Cada vez mais as ferramentas de IA apoiam a tomada de decisão e ajudam na criação modelos que identificam tendências e padrões de comportamentos que, juntamente com regras de negócios, permitem que as empresas tomem decisões mais assertivas, seja qual for sua área de atuação. As análises mais avançadas incluem
Tag: data mining
The global demand for analytics talent persists, with organisations facing challenges finding qualified individuals to support their growth. McKinsey’s recent survey revealed a significant shortage of skilled practitioners for the most in-demand tech skills, with less than 50% of the required professionals available worldwide. Despite the well-known STEM skills gap,
“Change is hard for a lot of people, but it's especially hard in higher education,” says Cali M. Davis, Assistant Professor, Troy University. From changing jobs to changing student attention spans, Davis has experienced a lot of change over her career. She spoke about her experience recently at SAS Explore
For some, knowing what you want to do for a job comes very early in life. These people define their purpose and that calling crystallizes in their formative years during schooling and the pathway from education into the workforce feels linear. For many others, finding what they want to do
SAS® Fast-KPCA implementation bypasses the limitations of exact KPCA methods. SAS® internally uses k-means to find a representative sample of a subset of points. This row reduction method has the advantage that c centroids are chosen to minimize the variation of points nearest to each centroid and maximize the variation to the other cluster centroids. In some cases, the downstream effect of using k-means on computing the SVD increases numerical stability and improves clustering, discrimination, and classification.
Have you heard that SAS offers a collection of new, high-performance CAS procedures that are compatible with a multi-threaded approach? The free e-book Exploring SAS® Viya®: Data Mining and Machine Learning is a great resource to learn more about these procedures and the features of SAS® Visual Data Mining and
Are you ready to get a jump start on the new year? If you’ve been wanting to brush up your SAS skills or learn something new, there’s no time like a new decade to start! SAS Press is releasing several new books in the upcoming months to help you stay
Generating a word cloud (also known as a tag cloud) is a good way to mine internet text. Word (or tag) clouds visually represent the occurrence of keywords found in internet data such as Twitter feeds.
Several weeks ago, I wrote about practical advice from a Chief Data Scientist in my blog “From Aristotle to Pi: Practical advice from a chief data scientist.” Now I want to offer my advice as a newbie trying to navigate through machine learning concepts and how to code them. Over
We all have different learning styles. Some learn best by seeing and doing; others by listening to lectures in a traditional classroom; still others simply by diving in and asking questions along the way. Traditional face-to-face classroom instruction, real-time classes over the Internet, or self-paced instruction with exercises, SAS Education
Planeación y optimización, la fórmula para las empresas demand-driven Sus clientes tienen mucho qué decir; más de lo que usted cree. ¿Los está escuchando? No necesariamente tiene que charlar con ellos cuando realizan una compra –en la tienda o el portal de comercio electrónico. Lo que comunican va más allá
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION STANDARDS is an organisation defining international standards in business communication and presenting proposals relating to designing easy-to-understand business reports and presentations.
In the fourth post of the 10 Commandments of Applied Econometrics series we discussed the issues of keeping the solutions sensibly simple and applying model validation. Today, I will present another commandment related to data mining techniques. Use data mining reasonably. In the econometric community, data mining is a controversial and highly emotional
Blog articles often follow the same structure: starting with an appealing title, then telling the story and ending up with a suggestion to deepen that topic. Let's try to spice up a little bit this and to revert the article structure! I want to first talk about the suggestion: SAS Viya
Mal ehrlich, wenn ich Sie fragen würde, worüber die Kandidaten im diesjährigen US-Wahlkampf in ihren Aufeinandertreffen debattiert haben – welche Kernthemen würden Sie mir spontan (abseits von Skandalen und Affären) nennen? Und könnten Sie diese Kernthemen den einzelnen Kandidaten zuordnen? Als ich mir diese Frage stellte, war die Antwort –
W czwartym wpisie z serii 10 przykazań Ekonometrii Stosowanej poruszyliśmy kwestie związane z zachowaniem prostoty i jasności stosowanych rozwiązań oraz weryfikacją modeli. Dziś przedstawię kolejne przykazanie, które wiąże się z wykorzystaniem technik data mining. 7. Data mining stosuj z rozwagą. Data mining jest w środowisku ekonometrycznym pojęciem kontrowersyjnym i budzącym
Who says machine learning can't be fun? A crew of us from SAS went to San Francisco for the recent KDD conference, which bills itself as "a premier interdisciplinary conference, [which]brings together researchers and practitioners from data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data." We brought
Man könnte fast meinen, es sei das bestgehütete Geheimnis des SAS® Enterprise Miner. Kaum jemand kennt es. Dabei war es schon immer da – fast. Ab Version 5.1 (2004). Es heißt EM5BATCH Makro und – Sie ahnen es schon – 5 wegen der damaligen Version 5. Es kommt so unscheinbar
Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (intelligente Maschinen) sorgt nach wie vor für Verwirrung und Unsicherheit. Ängstliche Fragen wie „Sind Roboter bald intelligenter als Menschen?“ und „Werden sie uns die Arbeitsplätze wegnehmen?“ bestimmen die Schlagzeilen – auch bei gut informierten Fachmedien. Selbst Stephen Hawking warnt vor künstlicher Intelligenz und der Tesla-Chef gar
Optimization for machine learning is essential to ensure that data mining models can learn from training data in order to generalize to future test data. Data mining models can have millions of parameters that depend on the training data and, in general, have no analytic definition. In such cases, effective models
When you go to the grocery store, you see that items of a similar nature are displayed nearby to each other. When you organize the clothes in your closet, you put similar items together (e.g. shirts in one section, pants in another). Every personal organizing tip on the web to
A study from MONEY and found SAS analytics skills to be most valuable.
Machen wir doch gemeinsam eine kleine Zeitreise in die Zukunft. Es ist Freitag, der 29. April 2016, der Tag nach der größten Konferenz für Business Intelligence im deutschsprachigen Raum, dem SAS Forum Deutschland. Und wir lauschen dem Bericht zweier Teilnehmer des SAS Forum Deutschland, die sich über die Highlights des
Neben dem 40 jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Software Firma SAS gibt es 2016 auch das 20 jährige KSFE - Jubiläum der Kooperation der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung zu feiern, und zwar in der ältesten Universität Schwedens.
It is said that everything is big in Texas, and that includes big data. During my recent trip to Austin I had the privilege of being a judge in the final round of the Texata Big Data World Championship, a fantastic example of big data competitions. It felt fitting that
When SAS Scotland gave students 48 hours to build a prototype computer system to help increase police effectiveness, nine teams accepted the challenge. The venue was the University of Glasgow's Hackathon, one of the largest student hackathons in the UK, attracting 200 attendees. SAS Scotland has co-sponsored the event for the past three
PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within
PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within
On the first day of Big Data Analytics my colleagues sent to me: A data scientist discussing a decision tree On the second day of Big Data Analytics my colleagues sent to me: Two business analysts and A data scientist discussing a decision tree On the third day of Big Data Analytics my
Do you use an array of tools to perform predictive analytics on your data? Is your current tool not flexible enough to accommodate some of your requirements? SAS Enterprise Miner may be your solution. With growing number of data mining applications, having a tool which can do variety of analysis