La industria aseguradora lleva años apoyándose en la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), concretamente en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP), para automatizar sus procesos más complejos y mejorar así su eficiencia. Sin embargo, con la llegada de la IA generativa y los grandes modelos de lenguaje (LLM) se ha acelerado la
Tag: insurance
Much of the discussion around how to manage the advanced forms of artificial intelligence—machine learning, generative AI, large language models—deals with them only as technologies. This is a mistake. Like any employee, AI must be onboarded to learn "how we do things around here." Advanced forms of AI have characteristics
Artículo escrito por Violeta Gállego y Oscar Saavedra La inteligencia artificial en los agentes permitirá descubrir una visión de agentes 360 que nunca antes habíamos imaginado. ¿Qué es el agente 360 ? Es un conjunto de iniciativas que permiten identificar los agentes con mayor rendimiento y asegurar su retención. Además, permite optimizar las
Have you ever been in a meeting and heard, “We should leave that to the IT department to figure out. That’s a system thing”? I have observed this attitude among insurance professionals my whole career. It was almost as if anything that had to do with IT systems was radioactive!
Durante la última década, la inteligencia artificial ha evolucionado para dar respuesta a la necesidad de gestionar volúmenes ingentes de datos que no paran de aumentar. Ahora, se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible para las empresas. De hecho, según nuestro estudio ‘Resiliency Rules’, el 92% de los directivos españoles
Insurers have faced significant headwinds in the last few years. The insurtech market continues to grow, even if it’s had the wind taken out of its sails recently due to funding for start-ups drying up and following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. But another contender and digital disruptor has
What if, 12 months ago, someone bet you that a technology was coming in the next year that would cause great excitement and great fear in all businesses, industries and geographies? Would you have taken that bet? Of course, now we know that the technology is generative AI. Popularized by
Insurers, chief financial officers (CFOs) and actuaries will face overwhelming changes and challenges in the year ahead. These include compliance with new regulatory and solvency standards, pricing insurance premiums in line with inflation and other economic factors, addressing climate risk and ESG concerns, and adapting to new technologies. The impact
SAS Hackathon team, Data Hack Freaks, created an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based dynamic pricing approach that allows insurance providers to adjust pricing based on the changing nature of the risk behavior of their customers. This solution has three major components: The loss ratio score, telematics score
The perfect storm of challenges facing insurers is well-known to anyone working in the industry today. Some have been bubbling away for years – such as the competition from insurtech companies and non-insurance firms like manufacturers, the rising cost of claims, and internal inefficiencies. As the tough economic climate continues
Tal y como comentamos durante el evento realizado con Expansión y McKinsey en nuestras oficinas, en el contexto de incertidumbre actual, las aseguradoras han tenido que subirse al tren de la digitalización para seguir creciendo. La crisis del COVID como acelerador de la digitalización en el sector seguros En un
Los acontecimientos de los últimos años han cambiado radicalmente el panorama en el que se desenvuelven las empresas aseguradoras. La pandemia, las amenazas de una recesión económica, la inestabilidad de las cadenas de suministro, e incluso el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania han movido todas las piezas y acelerado la
Customer acquisition and retention primarily fall on sales and marketing teams. But every department within an insurance company has a role to play in these activities. Claims handling is a great example. Any insurer's performance at this emotionally charged time is their litmus test. It can determine whether customers renew
Fast 200 Todesopfer (davon 134 allein im Ahrtal), 33 Milliarden Euro an Sachschäden – das Hochwasser im Ahrtal 2021 war die teuerste Naturkatastrophe der europäischen Geschichte. Und weniger als ein Viertel der betroffenen Assets war versichert. Wer die Risiken von Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturereignissen früher erkennen und präziser einschätzen will,
La tecnología o la experiencia de cliente son algunos de los factores que más peso están adquiriendo en la evolución que vive el sector Seguros. Así, en los últimos años estamos observando un interés cada vez mayor en la ciencia de datos y aplicaciones de machine learning de las compañías
En el sector Seguros el precio es fundamental. Se trata de un tipo de productos que los clientes saben que es necesario contratar, pero esperan no tener que usarlos nunca, por lo que, en teoría y tradicionalmente, quieren pagar por ellos lo menos posible. Por su parte, las compañías de
En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a una profunda transformación del sector Seguros, impulsada fundamentalmente por la tecnología. Gracias a ella, las organizaciones ya disponen de información de gran valor que les permite adoptar un enfoque mucho más centrado en el cliente e incluso anticiparse a sus necesidades. Pero para
The pandemic has definitely left its mark on the scale of the fraud we’re witnessing in the insurance industry. The key reason behind this is the economic recession. Whenever we observed a decline in a country’s GDP, an increase in fraud rates followed. When GDP fell by an average of
The process changes that are taking place in the insurance world are massive. More and more insurance companies allow for remote sales of life products and entire sales processes have been simplified for the benefit of the customer. However, opportunities for abuse arose with them as well. A simpler process
The introduction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s new policy on pricing practices in the general insurance market is one of the biggest shake-ups the insurance industry has seen in more than a decade. It’s not just a significant implementation challenge that needs to be delivered in a short deadline.
Para fechar o Insurance Summit 2021, o evento contou com uma mesa-redonda com a presença de executivos do setor. Participaram Fabio Morita, CDO da Porto Seguro; Alexandre Putini, diretor de transformação digital da SulAmerica, e Denise Ciavatta, CIO da HDI Seguros, para debater temas como transformação digital, inovação aberta, tendências
Eduardo Polidoro, diretor de negócios de IoT da Claro, falou sobre o potencial da internet das coisas na digitalização dos negócios e o impacto no setor de seguros Keynote speaker da primeira edição do SAS Insurance Summit, Eduardo Polidoro, diretor de negócios de IoT da Claro, abordou em sua palestra
Em palestra no Insurance Summit 2021, Agustin Terrile, consultor especializado em seguros do SAS, mostrou um pouco das mudanças do IFRS17 do ponto de vista da estimativa de fluxos de caixa e demonstrou as etapas para um modelo acurado e ágil. Terille começou falando sobre o motor de cálculo e
Na palestra “Agent Gaming no setor de Seguros”, Kim Kuster, consultora de negócios em Inteligência de Segurança do SAS, explicou o que é agent gaming e como a prática impacta na área de seguros. Além disso, mostrou alguns casos de sucesso no combate a esse tipo de fraude e fez
By Paul Ridge, Head of Insurance, SAS UK & Ireland Black swan events are not unknown to the insurance industry. Whether it’s natural disasters such as the Japanese earthquake in 2011, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 or pandemics such as the SARS virus in 2002. By their nature, these kinds
I’ve never seen so much evidence from within the insurance industry that we’re on the cusp of a fundamental change. Given the disruption we’ve witnessed over the last 12 months, and the level of uncertainty that persists, it’s very difficult to generalise and predict how the industry will change as
Many countries in Europe have in previous years experienced increased price competition for general insurance products. Especially in Southern Europe, the competition has been very fierce, fueled by online price comparison websites. In Spain, Portugal and Greece, there has been a substantial drop in average premiums for products like motor,
Sanal etkinliğimiz Beyond Tomorrow öncesinde Eureko Sigorta’nın Data Studio Lideri Özlem Odar ile görüşme imkanı buldum. Hepimizin bildiği gibi Türkiye'nin öncü sigorta firmaları arasında yer alan Eureko Sigorta, hasar yönetimi ve risk değerlendirme konusundaki uzmanlığı ile alanında lider konumda olan uluslararası bir yapıya sahip. Avrupa'nın 6 ülkesinde 22.000 çalışanıyla dünyanın
“Los seguros no se piensan… se toman, porque los siniestros no se planean... llegan” Hoy nos sumergiremos en la actividad aseguradora, pero no sin antes mencionar que en el mundo de los sommelier se comenta, con humor, que los seguros son como el vino… si usted no nota la diferencia
Most insurance companies depend on human expertise and business rules-based software to protect themselves from fraud. However, people move on. And the drive for digital transformation and process automation means data and scenarios change faster than you can update the rules. Machine learning has the potential to allow insurers to