En la actualidad, los modelos analíticos son herramientas esenciales para tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Desde prever tendencias hasta optimizar operaciones, los modelos analíticos dependen en gran medida de la calidad de los datos de entrada. La precisión, integridad y relevancia de estos datos son cruciales para obtener resultados confiables
Tag: Data Analytics
Dans le paysage technologique actuel, les données synthétiques, nouveau sous ensemble de l’IA générative, apportent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour la création des modèles d'intelligence artificielle. Contrairement aux données traditionnelles, pouvant être limitées par des contraintes de biais, de quantité, ou encore des contraintes de confidentialité et de conformité,
A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
En los últimos años, la ciencia de datos ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial y se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para las estrategias de las organizaciones en todas las industrias. Sin embargo, para los data scientist experimentados, el panorama del dato se encuentra en un proceso de cambio constante.
Adopting analytics and AI in the public sector is changing how governments make decisions. Technology improves the efficiency and transparency of work processes, positively impacting service delivery to increasingly demanding citizens. However, many government organizations still need help fully embracing a data-driven culture. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the
No ano passado, assistimos a uma revolução notável no desenvolvimento de modelos generativos de IA e na sua adoção generalizada por indivíduos e empresas. Dois exemplos claros foram o ChatGPT e o DALL-E da OpenAI que, em apenas alguns meses, conseguiram conquistar milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo, garantindo
Atraer, añadir valor o retener clientes no es tarea fácil. Especialmente en un contexto cada vez más competitivo, donde los consumidores que, generalmente apuestan por sus marcas de confianza pero que están abiertos a nuevas opciones, disponen de amplias ofertas atractivas a golpe de click. Recomendar ofertas de valor de forma
Artículo escrito por Violeta Gállego y Oscar Saavedra La inteligencia artificial en los agentes permitirá descubrir una visión de agentes 360 que nunca antes habíamos imaginado. ¿Qué es el agente 360 ? Es un conjunto de iniciativas que permiten identificar los agentes con mayor rendimiento y asegurar su retención. Además, permite optimizar las
No passado dia 25 de maio, aproveitámos a presença da equipa de gestão a nível global do SAS na cosmopolita Madrid para nos reunirmos com os nossos clientes e parceiros, que já consideramos amigos, para abordar um tema tão em voga como a analítica avançada sob diferentes ângulos no nosso
SAS integration with Microsoft Word empowers you to streamline your company’s data analysis, enhance reporting capabilities, and unlock valuable marketing insights, all with the power of SAS Viya.
From within PowerPoint, you can use the SAS menu available through SAS for Microsoft 365, to access SAS Visual Analytics reports' graphical visuals.
By simply logging into SAS Viya from Outlook, data visualizations can give you immediate information about key metrics and business performance through AI-powered explanations.
Using SAS for Microsoft 365, you can enhance your Excel spreadsheets with additional insights from SAS Viya via one seamless integrated experience.
The concept of sustainability has evolved significantly over the past few years. It is no longer just a trendy buzzword but has become an essential element of business models. Major multinational companies such as IKEA, PepsiCo and Amazon lead sustainability transformation by setting ambitious goals and implementing new initiatives. IKEA
Actualmente los datos de la gran distribución no forman parte de la cuenta de resultados, pero es el activo que deberían monetizar con mayor urgencia. Gracias a este análisis avanzado se puede mejorar el margen de la compañía y aumentar la eficiencia de diferentes procesos. En este artículo vamos a
A digitalização acelerada ao longo dos anos desde a Covid-19 deixou alguns legados para organizações, e a importância de construir uma cultura baseada em dados está entre eles. Afinal, dados impulsionaram a criação de novos modelos de negócio, mas também transformaram a forma pela qual empresas operam, administram seus talentos
SAS Summercamp brings innovations to next level The words curious, passionate, accountable and authentic best describe the atmosphere around the SAS office in Huizen during the SAS D[N]A Lab Summercamp 2022. From 16-19 August, the Dutch SAS office was transformed into a real Summercamp, including an actual campsite. During this
My recent work has focused heavily on migration, especially onto the SAS Viya platform and cloud more generally. Rather unexpectedly during this process, we have found that data observability is becoming increasingly important to customers. They start simply by looking at tracing files, but soon find that it has a
DataOps is rapidly turning from a fragmented usage of some tools popular in the software development world into a modern approach to data & analytics engineering with its own best practices and recommended technologies. While the goal of DataOps – delivering data and analytical insights of the highest quality faster
Data is crucial for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, the rapid availability of data is a challenge due to increasingly strict privacy regulations. A possible solution is to use synthetic data. Gartner predicts by 2024 that 60% of the data used to develop AI and analytics applications
You’ve probably heard of DevOps, but do you know about DataOps? It builds on the DevOps approach to provide huge benefits in unlocking business value from data. Many people have heard of DevOps, even if they don’t know precisely what it means. It is an agile approach to software development,
After two years of virtual events we finally got the chance to attend (an in-person event at) the Gartner Data & AI Summit that took place in London. Keen to take advantage of the combined knowledge and experience of the +1500 attendees, we decided to ask them a question at
Anekdoten aus dem wahren Leben im Umgang mit fehlenden Werten: taktisch, manipulativ, ignorant, professionell, oder gar blitzschnell… Bevor die Menschheit mit Aufzeichnungen durch Chroniken und Messungen begonnen hat, gab es nur subjektive Informationen über Menschen, Natur und Gesellschaft. Objektive Informationen in der heutigen Form von Datentabellen fehlten vollkommen und sind auch
Just over a year ago, SAS and Microsoft announced their strategic partnership. Since then we have been working together to provide the best experience and value to our customers as they migrate to the cloud. Here are six milestones you should know about; each highlights the early success of the two industry giants. The start of
We kunnen er niet meer omheen, data en analytics zijn overal aanwezig in ons dagelijks leven. In organisaties groot en klein wordt de behoefte om eindelijk eens iets met de data te gaan doen alsmaar sterker. We kunnen zo enkele vraagstukken in onze samenleving opnoemen die we met data en
Gemeenten krijgen nogal wat kritiek te verduren. Er is geen twijfel dat sommige beter kunnen, maar vele zijn sterk gericht op het leveren van hoogwaardige diensten voor hun burgers. Echter, deze 'goed nieuws' verhalen komen zelden in de pers - zelfs niet in de lokale kranten in rustige weken. Zoals
A blog article by Ali Alajme , Director of Health Information Systems, Ministry of Health & Prevention Bashar Balish, Senior Director & Client Leader - Cerner Middle East & Africa Marcel Yammine, General Manager, Gulf and Emerging Markets (GEM) - SAS Digital transformation of the healthcare sector has seen
The pandemic may have other implications for manufacturing. For example, we could see factories moving away from a reliance on physical labour.
Mensen, die door een dwarslaesie gebonden zijn aan een rolstoel, weer laten opstaan en lopen met behulp van technologische ondersteuning. Dat is het doel waar Project MARCH zich voor inzet. Het team, bestaande uit 26 studenten van o.a. de Technische Universiteit Delft en Haagse Hoogeschool, zetten een jaar lang hun
Remember back to your early school days, singing with all your classmates “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!” and then we’d all clap our hands. Being happy back then was so simple. Today, it’s hard to get away from all the negative headlines of 2020! It’s