Search Results: styleattrs (148)

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Image backgrounds

As many of the regular readers of this blog know, SGPLOT and GTL, provide extensive tools to build complex graphs by layering plot statements together.  These plots work with axes, legends and attribute maps to create graphs that can scale easily to different data. There are, however, many instances where

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Should we move to Ireland?

Recently, while browsing health care data, I came across the graph shown below.  The graph includes the healthy life expectancy at birth by countries in the EU, along with the associated per capita expenditure.  The graph also shows estimate of potential gain in life expectancy by increasing expenditure efficiency. The

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Scatter with box

Previously, I discussed ways to create a Box Plot with Stat Table and Markers in the linked article.  One of the graphs showed a Box Plot of Cholesterol by Death cause along with the display of the actual observations.  The main goal for that article was display of statistics with

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a Koch snowflake with SAS

I have a fondness for fractals. In previous articles, I've used SAS to create some of my favorite fractals, including a fractal Christmas tree and the "devil's staircase" (Cantor ) function. Because winter is almost here, I think it is time to construct the Koch snowflake fractal in SAS. A

Rick Wicklin 0
Highlight forecast regions in graphs

A SAS customer asked how to use background colors and a dashed line to emphasize the forecast region for a graph that shows a time series model. The task requires the following steps: Use the ATTRPRIORITY=NONE option on the ODS GRAPHICS statement to make sure that the current ODS style

Rick Wicklin 0
Compute highest density regions in SAS

In a scatter plot, the regions where observations are packed tightly are areas of high density. A contour plot or heat map of a bivariate kernel density estimate (KDE) is one way to visualize regions of high density. A SAS customer asked whether it is possible to use SAS to

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graph Table with Class

As often is the case, this article is prompted by a recent post on the SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics page communities page.  A user wanted to create a Graph Table showing a bar chart with tabular data for each of the category values along the x-axis.  The user was creatively using

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Polar Graph - Wind Rose

Last week I posted an article on displaying polar graph using SAS.  When the measured data (R, Theta) are in the polar coordinates as radius and angle, then this data can be easily transformed into the XY space using the simple transform shown below.     x=r*cos(theta * PI / 180);     y=r*sin(theta * PI

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Directed Link Networks

A few weeks ago I posted an article describing how to display simple Network Diagrams with Curved Links using SGPLOT procedure.  The key requirement is that the node positions have to be computed by user.  Often, for simple diagrams, nodes can be positioned using a simple layered layout.  Separately, I also

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Diagrams with curved links

Let us continue with our journey beyond standard plots and charts.  Often we need to create some simple diagrams to visualize the connections between different entities such as patients and providers or even a social network. Many of you may not have a custom tool to create diagrams.  But you have Base SAS, so

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics Bar Chart

Last week I posted an article on creating Infographics using SAS.   The interest shown by the SAS community in this topic came as a surprise.  Also, it so happened by coincidence, a SAS users also  called into Tech Support just about the same time with a query about creating  Infographics type graph