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SAS Korea 0
SAS Viya와 인공지능, SAS 글로벌 포럼 개막의 주인공들을 소개합니다!

지금 바로 미국 플로리다 주 올랜도에서 열리고 있는 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼(SAS Global Forum) 2017’을 실시간 생중계를 통해 확인해보세요! 개막 세션 하이라이트부터 개별 포럼의 주요 소식을 모두 확인할 수 있습니다. 올해 SAS 글로벌 포럼은 시작부터 기록적인 참여율로 만원을 이뤘습니다. 짐 굿나잇 CEO는 행사장인 월트 디즈니(Walt Disney) 리조트가 혁신을 기념하기에 더없이 완벽하다고 말했는데요. 그는

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Marcie Montague 0
Impressive technology, surprising connections

Two minutes in, I knew the 2017 SAS Global Forum Technology Connection would not be typical or average. For one thing, it was SAS Chief Technology Officer Oliver Schabenberger's show, and nothing he does is ever typical or average. The first surprise of the morning was his entrance. He zoomed onto the stage on a Segway, using slight

Analytics | SAS Events
Mike F. Smith 0
Promise and uncertainty in the ISO marketplace: Four things you should know

Operators of transmission networks and wholesale electric markets – ISOs (Independent System Operator) and RTOs (Regional Transmission Organizations) – have undergone sweeping changes in recent years, and the pace won’t be letting up anytime soon. With opportunities ranging from the growth of renewables to newly data-rich operating environments, and challenges

Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management | SAS Events
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
SAS코리아, “글로벌 자금세탁 규제 대응 위한 방안 모색 서둘러야”

주요 금융사 준법감시실 자금세탁방지 담당자 대상 ‘자금세탁 규제 대응 전략 세미나’ 개최 글로벌 자금세탁방지 규제 동향 및 SAS 솔루션 활용한 규제 대응 방안 공유 자금세탁방지 규제 위반 시 재정적 피해는 물론 기업 명성에도 부정적 영향...빅데이터 분석 통한 유연한 대응 필요 2017년 3월 15일, 서울 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(쌔스)코리아(가 15일

Analytics | Internet of Things | SAS Events
Emanuela Sferco 0
A SAS Forum Milan l'inimmaginabile è già a portata di mano

Il contesto che stiamo vivendo oggi è rappresentato perfettamente dalle parole di Moshe Vardi, professore di Computer Science alla University of Texas e esperto mondiale di robotica. Secondo Vardi, i progressi della scienza robotica e dell’intelligenza artificiale produrranno cambiamenti così drastici e repentini nel nostro modo di vivere e di fare business

SAS Administrators | SAS Events
Margaret Crevar 0
Resources for SAS Administrators at SAS Global Forum 2017 … and beyond

Editor's note (4/11/17): Full proceedings from SAS Global Forum 2017 (including for the presentations mentioned in this blog) can be found at SAS Global Forum 2017 is just a month away and, if you’re a SAS administrator, it’s a great place to meet your peers, share your experiences and attend

SAS Events
Amanda Farnsworth 0
Bringing teams together

Editor's note: Amanda Farnsworth is Head of Visual Journalism at BBC News and a featured speaker at SAS Global Forum 2017, April 2-5, 2017 in Orlando. There was a best selling book some years ago called “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.” It’s a phrase I thought

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | SAS Events
SAS Poland 0
SAS® Visual Investigator – the new dimension of use of advanced SAS analytics

Today, fraud detection in the areas of financial services, citizen services and national security is becoming an increasingly relevant challenge for both private organisations and government agencies. The ubiquity of the internet, the e‑commerce boom and growing volumes of data processed in clouds necessitate the implementation of advanced IT tools.

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