreme difference in measures or some outliers, the plot of the data points can get skewed due to the need to accommodate the extreme outliers.  The bulk of the observations get squeezed into a smaller region of the plot.  While this may be useful

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a cascade chart in SAS

Sometimes different communities use the same name for different objects. To a soldier, "boots" are rugged, heavy, high-top foot coverings. To a soccer (football) player, "boots" are lightweight cleats. So it is with the term "waterfall plot." To researchers in the medical field, a "waterfall plot" is a sorted bar

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a waterfall plot in SAS

In clinical trials, a waterfall plot is often used to indicate how patients in the study responded to treatment. In oncology trials, the response variable might be the percent change in the size of a tumor from the individual's baseline value at the start of the trial. The percent change

Rick Wicklin 0
Binary heart in SAS

The xkcd comic often makes me think and laugh. The comic features physics, math, and statistics among its topics. Many years ago, the comic showed a "binary heart": a grid of binary (0/1) numbers with the certain numbers colored red so that they formed a heart. Some years later, I

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Cancer Deaths Averted

Significant progress in reduction of Cancer mortality is shown in a graph that I noticed recently on the Cancer Network web site.  This graph showed the actual and projected cancer mortality by year for males.  The graph is shown on the right. The graph plots the projected and actual numbers

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Marker Symbols

There has been much discussion on the SAS Communities page on usage of different symbols in a graph.  The solutioin can vary based on the SAS release.  New features have been added at SAS 9.4 releases to SG Procedures and GTL that make this very easy.  With SAS 9.4M1, almost any combination is

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Custom Labels

Over the Christmas Holidays I saw an graph of agricultural exports to Russia in 2013.  The part that caught my eye was the upper part of the graph, showing the breakdown of the trade with Russia as a horizontal stacked bar with custom labels. The value for each region / country

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Fun with Bar Charts

As Sheldon Cooper would say, this is the first episode of "Fun with Charts".  I did not find a cool term like "Vexillology" and "Cartography" is taken by map making, so let us go with "Chartology". Yesterday, I saw a couple of interesting bar charts as shown on the right.  I thought

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Clinical Graphs

This week I had the opportunity to present a 1/2 day seminar on creating clinical graphs using the SG procedures during an In-House SAS Users' group meeting.  I have presented this seminar quite a few times now, and I always learn something. The audience was very receptive, with some people

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Overlay Bar Charts

A couple of days back, Rick Wicklin forwarded me a link to an article on the BadHessian Blog on creating a Bar Chart using six different freeware packages in R, Python and Julia.   The target bar chart was one produced by the Jetpack stat module with WordPress.  The graph is shown below. The unique feature of

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Sochi Medal Graphs

The attention of the world is now on Sochi and the Winter Games.  Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are being earned by these amazing athletes, and everyone has an eye on the tally.  Andre sent me a link to TRinker's R Blog, showing a graph of the current tally.  Andre

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
More symbols, you say?

Users have often expressed the need for more marker symbols.  ODS Graphics supports over  30 scalable marker symbols, both filled and empty.  As mentioned in an earlier article, with SAS 9.4, filled markers can now have outlines and fills, and can also have special effects. Also with SAS 9.4, now you

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
R U Graphing with SAS?

In recent conversations with many SAS users at NESUG, SESUG and WUSS, a pattern emerges on the question of creating graphs with SAS or R.  Many SAS users are aware of the new graph features in SAS that create high quality graphs with minimum fuss.  But, many have not actually used

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